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Coming 2017!

Ugh, what is this? Won't this woman knock it off with these books already?

Um, hell no! There are seven books and this is only the third, so I hope you're ready for more adventures!

Welcome to Lost Stars!

The third book in The Jewel Project series, here are a few reminders and things you need to know, whether you are a seasoned adventurer or just starting off. I warn you that the following contains spoilers seeing as it's basically what happened in the previous books. The spoilers are however held to a minimum because I'm not going into major details.

Main Cast

Sam Grant - finally eighteen, the leader of a division of a secret agency, and mostly tasked with finding giant jewels which might or might not be precious stones. He suspects they're not, but has no idea what they could be.
Physical description: jet black hair, green eyes, tall and actually starting to gain some muscle mass.
Abilities: anything concerning maps, history buff, leadership, plotting and planning, keeping his much wilder brothers in check.

Tom Grant: Sam's twin. More laid back and with a burning desire for fun and chaos. Until he gets all dark and creepy.
Physical description: Sam's twin. A bit better build and his eyes have a blue hue to them. Always wears sunglasses.
Abilities: incredible balance, parkour, voice imitation, not afraid to try dangerous stuff

Jerry Grant: nineteen, dubbed the scientist of the group, used mostly for healing and cooking. Always worried and moralizing. He's the parent and the party pooper.
Physical description: jet black hair, dark brown eyes, an inch taller than Sam and Tom, normal build. Sometimes wears glasses.
Abilities: medical training, cooking, worrying all the time, making sure everyone is dressed and fed accordingly and keeps to schedule. PDA police

Jimmy Grant: Jerry's twin. Calm and laid back until he gets pissed. Trap developer and gadget mastermind. Bodyguard.
Physical description: Jerry's twin, but much better built
Abilities: anything involving tinkering, from traps to engines to micro engineering, martial arts, increased physical strength from some funky serum he took in book 1. Other effects are still unknown.

Kyle Grant: twenty one. Sarcastic, cruel, impulsive, selfish, loyal to a fault, acting most like the group's bodyguard. Known for making rash decisions and not taking stuff seriously enough.
Physical description: jet black hair, dark blue eyes, really tall and well built, handsome as hell
Abilities: super strength, combat trained, shoots very well, driving.

Other notable characters

Billy Grant: their cousin, secret agent, eighteen

Maxi and Freider Grant: the parents

Kay Dickens: Kyle's ex-girlfriend, also a secret agent, twenty

Jessie Stefani: Jimmy's ex-girlfriend, also a secret agent, eighteen

Angie Jones: Tom's girlfriend, also a secret agent, seventeen

Christine Palmer: Sam's ex-girlfriend. No one is sure if she's an agent too or not, eighteen

Tina Palmer: Christine's sister. Jerry's lady friend. No one is sure if they're together or not. If they were, they broke up anyway. No one is sure if she's an agent or not. Twenty one

Herrison James: secret agent, division leader and mentor

Snitch Gravel: the bad guy. After the mysterious jewels as well. Freider Grant's mortal enemy, out to kill his kids. Enjoys a good game of cat and mouse.

What happened so far

TY: Sam and the rest of the team get recruited, they find the first stone (supposedly a ruby) in an unexplored Mayan temple,  meet Snitch Gravel, almost get killed a number of times, a lot of romance and then finally, they get home.

FB: Sam and the team start training as secret agents, but are quickly sent on another mission to rescue an agent and find the next stone. They find out about the jewel project, about Snitch Gravel being an ex-agency member and they almost die a number of times. They also find more missing relatives and find an orange diamond which might not be a diamond after all. They all break up with the girlfriends except for Tom.

What will happen in Lost Stars

Well, I can't really tell you that. You'll have to read to find out. But here are a few things I can tell you:

Timing: September, so a few weeks after FB

Setting: this story will take you to Japan, Malta and India, and briefly Tibet

Drama level: through the roof!

Relationships drama level: moderate

Relationships evolution level: it's getting hot in here...

Mystery progression: slow and steady

Big dog-pile fight: ✅

So I hope you will enjoy Lost Stars. The blurb is so far terrible, but I'll try to come up with a better one soon.

Updates? So far once a week, on Wednesday.

Story soundtrack (and title inspiration): Adam Levine - Lost Stars

Stef ✨

Lost Stars (The Jewel Project #3)Where stories live. Discover now