22.1|| Hell

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Of course they couldn’t have it easy. What kind of mission would that be?

Kay kept looking over her shoulder, wanting to make sure Kyle was okay, that he was coming along, that he hadn’t thrown himself head-first into hopeless battle. He was there, but getting back with the rest of them was hard. The corridor they had entered, even if barely wide enough to allow two people through, had a multitude of doors on either side. Men kept pouring into the hall, trying to intercept them. The little light coming from the rooms made it hard to tell distances correctly and  faces apart.

She ducked under outstretched arms and plunged forward, trying to keep up with Jessie who was dodging left and right. The others were much further ahead, because she and Jessie had understandably lagged behind to wait for Jimmy and Kyle. As much as she knew she should hurry to safety, she couldn't. Not without him.

So she stopped running and turned on the spot. The man following her tried to slow down, but ended up running straight into her fist. As he stumbled back, she kicked him in the chest, then knocked him out. Jessie joined her, taking out another of their followers.

“Really smart, Kay,” she mumbled. “Now we’re going to be surrounded.”

“Jimmy and Kyle are coming, so I doubt it.” She charged forward, aiming a kick to the knee of another incoming goon.

“Yes, both of them,” Jessie said, elbowing another guy in the face. “You don’t get worried for both of them.”

Kay’s face caught fire as she ducked around a pair of outstretched hands and punched a man in the liver. Jessie had a point. Jimmy was a lot more help then she was and Kyle was just going to chastise her for not running to safety.

To hell with that! Why run when they could knock some of these guys out? The less followers they had, the better. Kyle and Jimmy reached them and pushed them further down the hall.

“Come on,” Jimmy said, his voice strained. “There’s a shitton of them coming.”

“Where do they keep coming from?” Jessie said exasperated. The corridor before them seemed to be nothing but piled up goons.

“We need to split them up,” Kyle said, and before Kay knew what was going on, he grabbed her arm and pulled her into a room to their right.

She just managed to see Jessie and Jimmy ducking to the left before a handful of goons followed them in and blocked her view. As she turned to look inside the place, she realized it was already occupied. there was an industrial size flashlight in a corner, sending menacing shadows dancing up the walls like little devils around a boiling pot. Only she and Kyle would be the ones boiling soon. In less than ten seconds, they were surrounded.

The world beyond their small, empty room seemed to vanish as the circle closed around them. Kay moved closer to Kyle, so close that she could feel his heat seeping through her skin, setting her nerves on fire. With slow, non-threatening moves, he took his rucksack off and put it on the ground. Then, in the same manner, raised his hands in surrender.

“I’m unarmed,” he said slowly.

“So what?” one of the men growled, motioning at him with his pistol.

Kay took her rucksack off, too, fighting the urge to fling it at the asshole. “What do you mean so what? We’re  two defenceless kids.”

“Ha! Him? Defenceless?” another man snorted. “Yeah, right.”

A small smile spread across Kyle’s lips. Kay nudged him with her hip. This was the worst time to get cocky. He appeared to agree because he sobered and raised his hands higher.

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