Chapter 15 - "Stay with me"

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"Ooooohhh I just can't stop jumping around, guys! I'm so super duper excited!!!" Steven has been very hyperactive for almost the entire time since we left our house. By now, it has made me even more nervous. I'm not really the type of girl who loves to party around, or be in clubs or on partys in general. I just prefer to enjoy my free time with friends and loved once. But well, you only live once, right? Well....since I'm half gem, I'm not sure if I do live longer because of that, or whether I have the same life span as a normal human. 

"Chillaaaaax Steman, it's just a random place where lots of people gather to dance or something" Amethyst rolled her eyes "But well, I don't CARE about the people, I'm just there for the food!" I looked at her and raised an eyebrow, she started to smirk "And for you guys of course, hehe"Oh yea, what do we expect from Amethyst. She thinks about food all day. I wonder why I even thought differently. But well, I don't know her any different. We all do. That's why we love her. But as we walked downtown, I could swear I could see colorful lights just a few houses away and loud music coming from there. My heart started to throp, I was so nervous I didn't know what to expect. And the closer we got, the more I could hear people laughing and chatting around.

In front of the club stood a young man, pretty well build with a serious expression. He looked as if he took his job very seriously there. His sunglasses even made him look 10% cooler. Man I wanted such glasses too. "Tickets please" The man demanded reaching out his hand. We all looked at eachother in confusion. Amethyst whispered a decent 'What tickets?' to us so the man doesn't hear her. After realising we couldn't stay silent any longer, and it seems we tried the man's patince, Steven went up to him "Oh sir, we were told that Jenny throws a party and that we could show up." By the looks of him, that didn't seem to convince him. "I have no idea what you are talking about, little one. But if you guys have no tickets on you, I'd be forced to take you away from here personally" as we all kind of jolted up in shock and fear, a familiar face showed up behind him. "Oh! Hi guys!" It was Jenny. She was very well dressed, with golden earrings and necklace, elegant black dress and decent make-up. "Don't worry, Jeffrey, they're with me!" she reached out a list she had with her, apparently wanting to check if more people from her list are coming. She held the list in front of the man and pointed at it. "See, I signed them down here! Sorry for this misunderstanding!" she giggled and he then finally allowed us to step in and follow Jenny.

"Lol! Sorry guys! Jeffrey may seem like a tough guy, but he is actually such a nice dude. But he may take his job a tad too serious..." Jenny told us on the way to the dance floor and even though the room started to get darker you could still see her blush of embarrasment. "Don't worry about it, as long as we are here, everything is fine!" I tried to comfort her and at the same time I was relieved to have made it here. The loud music could already be heard from outside but the closer you got to the dancefloor, the louder it got. A little bit too loud for my taste but it wasn't anything tragic. As Jenny showed us around and introduced us to some of her people, I wanted to keep an eye out for Ronaldo. I remember we wanted to meet up together here and see eachother, I just hoped I haven't missed him already. Luckyly I brought my phone with me and wanted to text him whether he was there, but to my disadvantage I saw that I had no signal here. Meaning that I couldn't text him. 'Shit....'  I thought to myself. "Jenny?" I went up to her and proceeded to asking her as she turned around to me with a questioning look "Do you know whether Ronaldo is here already? He said he'd show up and we wanted to meet"  "Hmmm..." she thought for a second "Yeah I guess he got here already, but I'm not sure where he might be..." she looked around trying to spot him "Just try to look for him around snack bars, I guess he really likes to hang around there haha!" I giggled and nodded thanking her, now I just wanted to inform Steven and Amethyst that I wanted to leave and look for him. To my shock I couldn't see them around me but in a minute I managed to spot them standing infront of the drink counter. Since I was in a somewhat rush, I ran up to them and layed a hand on Steve's shoulder to which he jumped up in surprisement "Hey! Ehh...sorry for running up to you like that little man, but I just wanted to say that I gotta go looking for Ronaldo!" Steven was still busy catching his breath from the shock but as he calmed down he got a soft smile and nodded "Okay! I'll tell Amethyst, we just wanted to grab a drink since I was thirsty" 'I hope these counters also serve non alcoholic drinks...'  after all, I was really worried about him, but I just tried to believe that he wouldn't get one. Now, what did Jenny say again? Ronaldo might be hanging around snack bars. Hah...that's just him being his own self, he really does enjoy snacks. I ended up running around the whole room looking for him near all snack bars, but why isn't he there? Where could he be?? "Damn it Ronnie, where are you..." I honestly started to get worried but then bumped into someone without realizing it, since I was in so much thoughts "O-Oh!! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you!-" as I looked up to the person, it couldn't have been anyone else than him. He was just walking out the bathroom with his phone in hands "Oh (Y/N)! There you are! I was waiting for you so long that I tried to get a wifi connection inside the bathroom! Seriously...what is a party without internet connection" he tipped on his screen with a little frustration and I just giggled "Wow! As if there isn't anything else that is interesting to you! You're so stupid" he received a slight push from me but just grinned back.

