16.2|| It Takes Two

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Jimmy hurried to the door of the girl's room, trying to find an explanation, not to panic, but it was hard. Hellish. Impossible. He reached it and banged his fist against it.

"Jessie? Kay?"

No answer. He'd tried calling their room. Then Jessie's cell. There was no answer. It had started as a curtsey call to ask if they wanted to go to the library or needed more rest. Now it was a matter of checking if they were still alive.

Don't be an idiot. What could've happened? He didn't know and didn't even want to think about it. He was breaking the freaking door down. But his continued banging had no effect whatsoever and it was loud enough to wake the dead. They were surely not sleeping.

Breaking the door down might be frowned upon, so he had a better idea. He ran back to his room and started searching his rucksack. He finally found the high power magnet, turned it all the way up in intensity, and started pulling the steel wire out of it. His heart pounded too hard for it to be healthy. He felt like he'd OD-ed on coffee again.

Finally satisfied, he opened the window and climbed on the sill. Their rooms were on the sixth floor and the busy street bustled underneath, filling the humid air with the smell of fried meat. Jimmy's stomach squirmed, but it was from the nerves. The girl's room was two windows to the right.

He pressed the on button and threw the magnet. It flew through the air for a few seconds before getting attracted to the iron filling inside the walls, right next to their window. Jimmy attached the hook to his t-shirt, rolled the wire around his hands, then jumped. Before the wire could stretch out, he pressed the button on the hook and the  line started rolling back inside the magnet, bringing him right outside their window.

He scrambled on the small ledge and tried to look inside. It was difficult through the curtain, but the place still seemed empty. He knocked on the window.

"Jessie? Kay?"

No answer. He pulled it open and it fortunately gave in without him having to break any glass. He hopped inside the room and pulled the magnet back. As expected, there was no one there. The rucksacks next to the door proved he had the right room.

Jimmy strode to the bathroom and knocked. When he got no answer, he pushed the door open. Empty. He hurried back inside the room and towards the exit when something caught his eye. There was a folder on the bed with a note on it.

Frowning, he picked it up. The note was in Jessie's handwriting.

To Jimmy:

I know you, hotstuff. You'll surely find a way to get in here. Well, we're doing this. Read it carefully, but don't come after us. We've got this. Just letting you know in case something does happen.

Luv ya, hothead.

Jimmy stared like an idiot. Then he sat on the bed and opened the folder. With a frown, he quickly scanned the contents, his gut twisting tighter with every word until he wasn't sure if he could ever eat again. It was bad. Very bad.

A knock on the door startled him and he dropped the papers.


Kyle's voice. Thank God. Jimmy rushed to open it just to meet a squinting Kyle on the other side.

"Dude, why are you in their room?"

Jimmy shoved the folder at him. "Not the issue."

Kyle took it, but didn't even look at it. "Yes, it's an issue. Can't you respect their privacy?"

"They're not even here. They're—"

"I know where they are."

Jimmy froze and narrowed his eyes. "How do you know where they are?" And why wasn't he panicking as he should?

Lost Stars (The Jewel Project #3)Where stories live. Discover now