Chapter 7 - The Weapon

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Steven sleeped softly in his bed, muttering something to himself. I woke up early, being exited and wanting to tell him what happend. Then I finally saw him open his eyes, they soon made contact with mine as soon as he saw me. "(Y/N)...?" the boy rubbed his eyes smiling. "Good morning...why are you up so early?" He noticed my excited smile and raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"  "I'm actually really exited to tell you something, Stevie Boo" He raised himself up to sit and listened carefully "Really? Tell me, sis! I'm pretty curious!" I grinned, my gem started to glow and my brother saw me pulling something out of it: A staff, made out of silver, having blue-green crystals on each side end. I presented him this beautiful and elegant weapon while my eyes admired it's grace too. Steven's eyes got bigger and looked like they were about to explode, he inhaled deeply in admiration. "OH.MY.GOOOSH!!! It's beautiful! Is that your new weapon!?" My eyes were still focused on the beautiful staff while nodding "I'm so in love with it! I'll get to train with that soon!"  "Oh wait! So Bismuth made that for you?" I scratched the back of my neck looking back at him "Yeaaa...she did." This was a little embaressing. I'm like, the only Crystal Gem that does not have a weapon yet. Everyone has their own, and Steven even has mom's. And now an old member of ours had to make one for me because I'm the loser that hadn't got the chance to own one yet. But, at least this one was made right according to my taste. Steven clanged onto my belly with sparkling eyes. "Tell me how it was!"  "Oh? You want me to tell you?" My brothers exited face made me giggle as he nodded, I wrapped my arm around him and layed down on the bed with him. "Well...where should I start."  "At the beginning!" I took a minute to facepalm and laugh at this, and Steven laughed with me. "Alright...she adviced me the best weapons for starters...and asked me what material I'd prefer." Steven seemed curious like a little puppy, looking up at me and giving me understanding nodds. "She was so... nice all the time." Steven's finger made it's way up to my cheek only to poke it. "Do you start to like her~?"  "L-Like?" My expression got a little nervous as I looked at Steven. "W-Well...I just start to accept her more and more. I... hope to get along with her well in the future." The boy gave me a big smile "I'm sure the two of you will be best friends soon! Who wouldn't want to be friends with you!" Hugging me as he finished, my heart felt all fuzzy because of all this cuteness. I thanked him, giving him a kiss on the forehead and ruffling his hair.

Ronaldo sat in the kitchen of the fryshop, typing something in his phone out of pure boredoom. He was looking for new, silly things in Beach City and updated his blog lately. Sighing in annoyance, he looked at the clock: 3 more hours until he's done. Before he realized it, Peedee entered the kitchen. "Hey, bro. Your 'waifu' waits for you outside!" 'My what?' he thought to himself, but then sudden realization overcame him and he jumped up from his chair. "Coming!" Ronaldo dashed through the door quickly, not wanting to waste any time.

I stood in front of the Fryshop, waiting for Ronaldo. His father told me to wait a second and send off his little son Peedee to get him. And yes, I really wanted to tell him about my new weapon too! I was just so happy and proud that I finally got my own! As I thought about what techniques I would practise with my staff, the door was opened instantly by Ronaldo. "(Y/N)-Chan!"  "Good ol' Fryman!" I greeted him in a goofy way. He gave me a big hug, being happy to see me and I could only hug back. "You're the best thing that could've happen to me today!" he let go of me "My old man keeps me here all the time, I just can't find the time to meet up with you.." I grinned at him while stroking his Macaroni-Hair. "It's alright! I'm quite busy too lately. But hey! I wanted to show you something! That's why I came here."  "Really!?" he looked at me with anime eyes. "Tell me, (Y/N)-Chan!!" I already told Ronaldo that I'm a half-gem, not wanting to keep secrets from him anymore and showing him my trust at the same time. Although he freaked out the first time and kept asking me whether I'm a true alien, he started to accept me more in time. So I pulled the staff out of my gem, swinging it around for a second and stabbing it onto the ground next to me with a proud grin. Ronaldo looked impressed, probably because I saw his face sparkle. "Sugooiii-desu!!" I chuckled, stroking my hair. "Where did you get that?? I want something like this too!"  "Heh, well...let's just say.. A friend made this for me~" Fryman studied the weapon closer while correcting his glasses. He then looked up at me, starring into my soul. "But what exactly do you need this for?" Bismuth told me we would test the weapon this evening, so why not test it out now with Ronaldo? Maybe I could show her some techniques I evolved myself! "You know, Ronaldo, I'm training with it...To become the ultimate guardian of the City to stop the snake people!" He grabbed my hand roughly as soon as I finished and lead me to the beach. "Then we should get started!! You need to be properly suited in order to be ready for the fight!" Adorable. I laughed at his sillyness and we made our way back to my home.

