Chapter Four

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Remus Lupins' P.O.V As soon as Terra ran out of D.A.D.A. I wanted to run after her and comfort her for whatever reason she ran out of the classroom. During the rest of the lesson, I just tuned it out and wrote notes to Prongs, who was making fun of Professor Gilligan. After D.A.D.A., I had to go to Charms, where Terra's friend Howard, was taking two sets of notes, probably one for himself and the other for Terra.
At lunch, instead of sitting at the Gryffindor table, Prongs, Wormtail, Padfoot and I all sat at the Ravenclaw table with Terra's friends, who refused to talk to us.
"Do you guys know how Terra is?" Padfoot asked, while looking hopeful, only to be shot down.
"No," Terra's friend, Andrea, answered coldly, while glaring at us.
"Have you guys went and visited her, wherever she is hiding at?" Prongs asked mindlessly, while staring at the Gryffindor table, most likely looking at Lily.
"Don't know where she is," Howard said dully, standing up and walking off, who was followed by Andrea and the other kid, Mordecai, I think?
"They totally know where she's at," Padfoot said, while we made our way back to the Gryffindor table. "What do you think she ran out of DADA for?"
"Dunno, maybe she just wasn't feeling good?" I assumed, while I watched the plate in front of me fill up with food.
"Aw, is our ickle Moonykin worried about little Ter's health?" Padfoot said in a little voice, while shoving his fork into his mouth.
"Obviously, because I don't plan on getting sick anytime soon," I scoffed and looked down at my plate, trying to hide the blush on my cheeks.
"Dude, are you blushing?" Peter said arching his head to look at my face. "You're blushing, you fancy her!"
"W-what! N-n-no, I don't!" I sputtered quickly, standing up and leaving the table. I walked out of the Great Hall looking down and walking up some stairs. Prongs, Padfoot, and Wormtail all caught up to me and started to tease me about liking Terra.
Padfoot, Prongs, and I entered the Potions classroom, and took our seats, I looked at Terra's empty seat and sighed. 'Why did she just suddenly leave the D.A.D.A. classroom?'
During Potions, Padfoot managed to screw up so bad on a potion, which ended up with him messing up the potion and creating a Laughing Potion, to which he "accidentally" drank, resulting him in having to go to the Hospital Wing. Potions lasted forever,then it was Charms, then dinner, in which, Prongs, Wormtail and I skipped to go meet up with Padfoot, who was still in the Hospital Wing.
We entered the Hospital Wing to see Padfoot sitting on at bed, not laughing anymore, and a smug look plastered on his face. He pointed over the bed across the room from his. The privacy curtains that surrounded the bed were soon pulled away from the bed and reveal Terra curled up on her bed with a pot beside her.
Her usual nice clothes were messy and disheveled. Her hair was covering her face, some stuck to her forehead and some just all over the place. She was curled into a tight ball, with her arms surrounding her legs. Her arms were covered in scratches and bite marks. Some were deep, others were shallow. Her shoes were kicked off onto the floor and she was semi-under the sheets of the bed. I heard her gasp then she went silent.
"Found her" Padfoot said, yawning. "I asked Pomfrey how long she'd been in her and she told me since second period. Said she was throwing up her lungs for a while before she fell asleep, she's been asleep for almost seven hours straight. She keeps whimpering in her sleep and crying."
"Wonder what keeps making the poor girl cry?" Wormtail said softly while we all looked over at her. A loud laugh echoed through the hall outside the door, making almost everyone look towards the door. Terra's Ravenclaw friends entered the room and walked right over to Terra.
"What do you think those are from? They look like canine to me. The bites, I mean," Padfoot asked and then squinted his eyes trying to see them better.
"Have you tried asking Madam Pomfrey about them?" I asked him and then gave him a pointed look.
"Yeah, she won't tell me, said it was none of my business, and that I shouldn't be poking around," Padfoot scoffed and chuckled. "But let's be honest, we all know, that no matter what I'm gonna continue poking around,"
"I'm gonna go get snacks for her for when she wakes up," Andrea said, looking at Terra. "Does anyone else want something?"
"Nah, I'm good. What about you, Howie?" The kid, Mordecai, asked Andrea. Andrea nodded and turned towards the Howard kid.
"I'm fine. But chocolate for Terra will help her," Howard said, finding a chair and pulling up to beside Terra's bed. Andrea left and Mordecai and Howard started talking.
"Her friends don't seem to like us," was all Prongs said. I turned towards him and gave him a pointed look.
"Wow, really, I would never have guessed," I said, sarcastically. Padfoot chuckled, Wormtail roared with laughter and Prongs grinned. We all laughed for a good five minutes until a small gasp was heard and then sobs. I turned my attention towards Terra and saw her sobbing and clinging to Howard like her life depended on it.
