Chapter Thirteen

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Remus Lupins' House
August 18, 1976
Remus Lupins' P.O.V.

I sat on the couch with my mum, reading the book that Terra had sent to me for Christmas a while back. The book was hard to understand but very interesting, with the Hobbits, Dwarfs, a dragon named Smaug, a wizard named Gandalf that reminded me a bit of Dumbledore and elves. I chuckled at one point and then marked my place in the book. Mum was reading the newspaper, beside me and Dad was finishing the crossword puzzle that Mum had pulled out of the paper. Mum stopped reading and looked up at me, flashing me a smile.
"Is that the book Terra gave you for Christmas?" Mum grinned at me, Dad looked up from his puzzle and raised an eyebrow at me. Silence followed her question, a silence which was filled entirely with the sound of blood rushing to my cheeks.
"Uh, maybe." I quietly answered, flushing red. Dad chuckled and then shook his head, while mum smiled at me.
"Don't be embarrassed, Hun. She's a very beautiful young woman, you shouldn't be afraid to have a crush on her, even if you are who you are. If what you've told us about her is true, she won't care, Remus." Mum gently inquired. I sighed and looked down.
"I'm dangerous though, I could hurt-"
"Remus John Lupin, if you dare say you're dangerous and that you could hurt her or bite her, I will personally have your father Floo me over to her house and we will invite her family over for dinner." Mum said firmly, rising off the couch and putting her hands on her hips. I gaped at my mother and then looked at Dad who was looking wide-eyed at Mum.
"Honey, he's just having a hard time, no need to get angry." Dad tried to calm mum down, but she turned and snapped at him.
"Well, I'm tired of my son thinking he's not good enough for anyone! By golly, I say he is better then good. I just want him to find someone." Mum had tears in her eyes, but she quickly rid of them and then let out a sigh.
"I'm sorry, mum, I'm just scared of hurting someone and I don't want to hurt her." I murmured to her. She nodded and hugged me, before she gestured for Dad to join in on our hug. Mum pulled out of the hug and then wiped her tears.
"I'm going to go start dinner." She turned on her heels and then walked into the kitchen. Dad looked at me and then spoke.
"Go freshen up and I'll talk to her, just don't doubt yourself, okay, Remus? You're a good kid and you'll find someone." Dad then walked off and into the kitchen. I padded up the stairs and to my room, where I showered quickly and changed close. The smell of food wafted into my room and beckoned me out, which I gladly followed. When I came down the stairs, I heard other people talking with my mother and father. I furrowed my eyebrows and quietly peeked down the stairs and saw Terra's brother, Easten talking with my father. I panicked and turned around, bounding up the stairs and back into my room where I quickly wrote a SOS letter to Prongs.
"Remus! Dinner! We have guests over!" Mum yelled up the stairs, causing me to groan and go down the stairs. In the kitchen was Terra's father, her brother and herself.
Terra's dad was wearing a button up shirt, with a wipe shirt underneath. He was wearing black dress pants and shiny dress shoes. His black hair was in a clean, professional looking style and he looked cleanly shaven.
Easten was wearing a brown T-shirt with new trousers. His black hair was cut short and in a messy fashion, much like James.
Terra was wearing a dark grey dress that went to her knees, it had a lacy design on the chest area and on the bottom. She had a pair of black flats on her feet and her hair was in a braid down her back. She had a lot of different earring on her left ear, while on her right ear was a sterling silver dragon clutching onto her ear. She was carrying a small hand bag on her shoulder.
Mum and Dad were seated at the table and there was only one seat left beside Terra. I hesitated before sitting beside her and began to eat, while the adults talked. Terra was just looking at her food and eating, not trying to strike up a conversation with me.
"So, uh, Terra, have you gone to Diagon Ally yet?" I asked awkwardly. Terra looked startled, like I'd scared her out of a daydream or deep thought, then answered me.
"Oh, yeah, we went today to get the supplies Professor Flitwick sent today." She answered and then went back to eating. I frowned and then just sat there eating my food, while the adult talked again. I finished my food not too soon after Terra did and stood up to leave.
"Honey, why don't you show Terra around the house and you two can go hang out upstairs, that is if it is fine with you, Brain. Is it?" Mum asked Terra's dad, he nodded and looked at Terra with a grin. She rolled her eyes and then followed me up the stairs.
