Chapter Sixteen

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Remus Lupins' P.O.V. When we entered the common room it was empty. The fire in the fireplace was still lit and the pillows were fluffed and put back in their places. It appeared that the house-elves had cleaned the common room and the clothes that had been sprawled out on the floor were picked up and gone.
Prongs sat down on the couch and yawned, while Padfoot and Wormtail sat in the chairs beside the couch and in front of the fireplace. I yawned and plopped down beside James. It was quiet before Wormtail broke the silence.
"So what were you and Terra talking about? Did you ask her out? Get to know her more?" Wormtail nudged his foot to the edge of the couch. I looked at him and gave him a pointed look.
"We just talked. Nothing more, nothing less. And come on, Wormtail, no, I did not ask her out. We barely know each other," I rolled my eyes at Wormtail. Prongs and Padfoot looked up at me and then grinned.
"So you talked, huh? What did you talk about? She tell you about her beloved Wee-how?" Padfoot leaned forwards and put his elbows on his knees.
"How much of an idiot you three are and no we did not talk about Howie," I rolled my eyes, again and watched as Padfoot, Wormtail and Prongs gasped.
"Ouch," Prongss gaped at me and held his hand over his heart.
"Well, you three ask too much. What we talked about will stay between us," I said firmly. Padfoot looked surprised; Prongs had a smirk on his face; Wormtail was nodding and yawning.
"Well can you just give us a snippet of the conversation between the two of you? It must have been good, if you had left us out there to find the ingredients by ourselves, I mean." Padfoot laughed and looked my in the eyes.
"We, uh, talked about chocolate houses," I said slowly, trying to bore them.
"What the bloody hell? Why bloody chocolate houses? You literally could talk about anything and you chose to talk about whatever a chocolate house is? I thought for sure it would be something good," Padfoot exasperated.
"I'm going to go take a shower," I stood from the couch and went up to our dorm we shared together and with Frank Longbottom. I entered the bathroom, showered, changed and exited the bathroom to see Prongs was sitting on his head with his hair wet and messy as always; Padfoot was waiting with a pair of clothes in his hands, standing by the bathroom door; Wormtail was trying to quickly get clothes out and rush to the bathroom, but Padfoot had already entered the bathroom and shut the door. Wormtail groaned and then changed, before climbing into his bed and falling asleep.
"Night guys," I muttered before going to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and immediately changed, fixed my bed and began to do the homework I had forgotten to do last night. Padfoot groaned and rolled out of bed, quickly picking up his uniform and rushing into the bathroom. Prongs awoke and looked around, his eyes stopping on the bathroom door then darting to Padfoot's bed; after seeing it empty he groaned and climbed out of bed. Peter sat up not to long after this happened and pat his hair down, before getting dressed. Frank had already don't what he needed and then left the dorms and common room.
Prongs changed his clothes and tried using his glasses as mirrors, only to give up and run his hand through his hair, whilst Padfoot took his time in the bathroom. I finished writing the essay we had for Potions and then packed it into my bag before looking at Prongs.
"Oh, uh, guys? I might have left a little snippet of information out about last night..." I began. Prongs looked up confused; Peter shrugged and looked at me.
"Go on," Prongs said running a hand through his hair.
"So... it was during detention and I was looking for some unicorn hair, but instead of finding unicorn hair I found a fairy wing. It was actually quite beautiful and I didn't want to get in-"
"For the love of all that exist, just get to the point!" Peter groaned while rolling around on his bed.
"Okay, well, long story short: I trust Terra now and I know she trusts me," I stated slowly.
"What does this have to do with-"
"I told her about me being a werewolf," I concluded quickly. Padfoot's terrible singing suddenly went quiet. The bathroom door opened and Padfoot poked his head out slowly, looking at me. Prongs had the same expression on his face as Padfoot did. Peter was looking quite shocked. "Well, I didn't really tell her, because she already had figured it out, but I basically told her," I smiled innocently.
"Oh, so you just forgot this tid bit of information? How? Wait- does she know about us?" Padfoot asked slowly.
"I, er, am not sure and I forgot about it because I was in the shower?" I fiddled with my fingers and looked down.
"You really trust her?" Prongs questioned me.
