Chapter 4 - Bismuth

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She stood right in front of me and Steven. Luckyly, we faced her back and she didn't notice us yet. I covered Steven's mouth to make sure he didn't make any noise and quickly hid in the corner with him. We both stared at her the whole time. "Urghhh..." she streched wide, wich made her look even bigger. The rainbow-haired gem studied her surroundings. "And where am I now?..." Obviously confused. I prayed to the diamonds to not let her see us. Steven felt my fear and stroked my arm gently, giving me a look that said 'Don't be scared..' The restleness got bigger with every second. Footsteps could be heard from the distance. Looks like someone was coming. As soon as the footsteps got louder and then suddenly stopped, it took a minute before I could hear a voice. "B....Bismuth?" It was Pearl's voice. Bismuth turned around to look who called her and had a shocked expression as she noticed Pearl. But then her shocked face turned into a gentle smile "Oh Pearl..." Pearl was in fact happy to see Bismuth again, but she didn't forget what Steven told her and the others. She decided to stay careful. "How...did you get here?" she walked up to her, still keeping her distance. Bismuth opened her arms a bit to hug Pearl, but as she noticed her mistrust, her memories started to come back. The moment where Steven told her 'I'm going to tell them...I'll tell them everything'. How relieved and happy she was to hear that...Bismuth looked away, being embaressed to face Pearl. "He told you...right?" Pearl only nodded. She didn't even have the courage to talk to her. Garnet's voice could be heard as she called for Pearl. A minute later, she arrived with Amethyst.

"What...?" The fusion was as surprised as Pearl was to see Bismuth. Steven and I watched what was going on, still hiding in a dark corner. Garnet clinched her fists and made her way towards the two gems. Amethyst followed her with a worried face. Of course this was very awkward to Bismuth. Feeling very guilty, she tried to speak up "I guess...I have some things to explain.." It's not like the gems wanted to make her feel horrible. But they just wanted an explenation. "You may think of me as an insane maniac...but you know.." Garnet put her hand on Bismuth's shoulder. "Offering the weapon to Rose thousands of years ago and trying to hurt Steven are two different things." I could see the pain on Bismuth's face. Apparently she really was sorry. Steven slowly removed my hand from his mouth only to listen more carefully. "I deeply regret what I did...These memories made me feel so unappreciated. I never had the attempt to do harm to anyone! gotta believe me...!" Pearl came up to her and held her hand "No one can change the past...but that doesn't mean we'll hold onto it." She smiled "It's great that you realized your mistakes...we still love you." A relieved sigh went through the gem's lips, pulling Garnet and Pearl in for a hug "Thank you so much..." Amethyst didn't say anything. She was caught up in her thoughts, the mistrust she had towards Bismuth back then coming back.

"But...who released you?" Pearl wondered. Bismuth shrugged "I was feeling desperate to reforme, and suddenly landed here. I have no clue why" Amethyst looked around and noticed me and Steven in the corner. She wiggled her eyebrows while grinnig. I formed my fingers into a "X", hoping she'll understand. She then pointed at us with her thumb "Probably these little fellas" I tried my best not to growl at Amethyst but seeing how our cover was obviously blown, I sighed softly. "You two!?" Pearl was shocked "What are you two doing here?? Weren't you supposed to be in bed by now!?" Bird mom started to twitter again. But Garnet put her hand on her shoulder and calmed her. "It's okay. The had good attempts." Pearl breathed in and out to calm down. Garnet stepped aside to let Bismuth see us. Steven decided to cover me for now, since I was too nervous. ((Thank you Steven...)) I couldn't stop but blush of embarrassment. Bismuth was surprisingly gentle and looked at Steven. "Hello Steven..." Even though Bismuth was terrifying at the end, Steven mainly remembered her good sides. "Bismuth..." he answered. Remembering their argument, Bismuth walked up to him slowly. "How...are you doing? I bet it's been a while..." She kneeled down in order to have face-level with him. Steven gave in and hugged her. "I'm glad you're back..." The huge gem was relieved to get such a positive reaction. She took the time to hug him for a moment, then picked him up and playfully rubbed his head with her fist. "How are we doing, little Steven?" He laughed heartily and begged her to stop "F-Fine! I'm fiiineee!"

((Wow...looks like she actually knows how to handle kids...I guess)) It warmed my heart to see them like this. Was this really the gem who had got so dangerous to Steven? It was definetely not what I expected. After she gently put Steven down, Bismuth turned her eyes towards me, letting out an impressed 'Ohhh...' Amethyst came up to me and reached out her hand for me "Come on, (Y/N). She's not gonna bite you" I was too shy to make eyecontact with her "I can't...I'm too shy."  "You just gotta try!" She just took my hand and lead me to the others. This was so embaressing...I could feel my cheeks heat up even more as I stood in front of her. I was about as tall as Pearl, so of course she was way taller than me. Bismuth looked down at me "And who's that little pumpkin?" Pumpkin!? By god, I felt my whole body heat up. This was like the maximum level of awkwardness. Though I didn't want to stay silent this whole time in order to not make it embaressing, I tried to speak up. But somehow I couldn't let out any sort of tone, as if my voice just disappeared. So Bismuth had to make another move "I think I didn't had the pleasure to meet you." The gem offered a handshake "The name's Bismuth" She was smiling at me this whole time. Looks like she's not so bad after all. I gently grabbed her hand, that was way bigger than mine. "(Y/N) pleasure" She repeated my name. "That is a really nice name.."  "Last time, she was on a school trip for two weeks. That's why she wasn't at home back then." Pearl explained. Then Garnet added "She's also Roses's oldest daughter." Bismuth gave Garnet a surprised look. "Roses's oldest daughter..." She repeatet slowly as she looked back at me.

While on our way back home, it was 3AM already. Steven yawned a lot and was clearly exhausted. The Gems talked to Bismuth about the arguments she had with Steven. As we arrived back, Garnet turned to face me and Steven. "Now, you two. This might be a good time to finally have some rest." Her voice was a little more serious than usual. But I understand. We just sneaked out without letting them know,  so of course they were worried. Steven yawned again and nodded in agreement. "Come (Y/N)...we should really rest" I turned to him and let out an understanding 'Mhm'. Garnet gave me and Steven a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Now you two. Get some sleep. Tomorrow's another day, alright?" We both smiled and nodded, hugging Garnet. The fusion stood up and faced the others "Alright everybody, you know what to do. Head out to look for them! And try not to miss anything." Realizing she spoke to Amethyst and Pearl as they nodded, they went off to the warp that teleported them. After they left, Garnet went to face Bismuth "Just as we planned. And don't worry about it, ok?" Bismuth grinned and winked while streching one more time "Got it, chief!"  The clock was ticking and it got even more late. Do they have another mission to attempt? "Say, are you going on another mission?" I was asking carefully, hoping not to disturb them. "Not exactly mission" Garnet answered "We're now looking for pieces of shattered gems. It's part of a plan that we have. And we thought that Bismuth might be helpful.." My brother pulled on my pajamas "Siiiiss....can we go to sleep now? I feel like collapsing anytime soon.."  "Of course Steven! My headache gets worse too.." The headache litterally felt like as if I had thousands of shattered glass shards in my head. Pain getting bigger and bigger. "Alright, we're off. Don't misbehave" Garnet demanded like a mother. But sometimes, she had this surprisingly big mother role that Steven and I needed since mom was gone. So we made our way up the stairs to just throw ourselves onto our beds and sinking under the blankets. Garnet headed off, while Bismuth was still standing in the room. I could only hear her last words before I compleately fell asleep. "Good night, kids~"

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