Chapter 3 - Mission 'Bring Her Back'

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Amethyst and Steven were at home playing board games. The purple gem was too bored and lazy to go on a mission with Pearl and Garnet, so she stayed with Steven. One and a half hours passed since I left to meet up with Ronaldo. Amethyst was wondering why I was gone for so long, so she asked Steven. "When do you think (Y/N) will come back?" The boy shrugged "Not sure, Amethyst. Whenever she wants to" "I know, but she usually texts us if she's gone for longer". In the same moment, I opened the door and entered the house. "Hello guys!" The two imediately looked at me, being surprised I came just as they were talking about me. "Speaking of which..." Amethyst whispered to Steven and he could only smile. The gem walked towards me. "Well well well, if it ain't the little lover." Lover? I didn't understand and raised an eyebrow. She grinned "How was your little date with good ol' Fryman?" a soft blush entered my cheeks "Huh? N-No, this wasn't a---" Amethyst laughed at my nervousness. She loved to tease me, wich was in fact funny sometimes. "I just...walked around town with him, nothing special." Suddenly, Steven jumped up and looked at me with sparkling eyes. "Did you finally kiss?"  ((....Really now Steven...?)) "No Stevie, we didn't kiss. We had an awful mature conversation" I told him ironically. "Oh really? 'How' mature exactly?" Amethyst teased me again. "...You guys are killing me right now..." At least I was laughing with them this time. I could never stay mad at these two forever, not even Garnet or Pearl. But then Amethyst changed the topic "Aaaaanyways...wanna play da board game with us?"  "Sure!" I smiled "I would love to play that one, I've been looking forward to it."

So we spend some time playing games together. We all shared some small laughs and jokes, I was happy to finally think of something else. Before we finished one of the games, the warp teleported Pearl back. I gasped in exitement as soon as I noticed her "Hey Pearl! Would you like to play with us?" Pearl seemed to be very thoughtful, as to think of something serious. But she looked at me as soon as she finished thinking. "Oh! No thank you, I have buisness to attempt to. Maybe another time" "So you have some 'Bismuth' to attempt to?" Amethyst suddenly let out the most painful pun I could've think of at that moment. The Pearl facepalmed in annoyment and let out a little growl. She tried to calm herself and be patient again "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be--" she stopped Amethyst right in time from letting out another pun with a cold stare. Amethyst could only giggle. Pearl turned around, murmuring something to herself and entering her room. "Why is she so busy lately?" Steven wondered. Amethyst shrugged, obviously not carring much about it. "Ehh, who cares. That's Pearl" But I had to give Steven credit... There was definetly something going on lately. I didn't know what, yet. I was actually pretty interested in finding out though.

It was 10PM. Garnet told Steven and me to get ourselves ready for bed. I sometimes had arguments with her, telling her that I'm not a child anymore. And I didn't even want to go to bed that 'early' as I liked to call it. But I was always frightened by Garnet's stare as soon as she took off her glasses. So I didn't even want to think about making arguments with her again. I washed my face while Steven brushed his teeth. "Hey, sis?" I looked at him after drying my face "Yes, Steven?"  "Have you also noticed that something's the matter lately?" Nodding in agreement, I gently squeezed the towel I had in my hands. I made eye contact with Steven "Things are pretty weird lately...I really can't figure out why." After a silent moment, Steven gasped and his eyes started to sparkle. He obviously had an idea. "(Y/N)! How about we find out what the reason it?" "That's exactly what I'm thinking, little bro! I would love to find it out with you!" My brother hugged my belly, grinning cheerfully. I started to whisper " about we sneak out check what's going on. We'll be like..." Steven finished the sentence for me with exitement in his voice "...spies!" "Exactly!" I winked at him.

