Chapter Fourteen

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  I sat facing the tables and watched some first years get sorted into their Houses, while trying to keep an eye on Riley who looked ready to strangle someone. Howie and I had told him about the plan to get both Andrea and Remus jealous and he'd almost strangled the both of us.
"Absolutely not. I will not have you and him fake dating to get two insignificant people jealous. You two will not do it and I will do everything in my power to stop this jealously plan," Riley had shaken his head and scolded us. I had looked at him with an amused look and then sighed dramatically.
"Then you leave me no choice, Mom," I had paused then gave him an evil smirk. "Hey Howie, would you like to know what ickle Rileykin did to Mary MacDonald this summer?" Howie's eyes widened as did Riley's. He slapped his hand over my mouth and frowned at me deeper then the Grand Canyon.
"You wouldn't," I smirked against his hand and then nodded to say "I would."
"Stubborn mule. Fine, but if he hurts you worse don't come to me, because all I'll tell you is I told you so," Riley hissed at me then let me go. I stood on my tippy toe and hugged him.
"Love you, Ri-Ri," then I released him and walked off with Howie fist bumping me as we worked out the details of the plan.
I watched as Professor Mcgonagall, or Professor Minnie as the Marauders called her, walked in with a line of first years following eagerly behind her. I saw the Sorting Hat out and saw it being sat on the stood. The first years looked at it skeptically then looked at one another.
A ripping sound emitted from the hat and a mouth and set of eyes were made from the old hat. The hat at once began to sing a new song. After the song was over, Professor Mcgonagall explained the rules to the first years then proceeded to call them one by one up. I watched uninterested in the ceremony, thinking about food and wanting to leave the Great Hall to go sort my things out and sleep.
"Fairveiw, Carter," I looked up and watched Riley's little brother waddle through the crowd towards the hat and sat down, while the hat decided. It took two seconds for the hat to decide.
"HUFFLEPUFF!" Riley smiled at Carter and then watched him walk cautiously towards the Hufflepuff table that was beckoning him forwards. Hufflepuff clapped and welcomed him into their table. I watched Riley look over at me and smile excitedly at me. After the ceremony was over food from the house elves appeared on the table. The ghost of Helena Ravenclaw showed herself for the ceremony and watched as the few first years we got smiled and associated with the other older kids.
I looked at all the ghosts and noted their houses.
Fat Friar was the Hufflepuff ghost. Fat Friar looked like an old timey monk, just transparent and not alive. He was short, fat and holding a silver mug in his hands.
The Bloody Baron was the Slytherin ghost. He had blank eyes, a gaunt faces and was wearing bloodied robes; a powdered wig sat atop his head and a sword by his hip. Bloody Baron carried chains in his hands and looked angry.
Our ghost, Helena Ravenclaw, also known as the Grey Lady, had long, silk looking hair that fell around her waist. She adorned a floor length cloak and stood with a serene manner, while looking around at the room. She never spoken to anyone other then the other ghosts, well except Bloody Baron, but no one knew why she never talked to him.
The Gryffindor ghost was Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington. He was a tall man, with curly long hair. He wore tights, a pair of breeches, and a tunic. He donned a mustache and a goatee, while he carried himself with a prim fashion.
After Dumbledore introduced the new D.A.D.A. teacher, he dismissed us; I ended up walking alone to the Ravenclaw tower. The hall was bustling and students were quickly leaving the halls, trying to get to their towers. I yawned and walked up the now empty stairs alone, or so I thought.
I saw curly blue shoes dangling above me, causing my heart to jump in my chest. I rolled my eyes and then looked up at Peeves, who was laughing hysterically. He then floated beside me and began to tease me.
"Awe, is Hairy Terri all alone?" Peeves was the school poltergeist. He loved to play pranks and mess with people. He was like Bloody Barons pet, though, Peeves only listened to Baron because he was scared of him. Peeves was a small man, with wickedly slanted, orange eyes, dressed in loud and clothes that stood out, which also included a bell covered hat and a orange bow-tie. He had black hair and appeared to be solid unlike the ghosts.