"Yes, I trust her," I muttered to Prongs, who looked smug.
"Well, then I think, she is welcome to hang around us whenever she would like to," Prongs said standing up and grabbing his school bag. Padfoot had exited the bathroom and had grabbed his bag and comb. Peter scrambled from his bed with his bag on and we all left the dorm and common room.
I left Divination and went straight to meet up with Prongs, Padfoot and Wormtail at Lunch. Prongs said he had sent a message to Terra to hurry up and meet up in the Gryffindor common room so they could discuss who would be pranked next. I didn't really participate in the plan to get back at Severus Snape for calling Lily a mudblood last year, but Terra seemed to thirst for revenge on him.
"You guys are amateurs, for real..." Terra muttered to herself but it was loud enough that Prongs and Padfoot paused in their pranks.
"Excuse meh?" Padfoot sassed and put a hand on his chest.
"Well, you want the pranks to subtle, like putting food colouring on someones toothpaste, and slowly as time progresses become more and more evil and terrible. Don't just drop it down on his so suddenly, then they'll know it was you. This was how Kayden began the Magicians. He started small by pranking his enemies then moving up to pranking people he was paid to prank," Terra shrugged and then stood up. "I'll be right back. I'm going to go get the pranking equipment Kayden, Maggie, Junior and Harvey sent just the other day," then she left the room. Padfoot quickly pulled out the map and his wand.
"I solemnly swear I'm up to no good," then he tapped the wand to the map and words exploded on the parchment. He opened the map and pin pointed her walking towards the Ravenclaw common room; she entered the common room then went into the girls dorm, where she walked to the length of the room and stopped, before turning around and coming back towards the Gryffindor common room.
"She didn't take very long," Wormtail murmured. We watched when suddenly she stopped in the middle of the hall. A few seconds later someone comes towards her. Evan Rosier. Terra began running towards the Gryffindor common room and a few seconds later she stumbled through the passage way, after Padfoot handed me the map to hid. She was panting and holding a medium sized box under her right arm and sweat running down her neck.
"What happened to you?" Wormtail gaped at her and she dropped the box and collapsed on the couch.
"Evan Rosier... he conjured snakes and had them chase me down. Said that since I'm a blood-traitor then I should be treated like one. I told him he could go suck Henry Kluds off and then ran, but I got the stuff." She wiped her hand across her forehead. She breathed out before standing up and riffling through the box.
"Quite the mouth you got there," Padfoot chuckled.
"You've no idea, Sirius. None at all," Terra smiled mischievously. "Alright, the best way to get back at him would to be to start with muggle pranks. They are the best, before you get the big finale. I'll have to get Darcy Durkens to get me the cash for them... or I can get Eden to go get Hoot to deliver them for me... hmm," she pulled out her wand and levitated a few quills, ink pots, parchment pieces, books and wands out of the box. Prongs went to grab one when Terra warned us. "I wouldn't touch them. They explode and leave marks if they come in contact with skin." She lifted her hand and pushed back her sleeve to show red burn marks on her arm. "It's a dysfunction with the spell Slip put on them. He's not very good a jinxes."
"Oh," Padfoot muttered and looked up at Prongs. She pulled a few blocks of chocolate out of the box and then set them down. "The milk chocolate turns you into your patronus animal against your will and you'll stay like that for a few hours, that is unless, you've already mastered the ability to shift back and forth without trouble. The dark chocolate makes you grow fur everywhere. I mean everywhere. White chocolate makes you inflate with hot air and sometimes grow antlers, tails, ears, hooves, paws, you know the whole shabang, depending on who you are. Although, I've never tried them because, well I don't want to turn into my patronus, grow fur or be inflated or grow unusual body parts. Perhaps one of you'd like to try it?"
At once, Prongs, Padfoot, Wormtail and I backed away and shook our heads. She laughed, before turning back to the box of mysteries. She pulled a few other blocks of chocolate out and then began packing the objects back into the box. "I'd better get this back to my dorm and get to class before the bell rings."
"What about Evan Rosier?" I asked quickly. Padfoot began cracking up and leaned into Prongs and whispered something in his ear, who passed it to Wormtail.