"How are you this summer?" I asked Terra, trying to start a conversation.
"Good. You?" She answered, walking beside me.
"Fine, I guess, not really much to do here." I shrugged, causing her to look at me strangely.
"Are you kidding me? There is plenty to do in London." She said stopping in the hall and looking at me.
"Not really anymore, I've been to all of the arcades, hang out places, museums, and such places."
"That's all?"
"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"
"Nothing, just those are just some of the minor places in London."
"Well we can't exactly go do magic without being seen or expelled from Hogwarts."
"That my friend, is where you are oh, so very wrong. The Tower Bridge, you know, there's this group of witches and wizards that go there to mess around by creating and using pranking equipment. They're the group of pranksters that spray painted the side of the Buckingham Palace about a month ago and they enchanted Big Ben to have the tower to change colors about two years ago." I stared at Terra for a second.
"And you know this how?"
"Oh, it's complicated, that's another story for another day. So, come on!" She grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down the stairs and back into the kitchen.
"Uh, we were wondering if we could go walk around London for a bit?" Terra asked looking at her Dad then at my parents. Her dad looked at my parents and they looked at him and then back at Terra.
"Sure, but you two be careful and call if anything happens." My dad said and gave me a pointed look, while Terra's dad gave her a serious look. I nodded and then Terra turned towards the door and pulled me towards it.
She dragged me through the streets of London, until she stopped and turned into an alleyway. She pulled her hand bag from her shoulder and un-zipped it, reaching her entire arm inside the bag.
"How deep it take bag?" I asked as she had to reach her other arm in. She looked up at me and then smiled, before pulling out her wand.
"A while back I placed a Undetectable Extension Charm on it. It was bloody tricky but I managed to pull it off. Now, there's a uh, can't tell you about that, never mind, just follow me." Terra stood up and picked the bag from the dirty floor, before she gestured for him to followed her deeper into the alley. She turned on a corner and we ended up in a dead end.
"Uh, what are we doing in an alleyway?" I asked skeptical, she looked at me and read my facial expression.
"Oh my, this must look really suspicious, doesn't it? I swear I'm not going to kill you, this is just where the secret passage to get to the top of the Tower Bridge. Hold on, I'll show you." She took her wand out and I panicked.
"Don't! If you do magic you'll get expelled!" I warned her.
"Hush, Remus, I'm not doing magic. I just have to let the passage identify my wand," she said blankly, then pushed her wand into a small inch wide hole. There was a click then the bricks on the dead end started disappearing and then a passage lead under the building in front of us. Terra walked under it first then I followed her under, a lantern of the wall busted into flames and then more lantern on down the passage lit up.
"Cool," I marveled over the sight of the lanterns going deeper into the passage.
"Right. We should get down the passage, before we linger to long and Kayden thinks were shagging down here and he releases Grudge on us," Terra said as we walked down the hidden path.
"Who's Kayden and what's Grudge?" I asked as we continued to walk.
"Kayden's just a friend from the Magicians, the prankster group, and Grudge is his Crup and he'll attack you if told to do so, mostly he's a gently dog, though."
"Oh, then we should probably get out of here before it comes after us."
We walked for decades before Terra lead us to a trapdoor. It reminded me of the hidden passages at the school that Prongs, Padfoot, Wormtail, and I usually used. Terra rapped on the door and we waited for it to open, a few minutes later the door opened and a boy with shaggy hair was standing over the door with a Jack Russel terrier was growling and glaring down in to the passage.
"Move it, Sheckler, I've got to get out of the passage," Terra groaned and began to climb the ladder up. I followed up after her and saw the guy watch me.
"Who's this guy, Luperca?" Terra turned and glared at the guy and they had an unspoken conversation, where Terra was mostly glaring at the guy. "Right. Sorry."
"Remus meet Kayden; Kayden meet Remus, he's the friend I was talking about," Terra quickly introduced us, the after Kayden busted into hysterical laughter.
"How convenient!" He laughed and then wiped his tears away and then looked at me. "So what's your story?" Kayden asked guiding me to the a room, I assumed was the lounge room, seeings as it had dozens of chairs and couches.
"What?" I asked confused, while watching him sit down in a chair and look at me.
