23 || The Grudge

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"The house was so empty without you," Maxi said, brushing Sam's shoulders.

Sam fought the impulse to roll his eyes. His mother had been saying that for the whole three days they'd been home.

"Honestly, it's so good to have you all home," she continued, looking from Sam to Christine and the rest of the girls. "Home and together."

Sam squirmed, but tried not to show his discomfort. He and Christine weren't together. Even if he had to admit that she'd delivered.

The moment they'd landed in Chicago, Christine and Tina had met them at the airport. Tina was mostly there to see Jerry, but Christine had come armed with her makeup kit and had spent the following hour hiding bruises and scratches so that they could avoid awkward questioning at home.

She'd done a brilliant job. Their parents hadn't noticed that they were hurt. And ever since, Christine had come by every morning to redo the makeup. Even now Sam's face was coated in a thick layer of foundation that covered the ugly bruises on this temple and cheekbone. But he was fine, probably the least hurt of all except for Jerry and Jessie.

Once the adrenaline rush had faded, he'd been able to see the real consequences of their escape. Kyle and Jimmy, as brave as they played it, had been beaten pretty badly. Ignoring the superficial cuts which would heal in time, their torsos were a purple mess. Jimmy was worst off, his face a little swollen from the damage. Still Christine had worked wonders in hiding it.

Even now, both Kyle and Jimmy wore long-sleeved tees, even if it was still hot outside. Sam had a hoodie on too, preferring to hide the cuts and bruises on his arms with fabric rather than makeup. The only one who had let himself get made up was Tom.

"As delightfully awkward as this conversation is, can we go now?" Tom asked, gesturing towards the door.

Maxi squinted at him, a smirk on her lips. "Yes, smart mouth, of course you can go. You should before your dad shows up and lectures you all."

Everyone piled out to head for the park where they agreed they'd spend the day. Sam lingered behind, watching Christine leave with the rest of the group. His chest tightened every time he realized they weren't together. When he'd finally realized they were safe, his mind had drifted to her and their relationship. He hadn't rushed to get back together, but now, every time he saw her, it was harder not to. She didn't push him, didn't breach the subject, just smiled and treated him like the most important person in her world. The more loving she was, the worse he felt for stalling and not making a decision.

"Sam, are you okay, honey?"

He jumped and turned to his mother who watched him worried.

"Aren't you going with your brothers?" With Christine? Though unspoken, the question lingered in the air.

"Yeah, sure. I just wanted to talk to Dad first."

Maxi smiled. "Sure. Your father is in his office."

Sam nodded and headed for the home office. What the girls had said during their escape had stuck with him. They were at a disadvantage because they couldn't read Snitch Gravel. Knowledge was power so it was about time Sam got more info about it. They'd agreed he was best fitted to breach the subject and also that he should do it alone. Any other combination would probably lead to a massive fight and no answers.

His father sat at his desk, reading a folder which was spread out before him. He raised his eyes when Sam came in and smiled.

"Hi, Sam. What can I do for you?"

The question felt a little weird and Sam tried to remember when was the last time he'd had a proper conversation with his father.

"Just wanted to talk to you about something," he mumbled.

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