Garnet watched over me and Steven to see if wereally fell asleep. She waited about one hour or two, then decided to leave and attent to some duties. As soon as Steven and I heard her being teleported by the warp, we winked to eachother and got up from our beds. The two of us decided to put on our slippers. "Do you think she'll predict our mission through her future vision...?" I chuckled "But Steven, she has much more important stuff to do than worrying about us, riiiight?" He gave me credit for that one. My look turned to the bismuth stone that was laying on the window sill. It shined from the reflection of the moon. "What about that?" I whispered to Steven. He let out a thoughtful 'Hmm..' Maybe this could be useful somehow? "We can take that with us!" I agreed and took the stone with me. Steven and I tried to be as quiet as possible, looking for clues of where the gems could be. After a little moment, I came up with an idea "Maybe they're at the warp pad!" Steven tilted his head "Why would they be there?" Actually, yes. Why would they? They only go there to teleport themselves to serious missions. "I don't know...they usually don't have so many missions." Steven nodded "Yeah...and if there was something really serious going on, they would tell us." I started to walk around in circles, thinking a lot. Then, Steven had an idea too "The temple!" I looked at him "Temple? And what makes you think that?"  "I think I know what's going on! Everything makes sense now!" Steven tried to be like a super detective. Too adorable to handle though..."Well then, Sherlock, tell me what you have in mind" I sat down next to him. "Remember when they brought that Bismuth stone here? I'm sure they didn't brought it for no reason." " has something to do with the Bismuth stone?" He nodded, being proud of himself that he found out these things. "They miss Bismuth!!" Oh my, that gem again. I wasn't exactly sick of hearing about her, but oh so many negative thoughts came back.  "Do you think...they want to bring her back? Or at least see her again?" My voice was neutral, but Steven immediately responsed. "Yes! Definetly! She has been a close friend to them, it would actually be neat if she became a true member of the Crystal Gems again." At that moment, I stopped caring about all my negative feelings and decided to look into the future. "Alright Steven! We will bring her back! Let us make a surprise for the gems." It almost seemed like the little boy was about to explode from exitement. "Ohhhh I can't wait to--" My sweet smile turned into a cold stare "But if she ever lays a finger on you, I will crush her..." I wasn't kidding. No. One. Hurts. My. Brother. Steven got nervous " offense, but she is pretty strong...Actually, too strong. I don't want you to get in trouble with her!"  "We'll see about that! Deal?" I offered a handshake to Steven. He grabbed my hand with both of his and shook it "Deal!~"

Finally, I felt the area getting warmer with every step I took. We were getting closer and closer to the temple. Steven and I went to the magic room and told it to bring us there. As soon as we entered the temple, we were surprised seeing so many gems bubbled away. It looked like there were around hundred, or even thousands of gems. " harder than I expected..." Steven said, studying all the gems. "Let's just hope for the best and look for the gem!" Steven and I exchanged a determined smile and nod. I didn't thought about how long that took. 30 minutes, one hour? Well, I didn't care. But I did want to sit down and have a thoughtful minute. ((Let's can we find it...there must be something we can do...)) gently stroking my gem, I drifted away into my mind, thinking of a solution. Suddenly, the Bismuth Stone I took with me started to shine. Steven noticed this, turned around to face me and couldn't believe what was happening. "(Y/N)! You're brilliant!"  "" He walked up to me. "This stone might have a somewhat connection to her gem...Well...I hope so..." Determinately clenching one of his fists, he looked back at the bubbled gems. "Let's look for a shining Bismuth Gem!" Wow, I was really proud of Steven. I felt like he got wiser and smarter with every moment, even smarter than me. Nevertheless, I decided to help my brother. I suddenly noticed a shining gem in a bubble, despreately trying to reforme. "Steven! Up there!" He looked in the direction I pointed and noticed the gem. He quickly pulled out his shield to throw it at the bubble to release Bismuth. Before he was about to throw it, he whispered some small words "I...will help you" "W-Wait Steven! Maybe we should--" But Steven quickly threw his shield and popped the bubble, wich made the Bismuth's gem float down and slowly reforme. I felt shivers down my spine. I didn't know what to expect, but pulled Steven down and curled up, hugging him. As the gem started to form, I noticed her massive body structure and my heart started to beat faster in fear. I was about to see Bismuth for the first time..

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