"I've known Terra since she was walking around in diapers and usually she doesn't bring just anyone to the Bridge, unless they're special to her. Are you two dating or what?" Kayden asked leaning forwards onto his elbows.
"No! I- we're not dating. Why does everyone say that?" I groaned and then let out a breathe.
"You really are just as she's described you as: lanky and awkward," Kayden said casually, right as Terra walked in.
"Kayden!" Terra exclaimed at him, causing him to chuckle. "God, I can't let you meet any of my friends."
Terra had changed into some shorts that were sort of shorter then what I'd expected, and a black shirt with bleach stains and paint splatters on it. She had all the same jewelry, but different shoes, she had running shoes on.
"Oh come on gotta watch out for my little sister," Kayden said in a super girly voice. Terra scoffed and put her hands on her hips.
"Remus over here is a prankster, him and his three other friends are the pranksters of the school. They probably haven't done anything extreme like painting a shamrock on the side of the Buckingham Palace, because the Irish won the Quidditch Cup, but he's a grasshopper so we -you- need to teach him your ways." Terra said pointing to me then pointing to a newspaper clipping of a picture of a shamrock painted on the side of the Buckingham Tower.
"Wait- you weren't lying when you said he was the one who did that?" I question surprised.
"Yes I was serious, he really did do it," Terra rolled her eyes, "Do you ever listen?" She laughed.
"You said there was more, there was a group," I pointed out and she rolled her eyes then looked at Kayden. He stood up and disappeared around a corner.
"There are. They are just sleeping, messing around, experimenting and doing other things, not all just sitting around doing nothing," Terra shrugged and then stretched.
"Hey, why did Kayden call you Luperca?" I asked her, she froze and then looked at me.
"We all have a code name we use. I'm, obviously as you now know, Luperca; Kayden is Dread; Maggie is Hoot; Junior is Slip; Riley is Maccon and Harvey is Jinx. That is our signature names. We leave our signature at the scene of the prank and then we leave, but each time it's a different person signing," Terra explained and then she sighed and crashed onto a couch.
"Why did you bring me with you?" I wondered and sat beside her.
"Because you looked ready to jump out the window to your death," Terra grinned and stood up when a tiger entered the room. My eyes widened and I sat rigid as the tiger strode over to the couch and growled at Terra. She rolled her eyes then looked back at me.
"Oh right, you've probably never been around an Animagi. This is Slip, he's our go to guy when we're in trouble," Terra pet the tigers ears causing him to growl at her. "Hush, Slip, it's not like I put you in a tutu like Maggie did." The tiger turned into a boy.
He had caramel coloured skin, dark brown eyes and a buzz cut. He was wearing a stripped polo shirt, and black trousers. He rolled his eyes at Terra then his eyes locked onto me, he narrowed his eyes towards me.
"Who's this shank?" Slip pointed at me then looked at Terra.
"Remus Lupin," I greeted him and stood up, holding my hand out. He took my hand and pulled me into a handshake hug.
"Sup, man. Heard a lot 'bout you," He pulled away and then turned towards Terra. "Where's Maccon? He's usually with you."
"I wasn't with him today, my family had dinner over at Remus', so I brought him with me," after Terra said that a few more people entered the room and we ended up talking and laughing.
Terra Lancasters' P.O.V. Two weeks later, I was standing with Riley in front of the scarlet train, hold Edens' cage and my trunk beside me. Riley was holding his cat, Bates, and his trunk. After the whole Magician incident, Remus asked if James and Sirius could come and meet them (Peter couldn't come because his family was in Moscow) so I asked Kayden and the group. At first they said no, but a few begs and owed favors later and they all met. James and Sirius freaked out and it was just chaos.
"So what'd you make on you're O.W.L.'s?" Riley asked. I usually I would have shown or told him my O.W.L. results, but I just never did. I turned towards Riley and then pulled the parchment out of my pocket..
"I had six O's and three A's. You?" I asked him, while we tried to find a compartment. We found a compartment in the back, sat down and began talking.
"I got four O's and five A's. Mom was kinda surprised I didn't get all O's but then she remembered I was a werewolf-" the compartment door opened and the Marauders entered and looked confused. Remus smiled at me after the confusion cleared from him. Sirius glared at Riley, as did Peter. James nudged Sirius and then watched Riley closely.