"Don't worry about me, Remus, I'm a big girl. It's Rosier that should watch out for me," Terra chuckled and left the common room.
Terra Lancasters' P.O.V. After dinner and before Astronomy, I went back to the Ravenclaw tower and began writing a letter to Maggie. The letter was more of a list of muggle items I was going to pay Kayden and the group to buy and send to me.

Hoot, Dread, Slip, and Jinx,
Need the following items as soon as you can get them to me. I'll pay for the expenses and have my dad send them under his name, less you want to get caught.
several alarm clocks (no digital clocks only the ones with bells, ya know?)oreos and toothpastepowdered jelloplastic wrapfrozen chicken brothfake spiderspaint (spray paint; black)fake bloodtin foilrainbow coloured hair dye (and food dye)cling wrapbutter (please find a way to keep it cold)thumbtacksductapestring (lots of it)plastic cupssome more chocolate, exploding items and dungbombsPrankster Love,
I included almost twenty Galleons and forty muggle dollars before I called Eden over and tied the letter to her scaly leg and told her to take it to Kayden. She hooted, nibbled my finger affectionately then flew off out the window. I turned around and quickly gathered my things before rushing over to the Astronomy Tower, where the professor had assigned us to look for at least ten of Jupiter's moon. I had only four moons.
"Hey, Mordecai, how many moons, you find yet?" I asked trying to peak at his paper. He shook his head and rolled his eyes, before pushing me away.
"Go ask your boyfriend," I stared at Mordecai.
"I would but, you know, he's not in this class on Thursdays," I stated.
"Okay, then go ask Andrea," I looked over at Andrea and saw her almost dead looking. I dragged myself over to her and leaned beside her.
"Hey," I said and watched her look into her telescope then write something down. She slid her paper in between us and let me copy off her paper. I thanked her and we began to talk. We talked for a while before we were dismissed and Andrea, Mordecai and I dragged ourselves back to the Ravenclaw tower and into the common room. I yawned and said goodnight to Mordecai, before Andrea and I limped up the stairs and into our dorm.
"I'm gonna take a shower first, that okay?" She asked, grabbing clothes to change into. I nodded and flopped onto my bed. I closed my eyes and rested before a peck sounded on the window. I sat up and went over to the window to see Eden and a barn owl resting on the ledge of the window seal. I opened the window and both owls fluttered in and immediately Eden went over to her cage to drink and eat up.
"Hey," I whispered and looked at Maggie. She cooed and turned back from her animagus form. I smiled and hugged her. "What are you doing here?" I asked her.
"Kayden didn't want to wait paper by sending you a letter telling you that the stuff would be arriving tomorrow morning, so he sent me. Wow so this is what the Ravenclaw dorms look like..." Maggie looked around and gawked at the room. " much blue."
"You got to hurry and leave, my dorm-mate is obsessed with the Magicians."
"Oo! New friend!"
"No! She doesn't know about Riley and I being in the Magicians. If she sees you then I'm dead and so are you."
"Awh, whatever. You can't expect me to leave, Luperca, I'm meant to be here."
"Fine. Do you want to spend the night here?"
"Oh my- hell yes! I've always wanted to!"
"Okay. You can either sleep with Eden or you can sleep in the bed -as a owl- with me. If you bite me though, I will not hesitate to chunk you in the cage with Eden," Maggie quickly turned into a owl and flapped up to my arm and looked around. A few minutes later Andrea entered the room and as if Maggie had been electrocuted her feather fluffed up and she quickly and happily fluttered over to Andrea, where she cooed and rubbed her face into Andrea's hair.
"Awh, you're so cute, yes you are!" Andrea gushed and probed Maggie's head with her finger. "Go on, you need rest, go with Eden," Maggie jumped from Andrea's shoulder and landed in Eden's cage beside her.
I slipped into bed and listened to Andrea get comfortable in her bed. The only sound was Andrea tossing and turning in her bed, the coos of Eden and Maggie talking in owl, and the chirp of bugs outside the window. With that, I fell asleep.
I woke up the next morning, showered, changed and waited for Andrea to get out of the bathroom. Eden and Maggie were sitting in Edens' cage, perching on the wooden bar across the bottom of the cage. I stood up and crept over to them when Andrea had slipped into the bathroom to change.