"And remember!" He yelled some meters away from me. "You've got to try to do the BRSHHHH! And don't forget the BLIIIING!!" I laughed a little, then tried to concentrate again. "Yeees Macaroni-Head, just as we planed!" As I tried to prepare myself, I saw Ronaldo making huge eyes, obviously staring at something that was right behind me. I looked at him questionably before I heard a voice behind me. "I see we're already warmin' up." A little shower went down my back but I was actually relieved as I looked behind me and saw Bismuth. "Oh, Bismuth!" I stood up straightly, putting my weapon behind my back. "I just...couldn't wait to try out!" She ruffled my hair again while not being able to stop smiling. "You're just too adorable!" Her look went to Ronaldo, who was completely frozen seeing her. "And who's that gentleman?". "Oh! That's Ronaldo. He's a friend of mine and decided to help me train!" Noticing he stood awfully still, I raised an eyebrow wondering if he froze. Bismuth was as bewildered as me. "Is he doing okay?" I was scratching the back of my neck, shrugging. "I'm...not even sure to be honest." I ran up to him, waving my hand in front of his face. "Ronaldo? Helloooo? You okay?" He froze, not moving an inch. Not wanting him to be embarrassed in front of Bismuth, I tried to push him forward. "Come on! She doesn't bite!" Bismuth walked up to us while studying Ronaldo. "It's okay, pumpkin. Let me handle that~" She smiled at him. "Greetings, young man. How are we doing?" He finally opened his mouth trying to speak up. "Uhhhhh.....uhh" She offered a handshake. "Bismuth, nice to meet you!" He was still staring at her in fear but slowly shook her hand. "R-Ronaldo..." I smiled at the cuteness, being happy that these two slowly start to get to know each other. After shaking Bismuth's hand, Fryman quickly turned to me and whispered something. "She's pretty big come she's so overpowered...?" He was still tensed up, but I tried to calm him and whispered back. "Ronaldo, she means no harm. Believe me, she is..." Bismuth gave me a look as if to say 'What's going on?'. "...not as bad as she looks." Ronaldo instantly whispered back. "Okay, I believe you... But maybe there might be more to her than just--" his phone rang. As he picked it up, he let out a surprised gasp. "Oh no!! It's my dad! I gotta go back to work!" He packed his phone in his pocket before dashing off. "Sayonara!" I was grinning while watching him run off, Bismuth came up to me, looking at Ronaldo running away. "What an extraordinary young man..."  "He really is, but that's what I like on him."

And soon, my look went onto my phone, checking the time. "Oh my goodness! My fav series is on!" I was about to run off full of energy, but Bismuth told me to wait for a second. "Yesterday was just the warm up, I got a bigger challenge for you today~" I automatically smiled. "Alright, boss! Can't wait." But something stopped me from running off again. Things seem to go pretty good. We get along well, are somehow on the same level. Why not.. Spend some time with her? I turned around again to face her. "B...Bismuth?" I saw her doing some warm up exercises, but her eyes looked at mine as I called her. "Hm?" One of my fists clinched, being determined to say something. Then I did it. "Would to, the series with me?" Her expression turned into a questioning look, as if she was wondering why I just asked that. Lol, ok, that is...awkward. But maybe she was wondering why I would want to spend time with her. ((Okaay (Y/N), you just made this more awkward than it was before. I hope you're proud of your---)) "What a charming question, pumpkin! If you instist, I'd gladly check out one of your rituals~" she was...grinning. Was this really happening? Duhh, it was. But I didn't know this would work! I was deeply surprised, and my voice was too.

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