The door to the Hospital Wing opened and Andrea walked in. Her eyes locked onto Terra crying into Howard's shirt. She almost dropped everything she was carrying.
"Oh Godric, Howie what did you do to her?" She walked over to the bed and set everything down. Terra looked up at Howard's and watched him and Andrea's scuffle.
"I didn't do anything, I'll have you know," he stuck his tongue at Andrea then looked down at Terra and smiled. "You okay, there?" He asked Terra. She nodded and let go of Howard's shirt. She looked around and then looked up and around her bed, seeing the privacy curtain was gone. She looked about the room, first looking out the window, then her eyes landed on Padfoot, then the rest of us.
Andrea asked Terra something too quiet for me to understand her. Terra looked down at her arms and then spoke. "I'd rather not talk about it," I heard her say, while she rubbed her arms.
"Well, at least us what happened to your arms then," Howard said pointing to her arms, which made her rub her arms gently and sigh, while looking back up at the three people surrounding her bed.
"When we were getting the Flaming Nutters the other day I found another baby Nutter, but this one was more ferocious and started to bite me and scratch at my arms, so I let it go," Terra said, shyly then let her body went rigid, probably knowing that we were watching her intensely.
The kid, Mordecai, said something that was too soft that I couldn't hear. Terra looked at him then shrugged. "Dunno, really."
"We should get you back to the common room, then. I mean, if you feel okay enough," Howard said, standing up from his chair and stretching. Terra fell back onto her bed and said something. Andrea motioned for Mordecai to pick her up and that's just what he did. He pick her up and threw her over his shoulder, like a sack of potatoes.
Terra screamed and squirmed for a bit before giving up. I glared at Mordecai, while he was carrying Terra towards the door. Andrea was smiling and Howard was laughing, while they followed after them.
Terra looked over to us and made eye contact with me while I was glaring at Mordecai. My eyes softened and looked at her before she broke eye contact and looked away, blushing.
"Having fun there, Terra?" Howard laughed, while they followed slowly after Terra. Terra scowled and gave him the bird while the door shut behind her. I turned back towards the bed Padfoot was laying on to see that him, Prongs, and Wormtail were all looking at me, while grinning.
"What?" I asked, confused. They just kept smiling and looking at each other like they knew something I didn't. They kept staring at me and grinning. "What are you lot smiling about!?" I said frustrated, Wormtail shook his head and laughed.
"You fancy her!" Prongs sang at me.
"No, I don't!" I yelled at him, before Madam Pomfrey came by and dismissed Padfoot from the Hospital Wing. We left the Hospital Wing and went to our dorms.
Terra Lancasters' P.O.V A month had flown by and I was slowly becoming friends with the Marauders. They were strange, funny, weird and absolutely the most annoying people I have ever met. But they made me feel at home at Hogwarts. They were keeping secrets though, and they were trying to figure out my secret. I couldn't let them do that, because if anyone ever found out then they would go around telling and then their parents wouldn't want a werewolf around their kids and then Dumbledore would have to expel me.
Andrea had accepted me hanging with the Marauders sometimes, but Howie and Mordecai disagreed. They wanted me to have nothing to do with those four as they were 'players, annoying and could take advantage of you if you even turn your back to them'.
"Do you really have to hang out with those twats?" Howie asked gesturing to the Remus, Sirius, James and Peter. I turned and looked at them. Upon looking at them I almost face-palmed because they James, Sirius and Peter were making faces using the spoons and forks. "I mean look at them, they're not really the type of group I'd see you hanging out with," I laughed and rolled my eyes.
"I'm just trying to make friends here. I've been here for a month and a half and I've only made seven friends and a loads of enemies." It's true. By me hanging out with the Marauders, I've made enemies with almost every single girl in this school.
"Ugh! Fine, but I don't approve of them, remember that," Howie punched my arm, lightly. I faked crying in pain, causing Howie to panic. I stopped crying and started laughing, making Mordecai laugh at how Howie flicked my nose. I sneezed then groaned at how Howie, Andrea and Mordecai stared at me, then started telling me my sneeze was so 'kitten like' and 'cute'. I sneezed again and glared at Howie for making me sneeze. I frowned and punched Howie's arm. Hard.
"Ow! What the hell? You punch hard," Howie rubbed his bicep and pouted. I mocked him and then sneezed again.
"Sod off. Look what," sneeze, "you've made me," sneeze, "do!" I groaned and put my head on the diner table. Someone sat beside me and poked me, they laughed when I swatted their hands away. I looked up and saw Sirius stealing food off my plate and poking me while doing so.