"Maggie, you need to go. If Dumbledore see's you he'll know you're not a owl," I mumbled to the barn owl sitting in the cage. She looked defeated but nodded and cooed, before getting ready to take off. "Buuuut... I mean, it wouldn't hurt to go mess with Riley, unless you don't want to..." She paused mid-wing stretch and looked at me with the most devious eyes I'd ever seen on a owl.
"Hey, Terra, are you talking to a bird?" Andrea said entering the room. I paused and looked at her, before nodding.
"Cool. Be careful, owl's that belong to other people will go report what is said to them to their owners. Let's go." She then turned around and left the room.
"Follow Eden and she'll take you to the Owlery, where she'll be given a letter and the box. Can you help her with the box? There will be other school owls helping, but just so you can get into the Great Hall undetected. See you there," I left Eden and Maggie in the room, but heard them leave. I met up with Andrea, Howie and Mordecai, we left the common room and went to the Great Hall.
"Hey, where'd you go during lunch?" Howie asked, slinging a arm over my shoulder and pulling me into his side. We still had to play the parts of being girlfriend and boyfriend, until Andrea finally got annoyed, but that was going to be a while.
"Why? Did you miss me?" I laughed and watched Andrea turn away and saw Mordecai roll his eyes.
"Obviously! You missed the topic over what would most likely happen if the merpeople in the Black Lake got together with a werewolf," I raised an eyebrow and rolled my eyes while grinning slightly. We sat down in our usual spots and talked and ate until the mail came. I looked up to see Eden carrying a letter on her foot and was being trailed by Maggie and a few other owls carrying a small box. Eden landed in front of me and stuck out her leg. I pulled it off her leg and gave her a piece of toast and waited for the box to land in front of me. I pulled it into my lap and grinned. Maggie was peaking and stealing most of my food, before she hopped onto the box and chirped in my face; I rolled my eyes.
"Go bug Riley, he hasn't seen you since the first of the month," I shooed her and saw her glide over to Riley and land in his food. He glared at her and tried to get her to leave him alone, only to have to steal all his food.
"Go away pesky bird." Maggie paused before opening her beak and letting all the food she just ate slid out, back onto his plate with a wet plop. I turned my head and put my hand to my mouth, trying to stifle my laughter. Maggie chirped angrily at Riley before hopping down the table towards the marauders.
She stood by Sirius' plate and looked at him, before using her talons to pat on his plate -still looking at him- and grabbed a piece of bacon. He looked down at her talons and then looked surprised.
"Oy!" He let out a shout of surprise before trying to get his food back. I watched with amusement as she hopped away from his plate and fluttered over to me again. I pat her head with my forefinger and then tapped my wrist. She looked at me, hooted before stretching her wings and leaving with Eden behind her.

I sorted through the boxes items, before nodding when I saw more chocolate blocks. Though the box was small, they had placed an Undetectable Extension Charm on the box and sent it to me. It was always useful to have at least one person that knew how to successfully put the charm on things.
"That was really quick," Sirius ruffled through the box contents.
"I know people. Funny, illegal, wanted people, but I know people, who get things to me quick," I snickered remembering this morning.
"The Magicians?" James said picking up the bottle of fake blood. Peter and Remus looked at it skeptically, while James and Sirius looked at it confusingly.
"What is that even?" Sirius asked tossing me to two rolls of ductape. Right! He had one of those families that did believe in muggle things. I chuckled and pulled a piece off.
"Ductape. It sticks things together really well. Wanna see?" I grinned at him and gestured for his arms; he looked unsure, but held them out. I put them together and began to wrap the ductape around his arms, slowly making my way up his arms, until the only thing visible was his hands and shoulders. Remus began to laugh and Peter was on the floor holding his stomach, as I guided Sirius over to the small wooden table beside a armchair and taped the table to his hands.
"Hey! Get this off of me!" He yelled and began to struggle. I laughed for a while with the other three before pulling my wand out and getting rid of the tape. He glared at me then Remus, Peter, James and him began conversing together about the plan. I began packing up my things and as was doing so I picked of paper that was lying on the floor beside a chair and put it in the box.
