21.1|| Ceremonial Chambers

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Jimmy woke with a start. He frowned, listening intently, because he was sure it was a sound that had broken through his sleep. Everything seemed quiet. His head was startlingly clear, as if he'd been awake for hour.

With careful moves as not to wake the others, he got out of bed and grabbed one of the t-shirts he'd hung out to dry. After putting it on, he slid the canvas door open and stepped into the hall. All was still quiet. Even the rapping of rain had stopped.

He just stared at the bland grey brick in front of him, wondering where the ceremonial chambers were, if they even existed. They hadn't checked the entire temple, but it didn't seem like there was any sacred part of it. The whole thing was pretty small and clinical.

With a shrug, he made his way to the girls' room, and since no sounds came from inside, he slid the door open the tiniest bit and peeked in. Even if it was silly and he'd probably just dreamt the noise, he wanted to make sure they were safe.

The three were asleep, all of them on one bed, clothes scattered out to dry filling every remaining inch of space. Kay was in the middle, Jessie and Angie cuddling up to her from the sides. A weird sense of relief combined with dread spread through him. It was too peaceful, too perfect, too... quiet.

What the hell is wrong with me? He needed to either go investigate or take his mind off the thing. He wished he could talk to Jessie, but what was the point of waking her up? It was four in the morning and they all needed their rest. Unless she accidentally woke up. Then they could talk.

Jimmy walked to the bed and sat down on the edge, next to Jessie, trying to convince himself there was nothing creepy about what he was doing. She turned in her sleep and knocked against him, almost throwing him down from his precarious position. With a smile, he lay down, staring at he ceiling, enjoying the feel of her body, wondering if they'd actually live enough to get to do this long term.

"Why are you so tense?" Jessie whispered. She leaned her hand on his chest and rose over him, a lazy smile on her lips.

"That's a funny question. Was expecting you to ask what I was doing here," he whispered back.

Her smile only broadened, and she moved her other hand to his cheek, her weight resting on him, and it was the most amazing feeling, having her waking up next to him, smiling at him, watching him through sleepy eyes.

"Don't care," she said, leaning closer to him. "Whatever it is, I'm glad you're here."

So was he. "Sorry if I woke you."

"Best way to wake up."

Her eyes were hypnotic. So was her touch as her fingers caressed his cheek. She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

And then they heard the crash. Jessie entire body stiffened as she frowned and looked towards the door. Jimmy propped himself up on his elbows and glared at it, too. He hadn't imagined the noise and they were in danger. Jessie sat up and he tiptoed to the door.

Trying his best not to make a sound, he slid the door open and glanced out. The corridor was empty and silent. He strained his hearing harder and could barely make out low, panicked voices. Not the monks. Definitely not the monks since they spoke English.

"Inside the statue?" a man asked, his voice trembling with nerves.

"Where else would they be?" another voice snapped.

In a much more obvious place.

"Pack your stuff. We have company," Jimmy said to Jessie.

She nodded and started nudging Kay as he exited their room and scurried back to his. They had to get out of there before the goon patrol realized they were a lot less smart than they were given credit for. But it hadn't even crossed their mind that anyone would come for them, not with the weather. Maybe the storm had passed and the sea was now calm. The rain had stopped anyway and none of them had taken that into account before passing out from sheer exhaustion.

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