Chapter Ten

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        I sat beside Mordecai and Howie, while Andrea sat on the other side of the table, facing towards the rest of the tables. We were having a lovely conversation about what would happen if you put a mermaid on the moon, and let's just say, Mordecai had a very, very vivid imagination. I snorted and accidentally started to choke on a grape in my mouth. Mordecai patted my back, while we all laughed. I finally swallowed the grape and took a long drink of water.
"You okay?" Andrea questioned me, while she looked up from her food. I nodded and just took a deep breathe of air, before popping a grape into my mouth. Howie furrowed his eyebrows upon seeing my hands. He pointed to them and then cocked his head to the side.
"What happened to your hands?" He said before taking a drink of his beverage. i looked down at my bandaged hands and then back at the three sets of eyes watching me.
"I punched a mirror yesterday," I shrugged, while Andrea glared at me.
"That's why there was glass all over the place. I thought it was Lisa and Carrie being slags again," Andrea said and looked down the table at where Lisa and Carrie where waving and sending flirtatious looks towards the Gryffindor table. I grimaced and watched Sirius wink back at them, naturally I was slowly getting used to him flirting with literally every girl, but it was still gross.
"I don't even know why they even try, he doesn't even like them, you know," I snickered and then turned back around to face the Andrea, who was raising a questioning eyebrow. "He talks about how much he wanted to tie them to beds and place them in the middle of the lake for the giant squid to eat. But I doubt the squid would even eat them." Andrea snorted loudly causing attention to our end of the table; Mordecai was chuckling and trying not to spit out the water he was struggling to swallowing; Howie was leaning on my shoulder and trying to bury his face into my shoulder to stop from laughing and I was just smiling and chuckling. After a few minutes of struggling to stop laughing, Howie looked at me.
"Did he really say that?" He chuckled when I nodded and took a bite out of the sandwich from Mordecai's plate.
"He really doesn't like stuck-up pure-blood. I mean he doesn't mind them as long as they're not prejudice about half-bloods, muggle-borns, and other pure-bloods that don't share the hatred for non-pure-bloods, like-" I said turned around and waving my hand towards the Slythrin, "them."
"Doesn't Black have a little brother in Slythrin?" Mordecai followed my gaze. I turned towards him and furrowed my eyebrows.
"Sirius has a brother?" I asked confused and then diverted my eyes towards the end of the Gryffindor table and looked at the four Marauders.
"Oh, you didn't know?" I shook my head at Andrea, who looked generally surprised. "You've been here for almost five months and you didn't know that Sirius Black had a little brother? You must be living in a different world, then," I scoffed and kicked her under the table, but she moved her foot, causing me to kick the table really hard.
"S-sh-slugs!" I yelled in pain and brought my foot up and held onto my knee. Andrea laughed and then flicked my forehead from over the table.
"Nice save, Lancaster," Mordecai looked at me and chuckled. I punched his shoulder and went back to cradling my foot. I glared at Andrea before she shrugged and continued to tell me about Sirius' brother.
"His names Regulus Black and he's in Slythrin unlike Sirius, who is- as you know- in Gryffindor. He's real easy to distinguish: He has the same dark hair and slightly haughty look of Sirius, though he's smaller, slighter, and rather less handsome than Sirius is, but unlike Sirius, he believe in that mumbo jumbo about pure-bloods," Andrea described him, before a hoot was heard. I looked up confused and saw Eden flying with a envelope in her claws. I furrowed my eyebrows, the mail had come this morning and I didn't get anything, so why was Eden coming now?
She dropped the letter down in front of me and landed on my shoulder. I scratched her head and she nibbled on my ear lobe while I looked at the letter, before I opened the letter and began to read.
Dear Tear-Bear,

I know this is a very late letter, I should have sent to you a while back. How have you been doing at Hogwarts so far? Have you made plenty of friends? How are your grades? Have you been okay with you Predator problem?
I've had a nice time catching up on my book reading here in London, though it is boring since both you and Easten have been gone. While you're at Hogwarts, Easten is working with the Ministry of Magic, trying to figure out a way to defeat You-Know-Who. He is being careful with his job and I've made sure that he's coming home at night.
I've heard that Riley has registered to Hogwarts and I've been wanting to know if you're still ignoring him or if you and him have actually communicated yet. If you're still ignoring him because of that, then I will be making my way up there in a few minutes. If you and him have made up and are talking, then I will still be up there to congratulate you for getting over your pout fest.
I've spoken to Professor Dumbledore and been asking him to inform me on how your behavior has been and I'm curious as to why you missed Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class five weeks ago? Were you with a boyfriend? Sneaking out to Hogsmeade? Making out in a closet with a boy? Doing things far more interesting then Transfiguration?
I laughed and then continued to read on.
About the Predator Problem how has that been going? Have you been okay? You're not hurting yourself out of frustration are you? I know it's hard for you to be this way, but just think of it as a gift. You were fated to be an awesome kickarse daughter of mine, you know.
How are you are your other classes? Have you been having classes with those friends of yours? Have you been having fun with them? If not then pull a few pranks with them and if you get detention again, then don't worry about it. Easten used to pull pranks on the teachers, like making their desks have legs and let them walk about the school. Use your imagination of yours.
Easten is wanting to write you so here you go.
The handwriting changed.
Hey lil' Luppy, how's school at Hogwarts? Is it fun or boring for you? Where is you and Riley's relationship at? Good? Bad? Terrible? Which one? I'm just working on trying to help the M.o.M with You-Know-Who, but it's not really interesting.
I have heard that you're going to school with the Blacks' kids. I had no idea that was who was at the Leaky Cauldron with that young lad, James. Heard his parents are ashamed of him because he's in Gryffindor, but no matter he's a nice fellow. Have you met his younger brother, Regulus? Probably not, because he's in his fourth year, but no matter. Enough on that topic.
There's not much to talk about anymore since Dad took all the topics, but I love you, Ter, and tell Riley (if you and him are talking) that I said hey, and also tell James and Sirius that I said curly pubes. Bye!

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