2. Zayn . .

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"That is their sum of knowledge. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who strays from His way, and He is most knowing of who is guided."

(Surah An-Najm, 53:30)



"What do you mean by you can't wear it now? It was perfect when you tried it man... Did you just put on 5kgs in a week?" Zayn enquired his friend at the phone while gazing at the beautiful stars...

At times we lack words to appreciate the unimaginable creativity ofAllah swt

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At times we lack words to appreciate the unimaginable creativity of
Allah swt.. Subhaanallah.. This is one of those moments where the Little lights twinkling on the sky makes him stand amused . .

But his  thoughts were brought back by constant Hello of Furqaan, his best buddy..!

"Yeah, I'm hearing.. Don't freak out qaan.. ! In sha Allah, I'll meet you tomorrow morning and find if the fault s with you or with your wedding Suit... Now just sleep and let me sleep.. good night dude.. Assalamu alaikum salam warahmathullahi wa barakathuhu.." with that he disconnected the call and pocketed his phone..

Zayn don't know what's wrong with his friend, he had never seen him worrying this extent, not even during his interview.. he wouldn't even mind wearing a decent shirt..! But now! This whole marriage thing s driving him crazy..!

This made him wonder how would he feel during his own marriage
will i be this restless? Will I be super excited? Will I be. . . .

Again he looked at the stars, they are something that he would never get tired of looking at..

Someone tapped him on his shoulder, and when he turned, there stood his younger brother Ihsaan beside him with a mischievous smile plastered across his face. !

"Hey..  Zayn smiled..

"What's up bro! Talking to someone and smiling at the sky" he winked at him...

"Hey I was just talking to Furqaan..!" He defended..

"Eww... Don't tell me that you were talking to a guy and smiling at the sky.. I know he is your best buddy.. But I didn't know that you had such feelings towards him" he said giving Zayn a disgusting look, frowning at him..

Zayn smacked his arm for his stupid come back and glared at him..

"Ouch, that hurts.. he whined..

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