"Go away, you overgrown pig," I hissed at Peeves, causing him to only laugh. He flicked my forehead then snickered and tripped me going up the stairs.
"Hairy Terri, Hairy Terri all alone just like she always is!" I huffed and glared at the colorful man. He continued to taunt me until he pushed the line.
"Ickle Terrikin all gone on the howling nights just like Looney Lupin is! Coincident? I don't think so!" Peeves chanted loudly making my eyes widen. I glared at him and stopped causing him to look back at me wickedly.
"Listen here, you overgrown hippo, if you ever say that I'm alone of the "howling nights" like Remus, is I will choke you with your own hat. If you haven't been told, you and all the other staff and ghosts are supposed to keep my condition hush-hush less someone find out and try to kill me. Now hush your mouth or you won't be getting those supplies that I promised you, okay?" I snapped at Peeves causing his smile to disappear and be replaced with a frown. He huffed and floated away quickly, while I bounded up the stairs towards the tower.
Upon entering the tower, I saw Howie pacing back and forth before looking up at me with panic. I opened my mouth and quickly shut it when he gestured for me to follow. He walked past me and out of the tower and down the hall, avoiding Mrs. Norris, the caretaker, Argus Filch's cat, from finding us. We walked passed a blank wall, turned around walked passed it again then turned around again.
The blank white bricks slowly faded and became a small door. Howie pushed it open and let me enter, before shutting it behind him and watching the door disappear.
I looked around the room and saw mirror walls, and a fireplace. Large pillars hung from the ceiling and cut off enough to let us walk under them. The floor was carpeted and fluffy, and the room was fairly large enough room to probably able to fit half the Great Hall inside. Chairs, couches, tables, chalk boards, tack boards, torches, and many games were scattered about the room.
Howie walked towards the table by the fireplace and began moving things about, he pulled off his bag and placed it on the table, before riffling through it. He pulled out a piece of parchment and then turned towards me. I looked confused and walked towards him, while taking the parchment from Howie.
"I found this in my bag this morning before we got off the train, but there was another letter addressed to me telling I was not to read your letter. I don't know what it's about, I never read it and wasn't going to even try." Howie looked at the fireplace before yawning and tossing himself onto the couch behind the table. I opened the sealed letter and began to read, when I finished reading the paper and putting back into the envelope, I looked at Howie and shrugged.
"Nothing special, just a letter from James and them, asking me to get Lily to talk to James and that they want me to accompany them to Hogsmeade to help them find some things for pranking."
"No offense, but why you?"
"Apparently I have 'bloody brilliant' pranking skills. Whatever that means."
"How are we going to work this plan out? I mean, we have to be bloody convincing about 'dating' and to be honest, I've never dated anyone except when I was in third grade." I laughed at what Howie said.
"Easy. You and I just have to," cue awkward shiver, "hold hands and," grossed out gag, "kiss here and there."
"Oh, perfect, just splendid. Remind me when this is over to soak my head in some potion gone wrong."
"You make it sound like you're being force to date a grindylow."
"Might as well."
"Wow, thanks a lot, Howie. I've always wanted to be called a grindylow!"
"Oh, whatever, that's the highest complement you'll ever receive from me."
"Really, what about being called your sister? That seemed like a complement to me."
"I was tipsy, so that didn't count."
"What were you tipsy on? Pumpkin juice?"
"No, it was- it I stole from the kitchen!"
"Like the house-elves would give a sixteen year old wine."
"I'm seventeen!"
"No your not, Howie. I am, but you are not." We argued like that for a few hours more, until Howie decided that five fifty in the morning was late enough and that we should get back to our rooms and quickly. We left the Room of Requirements (Howie told me the name of the room and explained what it was) and hurried back to the Ravenclaw tower. As soon we entered the Ravenclaw tower we heard people up and about. I ran up to my dorm that I shared with Andrea and three other girls and quickly changed.
"Where were you?" I turned around and saw Andrea looking at me while she fixed her tie. I paused and pursed my lips. If this plan was going to work I couldn't tell her that I was hanging with Howie.
"I was writing a letter to my dad and brother in the Owlery," I lied quickly. Andrea looked at me suspiciously and nodded slowly.
