Chapter 1 - About 'Her'

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It's saturday morning. Seagulls can be heard outside and the waves are rushing very calmly. I'm sitting on the couch with Steven. Somehow, we have nothing to talk about. That's why I sometimes took my phone out to text my friends and browse through the internet. Steven was looking very upset. His usually cheerful face looked like it lost all it's happiness. He looked down at the ground, not making any movement except blinking his eyes. ((What's wrong with him?))  I thought to myself ((He's almost never this quiet and always says something, no matter how silly it is...))

I moved closer to him, looking at him worried and putting an arm around his shoulder. "What's the matter Stevie Boo?". Steven sighed "Nothing..." It hurts my heart to see him this upset. I brushed his hair with my other hand "Come on, I feel like something's seriously bothering you". I could see Steven's eyes getting slowly teared up, as if he was about to cry very hard. "I....I just...." he wiped away his tears "There's something...that really has been upseting me....for a long time". "Tell me about it, little bro~" He looked up to me for a second, still very sad, then looked at the warp where the Gems use to come back from missions. "There has been...this gem..." A gem, huh? I listened carefully. "What gem do you mean..?" He then hugged me softly, snuggling for a minute and then giving me another look. "....Bismuth...." As I heard that name, I felt slightly shocked. I suddenly remembered what she did to Steven and all that happend. I may not have been there at that time, but from what I've heard from Amethyst, I had very dark imaginations and dreams about that gem.

"....B.....Bismuth...?"  I wanted to know whether I understood that correctly. My voice sounded quiet and very neutral. Before Steven could think of an answer, the two of us could hear the warp teleporting the gems back. "Yoo Steven, (Y/N)!" Amethyst greeted us and waved. "Just look what we have found." She pointed at something Pearl had in her hands. "Oh!" Steven got exited about what it could be and rushed to Pearl to see what she had. "What is that Pearl?" She was holding a some kind of colorful stone that had a spiral, stair-stepped structure. Steven was very familiar with that kind of structure and color. "It's..." Pearl started, but couldn't finish her sentence. "...A Bismuth" Garnet added. "Wait what!?" Steven was very surprised to hear that. I slowly walked up to see the stone too. Pearl started to explain "'s not a gem like's more of a chemical element that is unable to form a body." Steven and I didn't quite understand that and looked at eachother with a questioning look. She giggled " That means that this is just a regular Bismuth Stone, with no signs of being a gem from homeworld or the kindergarten." Now we understood. We glanced at the stone with exited eyes, admiring the beautiful color of the stone. "So...why did you bring that here...?" I asked carefully. The Crystal Gems looked at eachother worried, having the same thing in mind. "It just....reminds us of someone..." Pearl answered. Her eyes turned slightly sad and upset. Garnet looked away for a second, being very thoughtful.

Steven looked at me, giving me a light smile. I could only smile back. He then suddenly asked "Can....we have it?" Pearl gave Steven a confused look. " 'Have it' ?" "Y-Yeeahh...I know you miss 'her', and...I do remember her as well." ((Why does Steven want to 'have' that Stone? )) I wondered. ((It just gives him negative memories...does it?))  "I just thought...we could take care of it..." Garnet grinned. "We shall allow you that, Steven." "W-What?" Pearl didn't understand Garnet's answer. Garnet looked at Pearl "I trust Steven. I know he has memories of her too, not only negative. We all do." She then looked at the little boy "...And I believe it's better off in Steven and (Y/N)'s hands" Steven jumped up in happiness and hugged Garnet's legs "Thank you Garnet!" I didn't know what to say. All this talk about Bismuth made me feel... worried and scared... and I didn't know why. Come to think of the fact that she wanted to hurt my little brother. I promised myself to always protect Steven from any danger, and now I realized I couldn't protect him from 'her' back then. This made me feel guilty, and Garnet seemed to noticed that as she glanced at me.

Later that night, I couldn't sleep. My thoughts kept me awake and wouldn't let me rest. "Ughh...calm down (Y/N)....everything's okay..." I stood up from my bed and walked up to Steven's bed just to see him sleep calmly. "He's alright..." I smiled as I saw Steven curled up to his blanket, looking like an angel. I breathed in heavily, and then breathed out slowly. ((Maybe I should just get a glass of water and wait 'til I'm more tired...))  So I made my way down the stairs to walk to the kitchen. But right after I walked downstairs, I heard Garnet's voice. "Can't sleep?" I turned around to see her sitting on the couch. A smile came up on my face. "Garnet....what are you doing here?" "I saw you being upset today. I decided to keep you company." This made me giggle. " did you know I couldn't sleep?" Garnet smiled softly "Future Vision" a reflection came up on her glasses. Of could I forget. This made me feel embaressed. Garnet patted her hand on the couch next to her. As if she wanted to say 'Come, sit next to me.' I immediately understood and went to sit next to her after a thoughtful minute. The two of us were silent for a moment. I leaned on Garnets shoulder yawning. "What's on your mind, little one?" Garnet asked with a warm, motherly voice. She embraced me with one arm, waiting for my answer.

"I...." I didn't know how to put my thoughts in words. There were so many things on my mind, things I really wanted to talk about. "This 'Bismuth' Gem has been giving me a lot of doubts lately..." Another minute of silence. Garnet did not say anything, she wanted to give me time to think. I looked up to her "I feel like...I failed at being a good sister to Steven." Garnet understood what I meant. "You know...nobody can be everywhere at the same time..." "I know...but--" Suddenly I got interupted by Garnet because I didn't let her finish. "...just because you failed at protecting Steven back then, doesn't mean you're a bad sister. You're already giving him so much attention and love. Besides, I know Bismuth would've never hurt Steven" I was confused "How do you know?..." "Because I know." Another minute of silence yet again. "Bismuth has been a member of our team for thousands of years. She has a good heart and fights for what she loves and has passion for." It was actually hard for me to believe that, even when Garnet said that. And Garnet would never lie. Just the thought of Bismuth attempting to do something to Steven has made it almost impossible for me to think good about her. "You can believe me, (Y/N). She was such a good friend of ours. Who knows, maybe some day you'll get to know her" Maybe Garnet was right. Meeting her would allow me to have my own point of view about her. But I promised myself to be careful..

(Terribly sorry if my chapters turn out to be to long! I just have so much thoughts about the story x.x I still hope you enjoy it! ^^)  

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