"I've got to go and serve detention in the Trophy Room, so I'll see you guys tomorrow," I waved and held the box on my hip before turning around and leaving the common room. I entered the Ravenclaw common room and went up to my dorm, before placing the box I had under my bed.
When I entered the Trophy Room, Filch had Mrs. Norris watching me to make sure I was cleaning. I sat down in front of the first trophy case and began washing the first trophy on the shelf. I waxed it, put it back on the shelf and moved on. I repeated this action for some time, before finishing and ended up petting Mrs. Norris, who at first protested before giving in.
An hour later Filch entered the room with a scowl on his face, but the scowl was lifted off his face when he saw Mrs. Norris purring and lying on her back, begging for me to scratch her belly. I obliged before biding Filch a good night and going off to my dorm again.
I walked into my dorm and pulled the box out from under my bed, upon remembering that Andrea had asked me to cover for her tonight so she could go see Warty Warren. I dumped the box out and was sorting them when I saw the piece of paper I had put in the box earlier. I opened it, closed it, turned it, flipped it upside down, right-side up, closed my eyes and opened them to only see it was a normal piece of blank parchment. I shrugged, then looked at the time;I still had ten minutes before lights out.
I stood up and rushed out of the dorm, while putting the parchment in the waistband of my jeans and pulling my shirt over it. I exited the common room and hurried to the Gryffindor Tower looking for Riley. I saw him lazily walking towards the portrait of The Fat Lady.
"Riley!" I caught up to him and told him what I had found. He looked surprised then determined.
"Show me. First, we need to get back to the Ravenclaw Tower, then you can show me."
"Just come on."
He pulled me behind him until we got to the Ravenclaw Tower, where I answered the riddle, then we entered. I looked around and made sure no one was around, so I pulled the paper out and showed him.
"Now, why?" I repeated.
"Frank said that one time, while he was trying to sleep that they -James, Peter, Sirius and Remus- had pulled this out and talking about it and people on it. Said that they whispered 'I solemnly swear I am up to no good' or some-" right as he had said that, the page exploded with colour.
Mr. Prongs presents to his complements to Mr. Riley and begs that he shouldn't take what isn't his.
Mr. Padfoot would like to add that he is surprised that an idiot like him even managed to get this map.
Mr. Wormtail agrees with Mr. Padfoot and wishes to tell Mr. Riley that needs to keep his nose out of other peoples business.
Mr. Moony would like to add that Mr. Riley is a huge git.

The ink faded away and presented a blank and empty piece of parchment. I huffed and looked up at Riley, then looked back at the parchment.
"I solemnly swear I am up to no good?" I mustered a voice and watched more colour explode on the page again.
Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs
Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers
are proud to present

Mr. Prongs would like to advise Miss Terra that she needs to sod off and leave things alone.
Mr. Padfoot present his complements that Miss Terra even managed to get a hold of the map and that he is surprised a girl like her could get the map.
Mr. Wormtail would like to admit that Miss Terra needs to wash her hair as it is greasy like Snivelly's.
Mr. Moony would like to mention that Miss Terra is a, uh, is that a new hair style? Mr. Moony would like to say he very much likes it.

I gaped and opened the parchment. Footprints moved across the pages with little name tags on it. I looked around the parchment and saw Riley and I's name tags and little footprints standing in the Ravenclaw common room, with a bunch of name tags and footprints on both sides of us, from the dorms.
"Hold on, I wanna see something," I murmured before walking over to the desk in front of the window setting it down on the desk. I spread the map out and looked for the names. I finally found them in the Gryffindor boys dorm standing still in their room close to each other. Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter.
"This must be how they knew where Filch was last year..." I mumbled, then quickly looked at Riley. "We can't tell them we have this or they will take it. This must have been how they knew where to find me or something last year. This map tracks people."
"Well, no duh."
"Oh, I'm sorry Captain Obvious, I didn't know you knew everything! Should you take it since you know so much?"
"Whatever. You can keep the map, I'm going to go to bed and I'll talk to you tomorrow when you aren't being so bitchy," he then turned and left. I glared at him as he left and then looked back at the map. I wonder, I thought, tapping my chin with my index finger.

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