As we went up to have something to eat, I heard Jenny saying that she invited Sour Cream to play some songs he created and wanted us to dance together. And here is the cringy part: because I totally suck at dancing. I just feel very uncomfortable and never really liked doing that, even when I was a child. "Come on (Y/N)! I'm sure it will be a lot of fun!" Ronaldo chriped about to grab my hand, but as he did I looked at him with both confusion and shock. "No!!-- w-wait...I....I can't do that..." my voice was shaking from nervousness.  I knew I would screw up and I sure as hell was not ready to blame myself in front of everyone else. Fryman only smiled basically reinssuring me that it was going to be fine. "Don't worry (Y/N)... I... will teach you" why did this give me a weird feeling? My guts were telling me that this was not going to turn out in a good way. As soon as Ronaldo was about to lead me on the dance floor, still holding my hand, he suddenly bumped into someone standing in front of him. "Oof!!! H-Hey! Be caref-" the young man noticed he size of the annonymous person standing in front of him and his eyes went up to look for the person's eyes. I couldn't quite recognize the strange person because it was ptetty dark in the room, but then it spoke up "Oh! My apologies! You are...uhh...what was your name again? Ronald? Have you seen (Y/N)?" the music wasn't as loud so I could slightly hear the person's voice, can't be... "Bismuth--?" My eyes were half shut trying to make out her face in the dark and Fryman turned to me. The gem took a step to the right to face me and smiled as she recognized me "Ohh, pumpkin! Man I am a lucky gem to have found you so quickly!"  "What...what are you doing here...?" I had so many questions. How did she manage to get in? WHY was she looking for me? Her hand brushed the back of her head "You know...Garnet started to worry about you with time.. and she didn't want to use her future vision on you. So she asked me to go after you and keep a closer eye on you" I have no idea why, but having Bismuth here set off sort of In me? I cannot explain this. Was I happy to see her? "And you know, to be perfectly honest.." she continued seeming unsure "I...kind of missed y-"  "Okay, so...what's going on now?" Suddenly, Ronaldo interrupted seeming somehow annoyed that Bismuth was suddenly here. "I thought we were going to dance, (Y/N)?" Bismuth and I made eye contact after that.. I really didn't want to... I just feel too uncomfortable with so much attention. The gem gave me serious eyes, hoping that I would make the right decision for myself. "Ronnie" I started, looking him in the eyes and he returned the look. "I...really don't feel comfortable with this...I really don't like to dance.." His eyes looked disappointed. But I just hoped he would understand how I felt. Bismuth seemed to have formed a smile on her face while looking at him. "Well...alright" Fryman admitted "I won't force you. But I will go ahead and dance. See you later then hopefully" after that I watched him disappear into the croud while the remix music Sour Cream was playing started. I just hoped he wasn't disappointed in my rejection. Hopefully he could find someone else to dance with him, it's not like I was the only person he could dance with. "Don't worry about it, Pumpkin" I softly blushed hearing Bismuth talk, I looked up to meet her eyes. "I'm sure the young man will do just fine"

"Aye (Y/N), how's the night going?" Bismuth and I went up to a bar to grab a drink and met Buck as the bartender. "Hey Buck! We're doing great, just wanted to get something for a little mood swing" he turned around to face the varieties of bottles that were stacked. "You can chose between many awesome flavors. Rather something that kicks in, or something to relax you? I have it all" Bismuth never came across this sort of "drink" Buck was talking about. She didn't knew what he meant by 'Something that kicks in'  or why the drinks were suppose to do anything with you. Her gaze turned to me "What is he even talking about?"  "Hm?" I was just about to think of a drink to chose and was in thoughts so I was surprised to hear her ask me "Oh!" I snapped back "He's talking about alcoholic drinks, drinks that contain alcohol. Alcohol is a liquid that has a certain impact on you the more you drink. It can make you feel a little bit more relaxed, yet too much of it is dangerous so one should be careful about consuming it" since this night was still young I wanted to do something a little different to make me and Bismuth enjoy the time here. There was a Karaoke contest about to start in half an hour and I really felt like going, and loosening up a bit might help me endure the public stares. "But...why would you decide to consume it...when it is dangerous?" I knew she was serious. Her eyes were locked onto me as if she was slightly disappointed or even... worried. Every nerve in my body was yelling at me not to tell her, she might get a bad feeling of me and right now...I didn't want for this to happen. "L-Like I long as I don't consume too much I will be fine--!! T-Trust me..." her eyes didn't leave mine, it felt kind of intimidating but...good at the same time? "(Y/N)..."  "So what will you have?" Buck interrupted the slight tension and I softly twitched, my eyes leaving Bismuth's. "Oh...umm, I will have the Pina Colada please!" by the time I ordered and made my way to the Karaoke contest I started to watch other contestants sing some popular songs, like "Shine bright like a diamond" and "Bad Romance". In order to take part in the contest, I had to sign up and also write down the song I wanted to sing. It took me a while to decide which one it would be. But I think I made a good pick "Are you sure you want to do this...?" Bismuth sat on a chair by a table, I sat with her across the table "Hey, relax! I'm going to be just fine! Hell I can't even wait to sing and let everyone hear my voice haha!" I was just slightly drunk after I had my Pina Colada that followed with a shot of pure vodka "Pumpkin..." Bismuth stopped me just as I stood up to head to the stage by grabbing my arm. I turned to her with a questioning face. Her grib slightened "...I don't think this is a good idea. You don't look good" What does she mean? I don't look good? I feel fine! There is no reason for her to worry "Bismuth, I am fine and I really mean it. I don't know what seems to unsettle you but there is no need to feel unsure about this." And with that I released my arm from her grib by pulling it away and headed to the stage. Bismuth's gaze followed me all the way on stage, it seems like it was hard for her to believe what I just said. The lights turned on above me, an enormous amount of people were gathered across the room. "Eyyyyy (Y/N)!!!" That name....I recognize it. It was none other than Amethyst, cheering for me.

