13.1|| Heat of the Moment

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Kay looked up at the full moon, hugging herself. A breeze fluttered the hem of her dress and goosebumps erupted over her skin. This was the first time she actually felt chilly in Malta. It was a bitter miracle. She only hoped she wouldn't have to keep hugging herself much longer, but she was nervous. Maybe she'd been too subtle, maybe she was being too daring. Maybe...

The sound of rushed footsteps had her breaking into a smile. Of course Kyle got the message. He knew how to read her better than anyone else. She didn't turn around, just waited to feel his arms around her. The footsteps stopped.

"What's up?" she asked, still not turning.

"I was trying to figure out if you were serious."

Now she faced him, trying to wrap her mind around the hesitance in his voice. Had she misinterpreted his behavior? His face betrayed nothing. He looked legitimately curious.

"I thought that..." she stuttered.

And the curiosity was replaced with that confident smirk she loved so much. "You didn't think wrong. Jerry did ruin that dance for us." He strode to her, wrapped and arm around her waist, and dipped her.

She immediately hooked her arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. His hand slipped up her thigh, stopping at the hem of her dress, and her skin caught fire. Conversation was pointless and she already felt hazy, her heart beating at an electrifying pace. Yes, this is where they were so rudely interrupted.

"Why does he have to be such a spoil sport?" she whispered.

"Maybe he was afraid your dress would catch fire." He bent so low, she couldn't even see him straight anymore.

And at that moment, she wanted her dress to catch fire, she wanted him to kiss her until she could no longer breathe, and she saw no point in waiting. She pulled him in, her lips crashing against his, kissing him for every missed opportunity, for all the times they weren't alone. His grip on her tightened and he kissed her back with that breathtaking intensity she remembered and loved, as if she were his source of air and he'd been close to drowning.

She ran her fingers through his hair, down his back, loving the way his muscles tensed at her touch, the way his fingers dug into her, scorching her skin. He held her even closer, pressing her entire body against his, and she wanted it tighter. She wanted to lay down somewhere, so he wouldn't have to hold her up, she wanted to explore more of him, she wanted—

A door slammed and they jumped apart. Kay breathed greedily, hoping with all her being that Jerry wouldn't come charging at them with a broom; though at that moment she'd totally tell him to screw off in a very unladylike manner.

Fortunately, no one came over to interrupt them. The drunken voices remained on the other side of the wall, talking in German. Unfortunately, Kyle pulled away from her, his eyes unfocused. He shut them tightly, and when he opened them again, he seemed to come to his senses.

"Well, we got a little carried away." He lifted a strap of her dress back over her shoulder.

A little was an understatement. They were in public after all, even if no one was actually around to see them. "I guess so..." Damn, her voice came out incredibly longing.

"We need to cool down."

"Yeah, but—" Her words died in her throat when Kyle pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it on a nearby beach chair. The little light from the bulbs above the entrances to the houses and the moon made his skin look almost golden. She swallowed heavily. "You're not helping."

"Yes I am." He walked past her, bent his knees, and jumped headfirst into the pool.

She stepped back to avoid getting splashed and watched him resurfacing and resting his forearms on the edge of the pool. Nope, seeing him wet was even worse. "You're crazy, throwing yourself in the pool dressed up."

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