"Okay, I was just worried that you had gotten hurt," Andrea said putting on her shoes and picking up her bag. I nodded and we walked out into the common room were Mordecai and Howie were waiting. Howie yawned and rubbed his eyes, while slowly leaning on Mordecai with his eyes closed.
I laughed and nudged Andrea; she looked up and laughed at the sight of Mordecai pushing Howie off of him and onto the floor. Howie groaned from the floor and just continued to lie on the floor, I walked over to Howie and helped him stand up. He leaned on me while we walked through the door and into the hall, all the way to the Great Hall.
I half-dragged-half-limped to our table and dropped Howie onto the bench next to me, facing the Gryffindor table. Dumbledore and the rest of the teachers sat at the front of the Great Hall with the staff table. Everyone was seated and talking to their neighbors awaiting for the speech Professor Dumbledore was going to say and the food.
Dumbledore stood up and clanked his fork on his goblet. Heads turned to him and waited for him to speak. He walked around the table and stood in front of the owl podium.
"Alright, before we begin, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you," then he walked back to his seat behind the table and sat down. Food began to appear on platters in front of us and we gorged ourselves on the food.
Howie leaned his head on my shoulder and drooled onto my uniform, while trying to put a piece of bacon in his mouth. I sighed and ate a biscuit, while talking to Andrea and Mordecai about what trouble we'd start doing later on in the year.
I flicked Howie's forehead and whispered into his ear about the plan. He yawned and nodded before pulling me into his side and falling asleep on my shoulder again. I rolled my eyes and leaned my head on top of his, causing Mordecai and Andrea to pause in their conversation and stare wide-eyed at us.
"When did this happen?" Andrea grinned at us, while Mordecai looked shocked.
I looked shyly at Howie and made myself blush. "Uh, it happened during summer, a few days before you and Warren Quinton got together." Howie said making up a story. Andrea smiled and congratulated us and then began to talk about the recent prank that happened in London towards the end of summer.
"Did you hear about the prank, the notorious Magicians did to the Kensington Palace?" Andrea gaped at us. I shook my head and smirked internally.
"No way! How do you not know? Do you live in the Forbidden Forest?" Andrea to me and slammed her hand on the table. The slap echoed in the Great Hall, but not many people where in the room to really care. "Well, they broke into the Kensington Palace and jinxed the toilets to regurgitate everything put in them and plus they transfigured the guards into ducks. I read that in the Daily Prophet if anyone associating with them is caught, that they will be put on trial and either put in Azkaban or put on probation. They're so cool and I kinda wish I knew them."
To be honest, James was the one who suggested that we do something like jinxing the toilets in a castle, but the reason the guards were turned into ducks was because they'd tried stopping Kayden and Junior from jinxing the toilets, so Maggie and Harvey turned them into ducks. Riley and I had look out duty, since we couldn't do underage magic without being put on trial.
"Sounds boring," I yawned and watched Andrea's expression change.
"Boring? How! They are literally the most badarse, rag-tag team of awesome misfits in the entire universe! How can you say that!?" Andrea looked at me shocked. She stood up looked at me, shook her head and flicked my forehead. "You need to get out more, Terra. I bet you those four baffoons over there know what the Magicians are. HEY, YOU FOUR BEANHEADS!? Yeah, you guys. Do you guys know the Magicians?" James, Remus and Sirius looked at me then at Andrea. I brought my hand up to my neck and made the motion to tell them to not say anything. Peter looked confused then Sirius leaned over to Peter and whispered something into his ear; Peter looked over at me with wide eyes and then looked at the other three.
"Yeah, well we know of them. Why?" James smirked and looked back at his other friends. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Andrea who gave me a smug smile. I put my hand behind my back and gave the four a thumbs up, before finishing my breakfast and standing up.
"Welp, I've got to go to D.A.D.A. so I'll see you two in second period," I turned around and left the table. Riley got up from his table and met me by the door.
"What was Andrea yelling on about to those four trouble makers?" Riley walked with me to D.A.D.A.. I rolled my eyes.
"Since when did you start sounding like a teacher?" I teased Riley and heard him scoff.
"I do not sound like a teacher," Riley nudged me and laughed.