"Oh my Godric, you guys have to hear this!" Andrea said, then pointed at me. As if on cue, I sneezed and then banged my head on the table.
"That is the cutest sneeze I've ever heard. It's so small and adorable," James laughed and made a small voice. He was having troubles with Lily, she kept rejecting him when he'd ask her out. Lily said that if he wouldn't ask everyday and would actually call her by her name and not by her last name, then she'd consider dating him. I had told him this and he was reluctant at first but eventually gave in and hasn't asked Lily out for three days.
"You have a kitten sneeze!" Remus grinned from across the table. I face-palmed and then sneezed again.
"Why was I cursed with this dreadful sneeze!" I groaned and shoved a fork of spaghetti into my mouth. I stood up and told the group I was going to the library to read for a bit, when in reality I was only using the library as an excuse to sneak out and go into the Forbidden Forest.
I walked to the library and to the back corner where I pulled out the D.A.D.A. paper I had, that was due tomorrow. I finished the report on Boggarts and re-read over it.
'A boggart is an amortal shape-shifting non-being that takes on the form of the viewer's worst fear. When facing a boggart, it is best to have someone else along, to try to confuse it, since facing more than one person at once would make it indecisive as to what form it must take, usually a mixed-up amalgam of the victims' fears.
'Because of their shape-shifting ability, no one knows what a boggart looks like when it is alone, as it instantly changes into one's worst fears when one first see it.
Boggarts sometimes do not have the same strength or magic as what they imitate, for example, a boggart transformed into a dementor has weaker magic than a real dementor, according to the book, or having a deadly scream as a true Banshee, which would otherwise have slaughtered the entire class.
When a witch or wizard has multiple fears that tie for their "worst," the boggart will typically cycle through those fears, presumably randomly.
Muggles can sometimes see boggarts, but rarely see them plainly and are often easily convinced that they are a figment of their imagination.
The charm that combats a boggart is Riddikulus. The charm requires a strong mind and good concentration. The incantation and wand movement alone will not affect a boggart.
The correct way to perform the charm is to push past the fear, and concentrate on something that will make the boggart look amusing. The charm does not, in fact, repel a boggart; it just forces it to assume a shape that the caster will find comical, inspiring laughter, which will defeat a boggart.
My boggart was of being trapped in a room, with a werewolf. That doesn't necessarily mean that I'm afraid of werewolves, of course, but I'm afraid of being trapped, alone. I'm also afraid of losing control and hurting anyone that I hold dear to my heart.
It's tough, you know, Professor, that I'm afraid of losing control when my entire life revolves around not being able to control myself. It's what terrifies me most, and I'll have to deal with it my entire life, reliving it over and over again. But the good news is, I'm slowly gaining control over myself and I particularly proud of that.'
I fixed all my mistakes and then slip it back into my bag before, sliding my bag off and under the desk. I stood up and looked out the window; the moon was about to come out. I quickly exited the library and used the cover of the shadows to conceal me. I exited the castle and ran into the Forbidden Forest.
The moon hit me half-way into the Forbidden Forest and I transformed and started sniffing around for small hunts. I wondered close to the edge of the forest and watched the animals run from me, if I could have laughed I would've. I was watching a unicorn graze on the grass, when I heard a howl really close by. I snapped my head towards the direction of the howl, I sniffed and stood up on my hind legs, letting out a howl in return.
I trotted towards the edge of the forest, where I saw another werewolf, beside the Whomping Willow, trying to get back away from a stag, with a rat on its antlers, and a huge black dog. I came out of the forest and howled at the werewolf. The werewolf snapped its' head towards me and started running towards me. I stumbled backwards and cocked my head at the wolf.
The other werewolf was fairly large, compared to my more smaller size, meaning it was a he. He nudged my side and pushed me into the forest. I tripped and started running from the stag and dog, who were on our tails, so to speak. I stopped and looked at the werewolf beside me, he pushed me backwards, accidentally scratching my side with his claws, making cuts deep into my side.
I stood on my hind paws and pushed the werewolf towards the animals, he looked confused and hurt, but I took a step back and landed back on all four I nudged him with my snout forward, weakly and then turned around and disappeared into the forest.
A howl sounded, loud and clear, filled with sadness, hurt, and longing. I whined, but shook my head and walked off to do something useless. I sat on my hunches and watched the stars pass by, watched the moon cross the sky and then start disappearing. I shifted back and almost screamed, from the pain in my side. Blood was running down my side and dripping onto the ground.
