06.2|| Sibling Rivalry

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It took Herrison two days to find them a suitable private jet to take them from Japan to India. Tom didn't mind, because he got his wish of being a ditzy tourist. He wished they could've stayed longer just so he could go out of Tokyo and see the countryside. He wished it were spring and he could see cherry blossoms.

But two days was better than nothing. And even if the bickering between Billy, his siblings, and Eddie got worse with every passing hour, he was glad he'd had the chance to walk around and go sightseeing with Angie. At one point, they'd even managed to ditch the others and sneak out on a date. It hadn't been much, just dinner and walking around on their own, hand in hand, visiting some temples and a night market, but it had been amazing. Because it had actually been their first date.

"I can't believe it took us so long to go out," Angie said as they made their way to the hotel.

"Me neither. How come I never asked you out before this?"

"You just never got around to it. We were too busy when we came back from Mexico and then..."

And then she'd just left and only showed up days before they came to Japan. Yup, time hadn't exactly been on their side.

"I'm so sorry I stood you up that one time you did ask," she suddenly said.

Tom tensed, but said nothing, letting her go on. It had been the beginning of the end for them, what had led them from love to hate in the span of days. He didn't care anymore, he'd decided to leave the past behind, but it still stung every time he remembered.

"I was so weak and foolish. So afraid of getting hurt," she whispered.

He opened his mouth to assure her that it was okay, but it wasn't. "I'm still trying not to hurt you."

"Not as hard as before, I hope," she said with a smirk.

They'd reached the hotel, but Tom stopped before going in and pulled her against him. "I'm done with that. You were right. It made me too awkward and nervous."

Now he wasn't anymore. Because they'd almost died more times than he cared to count and it made him realize time was too short to act awkward. And Angie wasn't a scared little girl anymore, either. She was tougher, more mature, a real agent. So he'd do what he wanted, when he wanted and let her set the pace by pushing him back.

Angie looked up at him, her green eyes shining, a smile on her lips, looking so beautiful that his breath caught in his throat. She'd put on a few pounds too, but they went in all the right places, making her curvier and even more intoxicating. But what had changed the most about her was the security and determination in her eyes. She was strong; a fighter, not a victim.

"I can't believe we've come this far."

Her voice was hypnotizing, and he had no idea if she meant in their relationship or across the world. He didn't really care at the moment. He just leaned down and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around him, pulled him closer, kissing him back with breathtaking intensity. This was heaven. There was nothing in this world he enjoyed more than kissing her. Well, he could think of a few things that would trump that, but even he and his impulsive brain knew it was too soon for that.

When they broke apart, she leaned her cheek on his chest, sighing happily. He squeezed her back, resting his chin on the top of her head.

"I'm really glad we got to do this," she said.

"What, kiss?" He was glad they did that too, though glad might be just a wee bit of an understatement.

She laughed. "That too. No, I meant go out." She looked up at him, a big, goofy smile on her face. "It's nice to feel normal at least for one night."

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