05.1|| The Internship

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Before heading for Mexico on their first mission, Tom had never left the city, let alone the country. But leaving the continent was a whole different thing. Once they landed, he couldn't keep his eyes off his surroundings. Never had he seen so many skyscrapers, so many people in one place – shorter people. He felt like a freaking giant, but also like an insignificant ant among the tall buildings. Tokyo seemed to go on forever towards the sky.

When they reached the hotel room, a small one with a huge bed and cramped up furniture, they all went to sleep to be well rested for their big night of breaking in. The three boys took the bed while Angie curled up on the small couch. Tom thought he wouldn't be able to sleep, but he blacked out the moment his head touched the pillow.

When he woke up, it was dark outside. The only light came from a small lamp placed on the coffee table. He rolled over and almost fell out of bed. Angie giggled. He stood like a coordinated human being and turned to her. She sat on an armchair next to the coffee table, a map spread out in front of her.

"You're so adorable when you're clumsy," she whispered.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" he whispered back, making his way to her between chairs.

"I just got up and was checking where we have to get." She pointed on the map once he sat down on the arm of her chair. "It's a ten minute walk from here."

"That's good." He stretched to loosen up his cramped muscles.

"I was thinking we should do this a little earlier than anticipated," Angie said. "Instead of doing it at night, we should maybe break in at the end of the work day, when the personnel if leaving. We could use the crowd as a distraction."

"Um..." Tom looked at the dark sky outside their window. "Isn't it a little late for that?"

"Most people work until seven or eight p.m. around here, so we'd be just in time. Especially since we have to make a detour first."

"A detour?" he asked blankly.

Angie nodded towards him. "Check your phone."

Tom searched his pockets, but it wasn't there. He hated that damn thing and how he kept forgetting where he put it. He finally found it on the nightstand and checked it. He had a new message from a private number: You have contacts and equipment available. Followed by an address.

"I searched on the map and this place we have to go is fortunately on the way to the office building," she said.

"We should wake the others, then." He walked to her, lifted her chin and gave her a lingering kiss before picking up the nearest cushion and throwing it at Billy's head.

It took them twenty minutes to pull their stuff together because Billy insisted he needed breakfast/dinner before heading into danger, because last time he ended up almost starving to death. Once on the street, Tom tried his hardest to focus on the map in front of him and the mission rather than act like a ditzy tourist.

"We have contacts," Eddie said, excitedly. "We're like real secret agents!"

"Keep it down, will you," Angie hissed, lifting her eyes from the map.

"What's the point?" Eddie said with a shrug. "No one can understand us anyway."

"We speak English," Tom pointed out. "I'm pretty sure half of the people around us can understand."

"Yeah, don't be a dumbass, Eddie," Billy said.

Angie stopped and checked the map again. "Okay, I think we're here." They'd stopped in front of a low building with glimmering lights shining through the many windows. They couldn't read the inscription on top of the door, but it seemed to be a restaurant.

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