"You got this!!! Show' em what you are made of!" And there was Steven right next to her. My mind told me not to disappoint them, but my body started to feel slightly heavy. The music started to play and I moved sloppyly to the beat. It was Applause by Lady Gaga. I kind of missed the part where I was suppose to start singing by one second, and as I began to sing my words felt so if I couldn't get them out of my mouth properly. I never had this less self control, it was as if it was exhausting to make vocals. With that kind of start the crowd started to laugh, they thought that I was most likely joking or making a fool of myself for entertainment purposes. Bismuth was watching me, she was the only one who kept her eyes on me the whole time. She seemed so worried, her eyes said more than a thousand words and one could tell she didn't like what was happening. The lights changed from a bright sheed of white to many different colors; green, red, blue. And this sort of color change happened so quickly and the lights were piercing into my eyes as I looked at them. From one point to another, my head felt dizzy. The sounds of the croud turned into an echo that was harder to understand, my vision became blurry and my body felt like it was about to lose all it's strength. And with that, I fell off the stage. I blacked out completely and the last thing I heard were...probably the shocked gasping sounds of the croud.

I literally can't remember what happened after my blackout and faint. It felt as if I have left this world for a short period of time, and there was only darkness I could remember. As I slowly started to regain all my senses, I felt my head hurting more and more with every second I came back. But...was that warmth? I felt something warm surrendering me. That's strange, even my bed doesn't feel as warm even if I lay in it all day. Soon I put up the courage to open my eyes, which was still hard but my vision was returning slowly. "Oh hey, you're awake again" I knew I was still recovering but something told me that my hearing didn't disappoint was Bismuth's voice. "I was so worried about you, I'm so glad you're back" she looked at me from above and a sense of relief was spread across her face. A-Am I dreaming this??? I looked around, my head still pounding and could see us on my bed, she was sitting and I was laying on her lap. Now my head wasn't the only thing that was pounding. "H...Huh...???...what-" I wanted to get up but Bismuth stopped me by holding my shoulders and gently putting me back to my laying position, my face heated up. She chuckeled "Hey, slow down there. You still haven't fully recovered" I placed a hand on my head because it was still slightly drilling, but somehow.. I really didn't want to leave this pose. "What...happened...?" I asked looking at her, waiting for the answer. She looked up to the door and thought about her choice of words " fainted back there." she started "Right from the beginning I sensed that something bad was going to happen, I couldn't just let you there" the gem's gaze returned to me and I locked my eyes on her. Was it really that bad? I thought I had enough self control over myself...but apparently I exaggerated. Everything was just so confusing and happened at the same time. Maybe the alcohol plus the noises and lights were too much for my body to handle. "...what about...Steven and Amethyst?"  "They watched you faint and immediately rushed to you. We all brought you home together and I carried you all the way to your bed so you get some sleep" I am so glad to hear that Amethyst and Steven were fine, but...Bismuth carried me all the way back home? She...she must have been very generous to do that...just thinking about the fact that I was in her arms made my face overheat and heart go crazy "I...." a soft sigh left my lips "...I'm so sorry...I made you go through this..." Bismuth listened to me very carefully, her lips formed a caring smile and she stroke my hair "Don't mention it...after all, you need someone to protect you" Oh my god stop, my heart can't take all of that. What she may not know is that...this is exactly what I have wanted after months of knowing her. She was the one I wanted to be protected by, it feels like a drea- "You know what, it's still 5AM in the morning and you should still get rest for the rest of the night. You're getting better, but I bet you will be doing even better by morning~" she spoke with such a warm voice, she really wanted me to get better and recover. I could tell that she was about to get up; she placed her hands on my bed and started to move her legs slowly. But....I didn't want for this to end, this moment. "No....wait..." I whispered, the big gem stopped moving. Her eyes looked questioning as she glanced at me. She didn't know what was going on...and her cheeks had a slight shade of red...I had to tell her "....Stay with me"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2019 ⏰

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