4. Singlezzz.... 💕

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"And it is He who spread the earth and placed therein firmly set mountains and rivers; and from all of the fruits He made therein two mates; He causes the night to cover the day. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought."

(Surah Ar-Ra'd, 13:3)


Thoughtful eyes were gazing at the blue heavens as the tiny stars twinkling and winking.. As her eyes also twinkle at the beautiful creation, her small lips moved to praise Ar Rahman. . .

No matter what revolves around her, it's always the thought of her Rabb(Lord), brings her peace, soothens her heart and refreshes her mind..

As she was leaning at the railing of her balcony that overlook her garden, she heard faint sounds of her cousins playing without any worries...

"You know, we can build a school here!"
Said, the eldest Zackariya

"No, I want a paak,(park) schools are bore" whined the smallest Yahya..

" We shall have a playground as well" suggested Zackariya as they played with their blocks..,!

Farzeen smiled as she heard them playing as if they could conquer the world!

They have no regrets about yesterday, no worries for future.. they live the moment to the fullest..! Mashallah. . . .!

Her lips curved and her eyes twinkled as she recalled an ayah from holy Qur'an!
Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal wakeel
(Allah swt is sufficient for us, he is the best disposer of affairs)

When her dreams are shattered,
when she is left alone,
when she fails,
when tear kisses,
It's always the faith in Allah swt that she holds firm helping her get over everything! 🍁

She is a girl who is full of charm, who carries her aura everywhere, strong, mature yet naughty 😉when time permits. . !

One cannot say if she's sad, But if you watch her closely you can find her chocolate brown eyes gaze at the dark sky with a longing expression. . . 🍂

She has a passion to work as a Special educator, to utilize the skill Allah has given her, yet she considers her parent's concern, leaving her dreams for the sake of them and there by pleasing Allah swt!
Because she knows when her parents are pleased with her, Allah swt will be pleased with her..
And that's the ultimate goal of all Muslims including her!

At the same night on a different balcony there stands Zayn trying to take away the thoughts of the girl that he encountered at his friend's place..!

He is someone who always follows the policy of lowering his gaze, even when he has to work with female collogues, he wasn't attracted by them, never fascinated by any such thoughts!

But it was different with the Niqabi he met, she didn't even see him!
Was it the Niqab that earned his respect? 💞
Was it her dancing chocolate brown eyes?👀
Was it the melodious voice she had, cooing at the baby?🎶

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