5. Wedding galatta!

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Finally it's Furqaan's wedding....!

"Mom! you and Ihsaan come directly to the marriage hall, I'm supposed to take Furqaan to the masjid and from there I'll join you guys" I say as i kiss my mom on her cheeks..

"You are Furqaan's groomsmen for the day uh? teased Ihsaan..

I glare at him ..

Grabbing my keys, I answered mom's salam and flew to Furqaan's place..

Now a days Furqaan's place reminds me more of that Niqabi than Furqaan himself...

Shoving away that girl's thoughts, I mentally prayed Allah swt to Remove her thoughts from my mind..

Once I entered Furqaan's room, he immediately hugged me..
"Hey qaan" I say as I look at him..
He smiled nervously at me..

Furqaan s a cool guy, but today he's not so...

"How do I look" he enquires, voice at the edge of nervous

To be honest, he looks like a hero, in his cream color sherwani.. but I'm not gonna admit it to him that easily..

I give him a serious look, bringing my eyebrows together..

"Turn" I say in a Stern voice and he turned nervously..

As he turn, I give Furqaan another manly hug, saying "As much as I hate to admit this, you look awesome man! Mashallah" I say as I Pat him on his shoulder..

"Alhamdhulillah!! He relieved, "thanks man" he grinned at me..

Within a moment, he screamed "Dude, you are late, you should have been here,before an hour!
Now get my wedding suit, shoes and stuff for the day! I need you to be there when I get ready for the walima...." he rambled on..

Sigh, he gets mood swings worser a girl.. 😑

Now we're heading to the masjid for the nikkah.. from there we'll go to the marriage hall for the walima and he'll get dressed again.. "aagh!"


Alhamdhulillah, the nikkah s over.
Warm prayers hidden in the core of my heart always wished happiness for him...

I prayed Allah swt to bless his married life,"Barakallahu laka wabaraka alaika wajama'a bainakhuma fee khair.."
(May Allah bless for you(your spouse) and bless you and may he unite both of you in goodness)

We are in the groom's room getting ready for the Walima

Furqaan dressed in a navy blue suit, paired with a red tie and white shirt.. !
So it's my turn now, after all it's my friend's wedding, and I should look presentable..

I got into the dressing room, dressing in a blue jodhpuri suit,
(A glimpse of the suit below)

I got into the dressing room, dressing in a blue jodhpuri suit, (A glimpse of the suit below)

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Furqaan asked from the other side "Zayn, where are my shoes?

"Uhm, check in that black bag" I answered hoping I would have brought them, though I don't remember packing them..

"They are not here, where did you keep it exactly?" This time he was semi yelling..

Ugh.. what do I do? I forgot to pack them.. tsk..! He wouldn't calm down even if I give my own shoes.. Allah..

Just then I heard chatters outside, maybe his aunts and cousins... This will keep him distracted until I find a way..

"Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wa barakathuhu Furky" this voice caught my attention because I could recognize it was that Niqabi's..

"Va alaikum salam warahmathullahi wa barakathuhu, Fazee... Hey what do you think of the best man?" Furqaan's enquires enthusiastically..

"Mashallah you look good as always, as long as no one notices your barefoot" she giggles followed by laughter of others

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"Mashallah you look good as always, as long as no one notices your barefoot" she giggles followed by laughter of others..

"Oh, yeah! Zaynnnn.. my shoes? I've been asking for a long time,..! Hey wait, Don't tell me that you forgot to bring them" Furqaan rambled on from the other side..

Argh... Why does this girl remind him now.. I'm screwed!

"I told you last night to pack them and now you're asking Zayn" this time aunty(Furqaan's mom) came for my rescue

"But mom,..." Furqaan tried to defend himself was cut short by that Niqabi's voice..

"Woah.. woah. Furky! Chill.. Here are your shoes.... I Checked your room before locking it and found your shoes on the table" she answered softly..

"Alhamdhulillah, you should have given earlier, I almost had a heart attack" said Furqaan

"You know, I always love to tease you! , Anyway get ready .. I'm gonna meet the bride now" she replied..

Alhamdhulillah.. alhamdhulillah
You saved me through her ya Allah!
Finally I can face Furqaan now..!

As I stepped out of the dressing room, I heard a faint salam of her and other aunts near the door...

There stood Furqaan glaring at me pointing to the shoes he had!

I smiled sheepishly not sure of what to say..

"Mashallah, you look handsome child" aunty caught my attention and rescued me again.... Alhamdhulillah!


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