07.2|| Disillusion

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Kyle couldn't remember when he'd ever felt as proud of Kay as he did now. She stood in the middle of the kitchen in her brand new Academy uniform, twirling to show it off to the others. And all he could focus on was how snug it was, how well it fitted her, how he felt she would look so much better without it on.

"Should I get you a bucket?" Jessie asked casually.

"Huh?" He hardly drew his eyes from Kay and looked down at Jessie who stood next to him, still dressed in her school uniform.

"A bucket. So you'd stop drooling on the floor."

"Am not," he answered with a laugh. He was totally drooling. Maybe he did need a bucket or someone might slip and break their neck.

"Mhm," Jessie said, obvious disbelief in that one little sound.

"Is it that obvious?"

"God Kyle, that look on your face should come with a mature warning."

He laughed and she joined him. It was all fun and games until Jerry noticed and freaked out, and Kyle didn't want that. He wanted to protect Jerry's innocence as much as possible so he was beyond grateful that his brother couldn't read his mind. So he focused on Jessie instead.

"You should get Jimmy a bucket, too. He seems to really like your school uniform."

"Come on. He's totally not as dirty-minded as you are."

Jimmy totally was, only he was much better at hiding it. Kyle had noticed him looking over from time to time, even if he was technically engaged in conversation with Jerry, Tina, and Kay.

"I bet that if you walk over, it takes him precisely three seconds to grab your ass."

Jessie's eyes narrowed. "You know what? I'll take you up on that." And she casually sauntered over, put her hand on his shoulder, and leaned against his side.

Jimmy looked down at her, smiling, then returned to the conversation, laughing lightly at something Kay said.

Three, two, one...

Jimmy's hand slipped down Jessie's back and squeezed her butt. Jessie jumped in surprise, but didn't pull away from him. She turned to Kyle and stuck her tongue out at him. He just laughed at her innocence. Until she casually snuck her hand in Jimmy's back pocket and squeezed back. It was his turn to jump and looked down at her pleasantly surprised.

Kyle sniggered, trying not to draw Jerry's critical eye, but Jimmy and Jessie really amused him. They were like the same person except one was wearing a skirt and pulling it off marvelously.


He jumped and looked down. Tina had made his way to him and perched her hip against the counter he was leaning against. Her smile was nice and friendly, but he still pulled back an inch to put a little more distance between them.


She looked at Kay and Jerry who were discussing something about clotting time. "You must be so proud of her."

"I am." He couldn't wait for them both to start at the academy. It would feel so normal, so real, not this crazy mumbo jumbo about missions and people disappearing and maybe never getting to settle down enough so he could actually ask her out on a date. They'd stupidly never been on one.

"She's such a lovely girl," Tina said. "You two are a beautiful couple."

Kyle frowned in confusion. "Um, thanks." That was sweet, but confusing as hell. Though, as long as she was willing to discuss couples... "How are you and Jerry doing? Okay?"

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