22.2|| Hell

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"I believe you have something that belongs to me," he said in a low voice.

It wasn't right. There was no snark, no hate in his voice. Not even the note of humanity that he'd used against her before. It was just him, his tone unaltered by any feelings that escaped the empty, dark room they were in.

Kay couldn't answer. The fear had stolen her voice, her ability to do anything but sink her fingers into the fabric of her rucksack. Would he hurt her? Kill her?

He frowned, his head tilted slightly. His fingers around her arm sent too much heat through her body and she cringed. She had to get away.

"Give me back my research."

"No." The word was a mere whispered, but it sent an amused smirk to his lips. It ignited a fire in the pit of her stomach, heat that battled the clammy cold of her skin. And she hated herself so much for it.

"Really now?" His grip tightened and he pulled her towards him.

Kay put the rucksack between them. She didn't want to touch more of him than absolutely necessary. If it were up to her, she'd just bolt and get as far away from him as possible. Away from his too familiar eyes, from the heat and the disgust, from the fear and the fascination.

"Are you stalling?" he asked in disbelief and his grasp loosened. "Are you using the same trick as your boyfriend?"

Kyle. She needed to get to Kyle. To him. Away from this... this monstrous imitation.

A devious smirk twisted the features of the man before her. "Are you waiting for him to come and save you? Is that it? You think he'll come for you?"

"I know he will!" she snapped and yanked herself free.

He just laughed, a contagious, rich sound. "And why's that? Because he loves you?"

Ice chips filled Kay's veins. This wasn't conversation she expected to have with Snitch Gravel. He was up to something and she had no idea what.

"Come now, answer me." His smile was frightening in its simplicity. "Do you expect Kyle to die for you because he loves you?"

"I don't expect him to!" she fired back. But she knew he would. "I'd do the same for him."

Snitch Gravel just stared for a second before he burst into laughter. "You youngsters are adorable with your stubborn obsession with love. Love doesn't lift you. It destroys you."

"What the hell do you know about love? It's not like it's something you've ever touched."

His laughter died abruptly and he turned narrowed eyes to her. The chill in his gaze made her wish she'd never opened her mouth. In a flash, he pushed her against the wall. The rucksack slipped out of her hands. He propped his forearm on her collarbone and leaned over her, stopping with his face inches from hers.

"You have no idea what I've been through, little girl," he spat through his teeth. "Have no idea about the true destructive power of this whim you call love."

Kay had no idea what to do. He was so close. She could feel the heat of his breath on her face. The hairs on her neck stood on end. A part of her wishes he'd just break her neck instead of keeping her like this. Her breathing became laboured and her chest heaved. Oh God, I'm having a panic attack.

The frown on Snitch Gravel's face receded, leaving room to a curious expression. His eyes moved away from hers to her lips and his other hand took a strand of her hair. He turned to analyze it as if he'd never seen hair before. And it made her so nervous.

"The resemblance is disturbing," he mumbled.

She couldn't agree more. Against her will, a whimper left her lips and tears drew lines in the dirt and sweat on her cheeks.

Lost Stars (The Jewel Project #3)Where stories live. Discover now