I ran to the entrance of the school and entered. I immediately went to the Hospital Wing, where Madam Pomfrey would know what to do. When I entered she saw my shirt and nodded, she walked over to me, found me a bed and pulled the privacy curtain around the bed. She started telling me how she was surprised that the amount of kids in this school could do what they've done.
I heard the door to the Hospital Wing open then shuffling. "Madam Pomfrey?" That voice was familiar. Who was that?
"Just a minute, lads," she finished bandaging me up then slipped out of the little room, leaving the curtains closed. I sighed and fell back onto my bed, before swinging my feet over the side and standing up. I picked up my cloak and slipped it on, hiding my shirt and my bandages. I poked my head out and saw four bed being occupied, but didn't look to see who they were. One had a privacy curtain much like mine. I slipped out of the curtain area unnoticed and hightailed it out of the Hospital Wing.
I went to the Ravenclaw room and answered the riddle. Quietly, I slipped into my dorm and changed clothes, silently. I heard a groaned then a loud thump while I put my shirt on carefully. My gaze flickered over to Andrea's empty bed, and I looked beside it. She was lying, tackled in her sheets, on the floor in her pajamas.
"You okay there, Andrea?" I asked, pulling down my shirt and going over to help her up. She groaned and sleepily slapped her hand into my. I carefully pulled her up almost screaming in pain.
"'Ood 'rning?" Andrea mumbled to me and then walked to the end of her bed and dug in her trunk. What did she even say to me? I shrugged and walked over to my trunk and dug for a potion. I pulled the blue vile out and smirked. I unstopped the stopper and put the potion to my lip. Chugging the potion, I also gagged and spit it out from the terrible taste of the Wide Awake potion.
Andrea came over to me and pointed to the potion in my hands, I reached into my trunk and pulled another potion out. She unstopped the potion and downed it in one gulp, before licking her lips.
"That is some terrible stuff, I tell you, it's great," she told me before we walked out of the dorms.
"Can we make a quick stop by the library?" I asked her while wincing.
"Yes, sure. Why?" She pulled her bag over her shoulders.
"I left my bag in the library."
When we entered the Great Hall not many people were at the tables. Andrea and I walked to our table and sat in our usual spot. I ate the oatmeal that was in the bowl in front of me, and watched people enter the Great Hall. I stretched and winced as the bandage rubbed the large claw marks on my side.
"So where are you going for Christmas break?" Andrea asked me with a mouth full of waffles. I furrowed my eyebrows and then understood.
"Oh, I'm going to go back home in London to stay with my dad," I answered her and shoveled another scoop of oatmeal into my mouth. I had forgot today was the day we were supposed to either go home for Christmas break or stay here.
"After this I'm gonna go pack. You wanna come with?"
"Sure, give me a second," after she and I finished our breakfast we headed back to our dorm. I pulled my wand out of my pocket and turned towards my bed.
"Pack," my trunk slid out from underneath my bed and began to neatly fill up with all of my belongings. I picked up my trunk, wincing, while carrying it. I whistled for Eden and saw her fly threw the window and onto my unused arm. She hooted and then I pointed to her abandoned cage. Her ruffled her feather and then flew into the cage. I shut the door and picked the cage up. I waited for Andrea to finish packing, before we both made our way our of the common room and down to the entrance of the school. Howie, Mordecai, Andrea and I all made our way to the train, where we tried to find a compartment.
The Wide Awake potion wore off and I almost immediately fell into a dreamless sleep. Somebody shook me awake and told me we were almost in London. I nodded sleepily and yawned, while opening my eyes. I looked out the window and saw we were pulling into the station.
I stood up, grabbed my things and then when the train stopped we all exited. I turned towards Andrea, Howie and Mordecai.
"Owl me sometime, I'll be waiting," I smiled and then hugged then all. I yawned and turned around to see my dad wasn't even here. I sighed and looked around to see, James walking up to his parents and they smile at him. Sirius went up to James' parents and greets them, like they're his parents. Remus was smiling and hugging his parents, Peter was laughing and greeting his parents.
I breathe out and look around one more time. My dad was standing in the middle of the crowd looking around for me, with my older brother. I smiled, let go off my bag and set down Edens' cage, before I ran towards my brother, Easten. He smiled and I jumped into his arms and hug him.
"Hey there, Luppy," he greeted me with his nickname for me. I laugh and hug him harder. I hadn't seen my brother in almost six years.
His once long black hair was clipped short, and was now in a classy style. He had blue eye's like Dad, while I took after our mum, who had brown eyes. He was almost 6'5, which towered over my 5'3. He let me go, dropping me onto my feet. I ran back and grabbed my trunk, before following after Easten and my dad.
Little did I know that someone was watching me with jealousy towards Easten.

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