04|| Uncovered Plans

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Tom hurried down the hall and caught up with Jessie and Angie before they exited the school building. The two girls looked at him curiously, but didn't fight it when he led them outside and to the right, away from the crowd.

"What's up?" Jessie asked once they reached an isolated tree on the edge of the grounds.

"You two know something." Tom sat at the roots of the tree and the girls followed. "About this internship thing. And I have a feeling I know what it is."

Angie sighed and shook her head. "You're totally right. That mission I was supposed to go on? I think this is it."

Even if he'd suspected it, Tom's gut still clenched uncomfortably. "What do you mean you think this is it?"

"I was supposed to go to Japan to retrieve something, but they canceled at the last minute," she explained. "I was told I'd be briefed later."

"Meanwhile, they've briefed me about a recovery mission in Japan," Jessie continued. "I'm pretty sure this weird sudden internship is our cover to get there. Well, your cover."

"I don't understand why Jessie's not coming if she knows about the mission," Angie said. "Or why it's just the two of us and Billy and Eddie."

Billy and Eddie were only a few things bothering Tom about this whole situation. But at least wherever Angie was going, he was going with her. "I suspected something like this. What I don't understand is why Sam and Jimmy were left out."

"They don't even know about it," Jessie said between her teeth. "This is so stupid. They should've at least sent Kyle or Jimmy with you."

"How are we supposed to finish a mission without Sam?" he asked instead.

"It's not a jewel mission. We need to steal something," Angie answered.

"Steal what?" Tom asked.

Both Jessie and Angie shrugged. This was beyond frustrating. What the hell was the agency doing? And what hurt worst was that Tom felt his hands were tied. Sam hadn't taken what had happened very well. Tom could feel it as well as see the subtle signs on his twin's face, his struggle to be fair and not mind. But he did. He felt left out. And actually telling him that he wasn't missing a stupid internship but a mission would make it so much worse for him. And Tom sure as hell didn't want that.

"What are we going to do now?" Angie whispered.

"Wait to get briefed, is my guess." Tom heaved a sigh. "When are we supposed to be leaving on this thing?"

Both girls shrugged again, annoyance and defeat on both their faces. It was hard to understand anything anymore.


The briefing cam sooner than expected. During the afternoon's training, Herrison asked Tom and Angie to follow him to his office. They did, more than eager to get some answers. After a few clinical, white tiled corridors, they reached the wooden door that lead to Herrison's small office. They were less than surprised to see Billy and Eddie already in there, having a heated argument about some video game mission.

They fell silent the moment Herrison walked in. He headed straight for his desk and had a seat. He rummaged in his pockets and pulled out a small, black box and an antenna. With careful movements, Herrison screwed the antenna on the box and pushed a tiny button. A low buzzing sound filled the room.

"Okay," he said, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his eyes. "This will only work for a few minutes, until they realize I jammed their bugs. Don't complain."

"What?" Tom asked in disbelief.

"Don't complain to anyone except me. I know this is not right and not fair, but I did my best," Herrison said, swinging back and forth on his chair. "Initially, Tom was supposed to do this alone. I asked for the backup team to step in, and next they wanted to send Angie. Finally, third time's the charm. This is the best it's going to get. You four."

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