Chapter Seventeen

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        The weekend came and I was fairly excited to go back to Hogsmeade. Andrea had invited Riley, Mordecai, Howie and I to accompany her so we could all hang out and get chummy with Warty Warren. Though I thought it was a bit rubbish of her saying that, because we all knew she only wanted us to come with her so she wasn't alone.
"I can't go with you four all the time. Some of us have other friends who we do things with, beside getting even with our nemesis's," I explained to the four marauders, who had trapped me in the corner of the library, where I was working on a paper, before going with Andrea.
"Can't you cancel or something?" Sirius questioned and combed his fingers through his hair.
"No! I can't just ditch my best friends to go prank people and stuff with other people. Besides you four have already caused me enough trouble by sneaking behind my back, again, and asking Darcy Campbell and William Dane how long I've been dating Howie and if we've ever shagged. And to answer your question: NO! We have never bloody shagged, not that's if any of your damn businesses.
"Oh, you found out about that?" James chuckled sheepishly and then rubbed the back of his neck.
"Of course I found out about it, especially when two second years come and ask me what shagged meant and if I'd ever done it with Howie!" I hissed and snapped my book shut. I looked up and down the aisle of books towards the clock and cursed. "Now, I've got to go and I'll -hopefully- not see you two later." I left the library and hurried down to where the thestral pulled carriages were waiting with Riley, Howie, and Mordecai in one and Andrea and Warty Warren in the other one.
"There's more room in that one, right?" I said pointing to the carriage that Riley, Howie and Mordecai were sitting in. Riley chuckled and smiled.
"Nope, but have fun with them," then the carriage pulled away and I scowled. I turned around and changed the scowl into a smile and climbed inside the carriage with Andrea and Warty Warren.
"So, Ter, how are you doing?" Warty Warren asked, spitting on my arm. I pursed my lips and wiped my arm on my jeans.
"Only my friends call me Ter and good," I glared at him, then went silent. Andrea sat awkwardly staring between Warty Warren and I.
"This is the part where you're supposed to ask me how I am," Warty Warren insisted, starring at me with his small beady black eyes.
"Listen, just because you're dating my best friends, doesn't mean I have to be nice. So, I'm going to say this once: I don't really like you and if you keep trying to hit on me when you have a girlfriend, I will personally hunt you down in your dorm and beat the bloody hell out of you. Got it?" I hissed at him and then turned away from a shocked looking Andrea. The rest of the ride was silent and awkward, but I was fine with it.
When the carriage stopped, I immediately got out and waited for Andrea. When she got out, she told Warty Warren to go on ahead with out her.
"What are you doing!?" She asked in a hoarse voice.
"Stating my opinion about that little twat," I shrugged and looked around the village.
"Terra! Don't call him that!"
"Yes, I know. I'm not going to that date, because that's what this is, with you two. I don't care if there's food involved I am not going."
"Yes, you are."
"I'd like to see you make me."