"To answer your questions, she was asking about the squad. I told her I didn't know what they'd done and made sure that those four didn't tell her." I shrugged and flicked his forehead as we entered the class. The new teacher was already in the classroom, sitting at her desk while a piece of chalk was in the middle of writing notes on the chalkboard. In large letters was the words Unforgivable Curses. I nudged Riley and pointed to the board; he looked back at me and shrugged.
As more and more students filed into the room, the new professor got up and stood in from of the board. Riley and I sat beside each other and we talked, me trying to promote Howie and I's idea, and Riley telling me to be careful and if Howie hurt me he'd use the Killing Curse on someone.
I heard an annoyed scoff behind me and turned around to see Peter writing something down and passing it to Sirius who passed it to Remus, who were sitting two seats behind Riley and I and one seat behind Peter and a Hufflepuff. I ignored it, turned back around and used a Quick-Quote Quill charms on my quill to write the notes on the chalkboard.
"Alright class, I am Professor Penniford and I will be your new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. I will be teaching you all of your defense against the dark side. Now, let's begin. We will begin with the Unforgivable Curses, who can tell their names?" I raised my hand and so did two other people. Professor Penniford pointed to me. "What's your name again, Miss...?"
"Terra Lancaster. Cruciatus Curse, is one of the Unforgivable Curses," I put my hand down and continued to listen to the lesson. By the end of the the period, I had almost seven full pages of notes, front and back, about the three Unforgivable Curses. I gathered my things in my bag and left the classroom, walked down the hall and was about to go into my Study of Ancient Runes class, when I was pulled back and dragged backwards, into a closet. My eyes widened and began throwing elbows backwards. A groan cut out and I whipped around to see Sirius clutching his gut and James laughing at him.
"What the bloody hell!? Why did you do that? You know, instead of dragging someone into a dark closet, you could, I don't know, act like a normal person and talk to me at lunch!?" I ranted at them and glared at the two of them. Sirius wheezed and glanced up at me with a pained look on his face; James continued laughing and then tried to silence himself.
"Sorry. We just wanted to know if you and Wee-How are a thing. So are you?" James asked leaning forward acting really interesting. I leaned away from him and pushed him away.
"Listen, please, don't get in my face and please don't snoop around by asking my fellow girl dorm-mates, because I know you have been doing just that. Now, yes, Howie and I are dating; we're both happy and if you'd kindly not intervene with it, I'd appreciate that." I sighed and lied. Sirius looked at James; James looked at Sirius then they both looked at me. "What?"
"So how long have you two been dating?" Sirius asked wearily. I rolled my eyes and then started to open the closet door.
"Guys, I have a class to get class and so do you," I exited the closet and entered the Study of Ancient Runes classroom. Class was boring and slow and full of annoying talkative gits that refused to shut up.
After Potions, I met up with Howie and Mordecai; Andrea didn't come to the courtyard with Howie, Mordecai and I, because she was too busy snogging with Warty Quinton.
I laughed and leaned my head beside Howies' while getting a piggy-back ride. Mordecai laughed and tossed a chunk of dirt at Howie and I, coating us with dirt and pieces of grass.
"You two are so cute but at the same time so gross," Mordecai rolled his eyes and then furrowed his eyebrows while looking behind us. I turned my head and looked behind us to see that the four boys I was aching to ignore and avoid were watching Howie and I very intensely, that I was sure there was a bald spot on the back of Howies' head.
"Please don't be disgusted with me," I whispered into Howie ears and then leaned around and kissed the side of his mouth. He froze and gave out a shocked noise, before he pulled away and smiled.
"God, that was so weird," Howie muttered and turned his head away with embarrassment.
"I felt like I was kissing my brother, even if we weren't even really kissing," I mumbled and jumped down from his back. I took a glance back at the four and saw they weren't anywhere in sight.
"I felt like I was kissing my sister," Howie laughed, I chuckled before we both burst into laughter and were clutching our stomach. Mordecai had turned around and left when we'd "kissed" leaving us to laugh insanely by ourselves.
The days slowly passed slowly until the eighth of September arrived along with the Full Moon.  

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