"Hey, you four," I waved and turned towards Riley. "What were you saying?" Riley looked at me like I was insane.
"Uh, Ter-"
I cut him off. "I know. They already know I know, and they know if they tell anyone some strings will be pulled and somethings might happen."
"Ter, we've talked about this, you can't just threaten people because they know," Riley scolded me, then looked at the four people standing in the entrance of the compartment. "Sorry, 'bout her, I've talked to her about threatening people."
"Yeah..." James drifted off.
"Do you guys want to sit with us?" I asked with a smirk. James shrugged and ran his hand through his hair messing it up even more so, then he put his trunk onto of the luggage holder and sat down beside Riley, who tensed slightly. Then Sirius sat beside James after putting his stuff away; Remus put his stuff on the luggage holder then sat beside me; Peter sat beside Remus and we talked.
"Still can't believe you two know the best pranksters in London and the wizarding world. I'd never have pinned you two to be like that," Sirius tossed the top to his chocolate frog box at Remus.
"I don't see how it's hard to believe. Would it be hard to believe if I told you I was part veela?" I said trying to keep a serious face.
"No," "Yes," "Yes," "Yes," silence filled the compartment as everyone looked at Remus surprised. Riley looked at Remus with a stern glare and watched him intensely.
"What?" I squeaked, staring wide-eyed at Remus and blushing. He blushed then sputtered.
"I-I- uh- I mean- she-you are terrifying when you're angry. T-that's what I-I meant," He quickly cover. "We're almost to Hogwarts, I'm going to change," he left the compartment, completely forgetting his uniform.
"Oh," I said quietly. "One of you should probably go tell him he left his uniform in here." After James and Sirius left, leaving Peter behind, I turned to Riley and then stood up. "I'm going to go try to find Howie and them." I left the compartment in search of Howie, Mordecai, or Andrea. I walked passed the bathrooms, where I overheard someone talking, but kept walking, trying to find anyone from my House. I walked passed a compartment and looked in to find Howie, Andrea and some other kid. Andrea and the boy were sitting by each other and holding hands, while Howie was looking sadly at them both. I opened the door and poked my head in.
"Hey is it alright if I sit here for a while," I smiled trying to mask my sadness; Howie saw right through it. He stood up and excused himself for a second and exited the compartment with me. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind him as he walked down the aisle, trying to find a empty compartment to talk in. After almost going to the front of the train towards the prefect and Head boy and girl compartment, he finally found one.
He opened the door and gestured for me to go in; I did and he followed. He shut the door and looked at me, staring straight through me. I busted into tears and he hugged me, closely.
"What happened, Terra?" He asked softly as I cried into his shoulder. So I told him the entire conversation.
"Holy fu- he needs to learn better pick up lines. I mean, come on he's friends with the schools biggest flirt for crying out loud!" Howie exclaimed rolled his eyes, but as he looked at me, I saw the same kind of sadness in his eyes.
During the summer, Andrea had gotten a boyfriend, Warren Quinton, a Gryffindor in our year. I'd been there when Howie was slowly spiraling into depression, when Andrea had announced it to Howie. He'd cried in front of me and begged me to spend the night so he wasn't alone and I'd stayed to help him.
"Why do I feel hollow?" I asked emptily, as I sat down beside Howie and cuddled into his side.
"Because you've been hurt by the one you love, but don't worry you're not alone."
"I'm sorry for pulling you into this."
"It's fine, Terra. I'd have rather be here, then watching Andrea and Warty (he wasn't really warty) Warren kissing."
"I have an idea."
"Oh god, the four word humanity fears coming from your mouth. Alright spit it out."
"It's not a good plan, but it's a plan," so I pulled away from his side and began explaining my plan to him. After I told him he looked at me, then flicked my forehead.
"That is a godawful plan, I'm in." He laughed and we high fived before leaving the compartment.

by the way Luperca is the wolf mother who adopted and nursed two baby boys, Romulus (the founder of Rome) and Remus. Lupa or Lupea is a Latin name for "She Wolf"
Maccon means "son of the wolf"

if you couldn't tell the code names for the magicians are sort of some dead give aways to their illegal animagi.

Kayden = crow
Maggie = barn owl
Junior = tiger
Riley = wolf (duh)
Harvey = lynx

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