Sneak Peek of The Disappearing Act

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Terra followed her brother, her father and Riley to Platform 9¾. King's Cross Station was crowded with muggles and witches and wizards and as most would guess, the witches and wizards were going to Platform 9¾. Terra was excited to go back and learn more magic, she was excited to see her friends, excited to see her professors again and certainly excited to see the new magical creatures that Professor Kettleburn was going to introduce to the class.

The four of them disappeared through a wall and appeared on the other side. Terra stared in amazement at the large, ruby red engine train that would haul her and the rest of the Hogwarts students back to their temporary home of magic. Terra was happy to see this loud arse train again and couldn't wait to see Andrea, Howie and Mordecai again.

Riley said his goodbyes to Easten and Terra's father, before melting into the crowd, leaving Terra with her brother and father. She hugged the both of them and said her goodbyes as well. But she was not done.

"My baby girl is growing up," smiled Mr. Lancaster.

"I'm only going to Hogwarts, dad, not Beauxbaton and plus you'll be able to write you know that," replied Terra pulling herself from her father's embrace.
"I know, but I just want you to know I love you," smiled Mr. Lancaster again. Terra smiled and then waved goodbye again, before disappearing into the crowd of people to get to the train. She struggled through the crowd and even had to elbow some people out of her way.

Terra was an interesting character all together, but what made her even more so was the unique scar on her wrist in the shape of an 'R' and the three long claw marks on her left side, running from her armpit to her hips. How she got these scars is a different story and one she'd already told, but who gave them to her is an even more interesting person and one she'd rather avoid until the end of time though.

Terra scrambled onto the train and lugged her bags after her. It didn't take her long to find her Riley sitting in a compartment with Andrea, Howie, and Mordecai and when she did enter the booth Andrea was the first to tackle her out into the walkway. People stared but they didn't care, Terra smiled and released Andrea as they entered the compartment again.

"Oh my Godric! Terra, what has been going on! How have you been? What have you been doing?" Andrea fired questions off at Terra. Terra laughed and answered them quickly and calmly.

The first few thing that Andrea noticed about Terra was that she was five times more serious than she had been at the end of last year, she had cut her hair to her shoulders and that she had gotten the tattoo on her ear removed. It shocked her, but it wasn't Andrea who controlled Terra, Terra controlled Terra.

"I was busy with my friends in London," Terra answered Andrea. She really had been busy with her friends. She'd been busy blowing up the sewers of London with frogs and causing a zoo break out and making more chocolate (this kind made people blow up like balloons), she had been busy planning new pranks with Kayden and Riley and Harvey and Maggie and Junior. She'd been quite busy and that was the truth.

"Really? Why do I feel obligated to point out how I don't believe that?" Howie poked fun at her. Riley rolled his eyes and looked over at Terra.

She'd changed a lot. She spent more time with the Magicians than at home, she'd gotten her ear tattoo removed and she'd cut her hair. She was more serious, less playful, and when she was it was only in the solitude she shared with her friends. She even had began having a "thing" with Junior. They were cute, sure but, they didn't fit, thought Riley. Riley knew why, but didn't know the whole story.

Terra answered, goofily, "You guys are just jealous because I have more friends outside of school!" And that's how the conversation went. The longer that the five of them stayed in the compartment the funnier and more inappropriate the jokes became. And slowly Terra reverted back to her old self showing the more playful and funnier side, showing a softer side then she was before.

Rain began to pour down from the skies as the conversation quieted down. The sound of the rain hitting the window lulled Terra into sleep, drowning her in odd dreams of thestrals and unicorns. When Terra awoke a few hours later, it was completely dark outside, rain still tapping against the window. They were getting close, Terra could tell.

"I'm going to go get changed into my robes," Terra announced. Riley was asleep (he already had his robes on), Howie was reading (already had his robes), Mordecai nodded and stood up with her (he did not have his robes on) and Andrea had already left to go change. Terra pulled her bag from the racks above and dug around for her Ravenclaw robes. When she found them she and Mordecai left the compartment and went to the restrooms.

She entered the girl's room and entered a stall. When she finished changing into her robes, she exited and saw Lily come into the restroom.

Lily and Terra were friends and both knew this. Terra was not angry with Lily for James words, but Lily was angry, not at Terra though. Lily and Terra had spoken some over the summer and Terra had even gone over and spent the night at her house, but the next morning Petunia, Lily's sister, had called them both freaks and Lily insisted Terra leave until Petunia left again. Lily even knew about Terra's werewolf issues and didn't despise her in any way, shape or form and that had Terra happy. Another thing that made Terra happy was the fact that she had not spoken to Terra about the Marauders, but all was about the end. Terra gave a quick smile at Lily as she entered the restroom and shut the door behind her.

"Hey, I-we need to talk," Lily probed lightly. Terra paused, but nodded, telling Lily to continue talking. "I want to talk about how unfair the boys are treating this situation." Terra had already heard enough and was going to leave. "They shouldn't be ignoring you because you hid the truth from them. They are getting a little too wild about this whole thing saying you lied to them, but you didn't lie, you just didn't say anything about the situation.

"Let's be honest with ourselves for a moment. Remus told the boy's he was visiting his ill mother, that was a lie. The quote-on-quote lie they say you told them is not true. They never asked, they assumed and when you assume you make an ass out of yourself. All I'm saying is that they should at least-" Terra was out the door leaving Lily alone in the restroom. The restroom door closed and Lily heard. "Terra?" Silence. "Okay."

I know this isn't much, but I've been busier with other projects and trying publish a paperback book. When I get around to starting the rest of this little snippet, I WILL let you guys know and for now I hope this gets you guys ready for the rest! I'll see you guys later and stay imaginative! -Blue

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