I sat in the restaurant staring out the window in hopes that someone -anyone- would come and save me. Our food was brought to us and immediately Andrea and Warty Warren began chowing down, whilst I picked at it slowly.
"I'm sorry about the whole carriage ordeal," Warty Warren apologized to me. I looked up at him and scoffed.
"It's not me you have to apologize to," I snapped; he looked taken aback and then went back to eating silently.
"Sooo, uh, how is everyone's weekend so far?" Andrea asked trying to relieve some tension.
"It was good, Andrea. And yours?" Warty Warren asked, smiling.
"It's been fun, you could say. What about you, Terra? How is your weekend going?" Andrea answered.
"Oh, you know, it was okay, until some stuff came up, but don't you worry at all," I said nicely, before turning back to the window and watching the free people walk by. Oh, how I yearned to be free from these two's grip. I looked down at my plate of steak then looked back up at the window to see a giant black dog sitting at the window, wagging it's tail.
"Awh, it's so cute," Andrea spoke out, seeing it a few seconds after I did.
"He is just absolutely adorable," I smiled at her.
"Him? How do you know it's a him? It could be a girl for all we know, don't jump to conclusions to quickly," Warty Warren sassed. I snapped my head at him and stood up.
"Listen her you little know-it-all, I guessed it was a him, but that doesn't mean I'm not right. I literally have a fifty-fifty change of getting it's gender correct, so why don't you shut your trap and go and play with your little Quidditch broom." I pushed my chair away and left the restaurant with the steak I was eating in a napkin.
The black dog looked at me and wagged his tail before jumping up and tearing the napkin, with the steak in it, out of my hands. I rolled my eyes and watched the dog pick it up and walk off; I followed silently behind him. The dog led me down a few alleys and finally out to the overlook of the Shrieking Shack.
The path to the building was a little rough, but that didn't matter, as I was just following the dog. When we got to the shack the dog dropped the steak and waited at the door; I turned the knob of the door and pushed it open. The opened with a loud creeeee! and then hit the wall behind it. The dog trotted through then barked loudly, whilst the dog led me up the stairs and into a bedroom where James, Peter and Remus had seated themselves on a mattress and were playing Exploding Snaps.
"Hey, Terra! Funny seeing you here!" James chided and gave me a devilish smile.
"Oh, yes, funny indeed, James. If I didn't know better I'd say that this dog, seemed to have taken a particular liking to you four... oh but that's the problem there is only three," I smirked and leaned down to the dog. "Hi, Sirius," then I scratched behind his ears.
"How did you-" Peter started.
"Know? Easy the dog had sat waiting outside the restaurant I was in, staring at me, that was one. Then when the dog didn't eat the steak I gave it, that was two. And then how there is only James in the room, when I know for a fact that James and Sirius are attached at the hip. So that was three," I explained and shrugged my shoulders before walking away from Sirius, who was becoming human again.
"Jeez, I thought this was the perfect disguise and that you'd never see through it, guess I was wrong." Sirius said from behind me, before he walked around and plopped onto the mattress that was being shared between James, Remus and Peter.
"I must admit, you do make an adorable stray dog, though," I chuckled, while James pulled an exploding card out of the deck.
"So I've been told," Sirius muttered bitterly and looked at James. Peter, James and Remus chuckled lightly.
"James told him that he should make the change permanent seeings as he was so adorable and lovable," Peter said.
I stretched my hands above my head and then let out a breathe. I was free from Warty Warren's clutches of stupidity.
"Hey do you guys know Warren Quinton?" I asked and sat down on the dusty floor beside them.
"Oh yeah, he's your friend, Andrea's boyfriend. He's quite annoying, always gloating about it and saying that you like him. It's amusing that he-"
"Hold on, he says that I, as in me, Terra LeAnn Lancaster, like him?" I asked slowly.
"Right-o," James said and tossed the deck of Exploding Snap cards at Sirius.
"That explains why he was getting panicky looking when I was yelling at him in the restaurant. He was-" I was cut off by my wand buzzing in my pocket. I furrowed my eyebrows and pulled my wand out.
"Hold on, someone's trying to contact me. You guys don't mind, right?" I asked.
"Not at all," Remus said slowly, staring confused at me.
The tip of my wand glowed purple, which meant someone was trying to talk to me through my wand, most likely Riley, since I had made the spell up and taught it to Riley. I stood up and pointed my wand at the floor. "Komunavec!" The purple light shot out and hit the floor, creating a Riley looking hologram.
"Where are you, Terra? I've been looking for you forever." Riley looked worried and ran his hair through his hair.
"Oh, calm down. I'm doing just fine, otherwise I wouldn't be talking to you," I rolled my eyes at Riley as he began pacing where ever he was.
"Well you need to get back. Andrea and Howie are off snogging somewhere, by the way, so that's out of the way," I grinned and squealed.
"They are!?" I exclaimed happily. Then my smile turned into a dreaded frown when I remembered the people behind me. Riley looked at my face and looked surprised.
"You okay?" He asked taking a step forward in the hologram.
"Riley, I'm gonna have to get back to you later," I then broke the connection between our wands and pursed my lips.
"Your boyfriend is cheating on you with your best friend and your okay with it?" Sirius asked looking suspiciously at me.
"Funny story really..." I started slowly, before turning around. "I'd tell you, but right now, I'm sorta needed. I swear, I'll eventually explain everything -and I mean everything- but now isn't really the time." I turned to leave, then stopped. "And please don't follow me," then I left the Shrieking Shack.

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