Chapter Nine

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Terra Lancasters' P.O.V

Four weeks slowly passed by, letting Remus and I had became close friends, well closer friends. He was generally a good guy that only wanted to be accepted by everyone for who he was and what he was. Whenever Riley and I hung out, Remus and the other three usually glared daggers at Riley and it wasn't only during class or in the Great Hall. It seemed that whenever Riley and I hung out, they always followed us around, weather it be to the library, to the Quidditch Pitch, or to go visit Hagrid, they followed us everywhere. Eventually got so creepy and annoying that I finally asked Riley why they where doing it.
"Why the fuck are they following us?!" I hissed at Riley, who was reading a book, during our lunch hour. He looked up and followed my hand where it was pointing towards where the four Marauders had dove behind a bush. What gave it away was that Peter's hair was sticking up from the top of the bush.
"Oh, that? They're scared that I'm going to reveal to you that Remus over there is a werewolf and that his friends are the Animagis' that accompany him during his transformations," Riley yawned and closed his book, before standing up and stretching his arm above his head.
"That's it! That's what they're worried about?! I've been watched like a hawk, whenever I sit within a ten foot perimeter of you, because they think you're going to tell me something I already know?!" I ranted then stood up, angrily, and was about to stomp over to those four, when I was tossed over Riley's shoulder. "Riley Xavier Fairview! Put me down right this instants, I have a bone to pick with my stalkers!" I yelled at him and pounded my fists on Riley's back.
"No, because then you'd give yourself away, and I know you don't want to do that," Riley said calmly to me. He was usually like this when the Full Moon was that night; calm, while I was like this; angry. "Trust me, Ter, you don't want me to put you down."
"Okay, fine! But seriously I left my bag back there," I said truthfully and pointed to my bag that was beside the bench in the courtyard. Riley chuckled and shook his head.
"You've played that card before, it's not going to work again," he said, carrying me out of the courtyard, I fought against him and slipped from his tight grip, landing on my feet and dashing to go get my bag. I smirked as I grabbed my bag and then looked at the bush that the four Marauders were hiding behind. They were no longer behind the bush and I looked around for them.
"Sneaky bastards," I muttered, while I heard Riley running after me, a second later, I was picked up again and thrown over his shoulder again. I huffed and rested my elbow between Riley's shoulders and rested my head on my hand.
"Damn, you just don't give up do you?" Riley laughed then continued to carry me towards my class, Potions. We arrived in front of the door and he set me down. I scowled at him and turned on my heels and walked into the dungeon like classroom, muttering.
I plopped into my seat beside James, who was smirking and sending love notes to Lily. He looked up at me and smiled innocently.
"What?" He asked charmingly. I glared at him then turned towards Lily, who was ripping James heart notes in half. I smiled and then turned back around to see James looking horrified.
"What's the matter, James?" I asked sweetly. He looked at me then Lily and scooted his chair forwards and away from the both of us. Professor Slughorn entered the classroom and stood at the front of the classroom. We all turned our attention towards him and watched him.
"Alright students, today we're going to be studying a potion called Amortentia. Can anyone tell me what this potion is and does?" Professor Slughorn asked and then moved out of the way so we could see a bubblegum pink potion sitting in a clear class vile. I raised my hand along with many others.
"Miss Evans?" Professor Slughorn pointed at her then clasped his hands together.
"Amortentia is a powerful love potion, and it is considered to be really dangerous. But despite being a love potion, it doesn't really create actual love, it's impossible to imitate love. The person who drinks the potion will become obsessed with the creator of the potion," Lily finished crisply.
"Very good, Miss. Evans. Yes, Amortentia is a love potion, but it cannot make true love, only an obsession for the administrator of the potion. Now come gather into a line and then take a sniff, I want you tell me what you smell, then you will write a five inch essay about what the smells mean to you," Professor Slughorn said, while we quickly lined up. I was the seventh person in line behind a Hufflepuff named Amos Diggory.
