Flower crowns

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Flower crowns.
She loved them. They reminded her of her family. A family she had to leave behind. She hadn't been able to understand why she had to marry Hakuryuu – he was a nice guy, but in the end it was not a marriage out of love. Her homeland did not even benefit from it. She knew her adoptive father had been suspicious of Sinbad – and he would be right about his feelings -, so why not marring him instead of Hakuryuu? However, she wasn't angry or disappointed with her family. As princesses she was privileged and therefore had to use those privileges to serve her people. The royal family were the servants of the people, not the other way around!
Further, she was not alone in this foreigner country. Her "wife" and the husband of her "wife" accompanied and stayed with her to make sure she would not feel lonely or was treated badly – though she still felt lonely sometimes. A political marriage was a horrible thing, even when it was good for the country and its people. There were still two people that had to live a life with a stranger and never be able to experience the bright side of love.

She had made so many flower crowns for her family in the past and she would make even more for them in the future. Maybe she also would make some for Hakuryuu and Kougyoku one time. Maybe those two would be a part of her family as well one day.
Whenever she sit in the palace garden and created one flower crown after the other she wondered what kind of flowers would fit Kougyoku and Hakuryuu. What kind of flower did they like? Would they even like such a gift? Had she known that Kougyoku herself liked making flower crowns, she had asked the other girl right away to join her. It was more fun to do something one liked together with someone else who enjoyed the same thing. And it was a good way to get to know each other better.
Unfortunately, she didn't knew sooner.
Fortunately, she and Kougyoku still got closer over the time.
Hakuryuu also had joined them one day. He had made flower crowns for his big brothers in the past. Hakuei had helped him back then, now he was able to do it himself, but there hadn't been one for whom he could make one for a long time.

She loved blue flowers. They reminded her of her family. A family she loved so much but had to leave behind.
At night she cried. When she made flower crowns she cried. She cried when she was alone, when no one was listening, when no one could hear her. She cried a lot at the beginning. She had missed her homeland and family so much. A lot of blue flowers grow in her homeland. Some fields looked like the ocean because of all the blue flowers. She also loved the ocean.

Her wish back then, when she made the first flower crowns in the Kou Empire, was to put flower crowns on the heads of her family and herself again. To smile with them again. To make flower crowns with them again. She wanted to return home. And she wished that Hakuryuu and Kougyoku would be her family as well one day. Dreaming of a bright, happy and beautiful future with everyone kept her away from getting depressed. In the end she was just a human and wanted to experience real love, just once. Until then there hadn't been someone she loved in such a way and then she was married of. She wanted a relationship like her "wife" had with "her" husband. At the beginning she lost hope in such a future. In the end she got what she wanted!

Whenever she made flower crowns, she thought of her family. A family she loved more than life itself. Thinking about them made her happy, dreaming about a future with them made her smile and forget her loneliness. At one point in her life flower crowns were not just a reminder, a symbol of her adoptive family anymore, but also of her new family.

Moments like this, moments in which she was sitting in the palace garden of the Kou Empire, made her remember that a family was nothing to be taken for granted. Moments like this made her remember the past and inveigled her to compare the past with the present and envision, hope for a bright future.


1. And another chapter filled with a lot of mistakes. This time the chapter is from Hakuryuu's wife's point of view. I hope you like it. If so, please tell me and I will make more chapters from her point of view. If you do not want any more chapters from her point of view tell me as well. (Or if there is a specific scene you would like to read about.)

2. Reviews/Comments would be very much appreciated. (To be honest, reviews are really important to me and it makes me sad and it is frustrating, when no one even takes a few seconds out of their lives to leave a small message. It somehow feels like my work is not worth it and that makes me sad and it hurts. I know that I make a lot of mistakes and all, but I am really doing my best.)

3. I will try to use the "conversation" option more, in case I know when I will post a new chapter to one of my stories or what the new chapter will be about.

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