1.Farzeen. . .

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"Mom please understand, I wanna study, I wanna do something other than to sit at home and cook.. I wanna work with those special children.. Allah swt has given me a skill, I don't wanna waste it, it's a job that would earn me rewards from Allah, something that would content me.. " I told my mom...

" Farzeen, it's enough I wanted you to earn nothing more than a degree and you have done that, you can't just sit at your uncle's home forever.. enough s enough..! just get your degree and come back to home! I got to go...
Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wa barakathuhu" with that she disconnected the call..

Sighing I went out of my room to find my little cousin playing with his toy, when his saw me he gave me his million dollar smile, I mirrored his smile and went to do my ablution( washing face and hands before prayer)..

Allah Akbar with that I turned to my lord, the Ar-Rahman and felt peace, all the frustration leaving me..
prayer is the only thing that could help me..

I raised my hands, praising him asking for his forgiveness and guidance, thanking him for all those blessings he showered upon me, pouring my heart to him for he is the only one who knows the pain of my throbbing heart..

Though I understand why mom wants me to go back home , I can't bring myself to see the destruction of my dreams...

After my prayer, I joined my aunt at the kitchen helping her make kofta for dinner.. That's when my phone rang displaying my sissy's photo on the screen..

"Aunty, you just mash these potatoes, I'll come and resume the work, Hafsa is calling" to which she smiled and nodded ..

Hafsa s 6 years older to me and the middle child of my family, my brother Omar s the eldest 10 years older to me.. both are married and settled in a same city..

Hafsa s blessed with a boy child Thoufeek (3 years) and Omar
s blessed with two kids Safiyya(5 years) and Wassim (2 years)

As I opened the balcony door holding my phone, the cool breeze welcomed me with the moon light radiating the flowers at the pot.. Subhaanallah...

I pressed the phone to my ear answering Hafsa's call...

"Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wa barakathuhu sissy.. "

"Va alaikum salam warahmathullahi wa barakathuhu , How s my darling?" She asked from the other side..

"Alhamdhulillah, I'm fine.. I think you heard from mom before calling me.. "

"Yeah , I spoke to her.. but how did you find? Psychology huh? "

"Ha ha.. that's easy my dear Sissy.. I could detect from your concerned voice.. " I said smiling...

"Mmmm.. I don't know whom should I support? I can See your dreams in those eyes of yours.. ! and at the same time I can see sense mom's worry regarding your future"

"Ha ha.. now you too can see things in eyes . I thought only I did psychology! " I said to lighten the mood..

"Maybe speaking to you helped me learn some of it"

"I'm trying to persuade mom, that's it.. you know what, I left everything to Allah swt, he is the best of all planners.. let's see what his plan holds for me.. just pray Allah swt to guide me on the right path.." I replied trying to sound unaffected..

"In sha Allah. Always sweetheart.. may Allah swt help you deal with whatever befalls .." she replied in a soft voice..

"Aameen" ....

And then I remembered the work I had left unfinished at kitchen, bidding her bye I disconnected the call and looked at the twinkling stars in the dark sky.. which reminded the beautiful creation of Allah swt and the heavens above it.

With that I hurried to the kitchen...

* * *

Tossing and turning on the bed, sleep didn't overtake her.. Sighing she got up from the bed and stepped in to balcony... Her favorite spot ...

She looked at the full moon that's lightning the dark sky with all it's glory. . . The canopy of stars, enlightening it much more... Subhaanallah..

This beautiful sight reminded her one of Nicholas Sparks's quote..

"I'm looking at the stars and somewhere I know..

You're looking at it too. . ."

She don't know from where did she get that thought, but starts wondering if if that someone is looking at the stars too . . . .

Miles apart, there stands Zayn Looking at the stars, whose

face s glowing at the moon light,
lips curving into a beautiful smile,
his one hand holding the railing of balcony and his other hand holding his phone to his ear. . .


Every single letter is written by Allah's grace.. All praise s to Allah..!

O Gracious Rahman.. you always love to forgive your slaves..
Please forgive me if there are any mistakes..

Ya Raheem.... Guide me on the right path..
Please help me to finish this book with your blessings.. ..


Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wa barakathuhu

This is my first try..
Please do vote and comment which will help me to write more..

Sorry, if there are errors..

Include me in your duas..

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