It was five minutes before it was my turn and I was skeptical about sniffing a love potion. I leaned over and breathed in the potion. It took me a second to actually smell the potion, and when I did I pulled away. I sneezed into my elbow before giving my answer to Professor Slughorn.
"I smelled dark chocolate, fresh rain and the smell of old books," I stepped away from the potion.
"Interesting scents," Professor Slughorn said and then I went to my spot before pulling out a piece of parchment and began my essay, so I would fail tomorrow because of tonight. After the entire class had smelt the potion the bell rang signalling the end of Potions and I gathered my things, exited the classroom and began to make my way to D.A.D.A..
I walked up the stairs and quickly jumped onto stairs that were about to leave. The stairs rotated to the hall I needed and I hopped off and walked down the hall until I came to the classroom. In the middle of the classroom was a big black cabinet. I cocked my head and then shrugged sitting down next to Andrea, who looked excited.
"Why are you so excited?" I asked yawning and leaning my head onto my hand. Andrea turned to me and grabbed my shoulders, before shaking me.
"Today we're finally going to do our boggarts!" She whisper-yelled at me. I froze and looked her in the eye, how could I have forgot? I forgot that Professor Gilligan had finally gotten permission from Dumbledore to let us do our first boggart, for the year.
"Oh, boy," I groaned and then placed my head on my desk. Andrea nudged me and asked if I was okay, and I simply replied with, "Oh, I'm just fan-freaking-tastic," to which she replied with a chuckle and then hugged me.
"Hello class! Today we will be redoing our unit on boggarts. So line up and remember think of something funny about your fear and then point your wand at it and say 'Riddikulus'," Professor Gilligan said, while we lined up. I tried to get at the back but was pushed up to the upper middle, lower head of the line. Andrea was in front of me and she was practically bouncing off the walls with happiness and excitement.
Somebody had a fear of clowns and Riddikulused it into a toy clown, another person had a fear of giant spiders and Riddikulused it to have rocket skates on, another person had a fear of big dogs and Riddikulused it into a puppy. The line kept getting shorter until it was at Andrea who had gone pale when the Boggart turned into a vampire.
I went white as a sheet and sucked in a breathe, while the vampire hissed at her and started to advance. Professor Gilligan was about to intervene when Andrea drew in a breathe and Riddikulused it into a baby monkey. I took a step back and shook my head.
"I can't do this. No, I'm not doing this," I was about to just leave the line when Andrea had already went to the end and left me exposed to the boggart. The boggart turned into into a rolling ever changing ball of black until it turned into a werewolf- me-, but you couldn't see the scars on my side, hurting my family and friends. And then it stopped and changed into a black werewolf, before changing into someone, the person was the human me, crying and chained to the floor while the black werewolf was snapping at boggart me. Tears brimmed my vision until I gathered up a funny memory and transferred it into my spell.
My boggart changed into a werewolf wearing clothes, while looking awkward and uncomfortable. I turned around and walked to end of the line where I began to cry silently into Andrea's shoulders and Riley jumped out of his spot in the line and ran up to me. He engulfed me in a hug and rested his chin on the top of my head and whispered to me.
"I'm so sorry, Terri, I'm so, so sorry," He hugged me tighter, while I sobbed into his chest. I pulled away and wiped the tears from my eyes and began to calm down. I felt a pair of eyes on me and looked around only to find no one looking at me beside Riley.
"I'm fine," I whispered to Riley, he looked at me skeptically before nodding and going back to his spot in the line. I began to breathe calmly, while ignoring the rest of the classes boggarts. After everyone did their boggart, Professor Gilligan told us to sit down and to just read any chapter in the book, while he talked to a few kids that's boggart was Voldemort.
While I was reading the unit about the Disarming Charm, a note was throw at the back of my head and I whipped around and glared at who had thrown it. Everyone behind me was reading and so I leaned up and picked the note up and opened it.

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