Chapter Eight

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        The rest of the day, Terra avoided me, actually, she was avoiding all four of us. Whenever anyone of us were in the same hall as her, she would turn around and walk the opposite way. When we were practicing Quidditch in the Quidditch pitch, she only watched the Ravenclaw team, while we had a small match with them.
While we were on a break, Riley smirked and then flew over to where she was sitting in the stadium, he flew in front of her and started talking. She looked up at him and raised and eyebrow, before shaking her head. Riley hopped off the broom and into the stadium and threw an arm over her shoulder and began to talk to her. He threw his other hand around and then nudged her ribs, to which she winced.
Why did she wince? Did it have to do with what I saw this morning? I narrowed my eyes at Riley and watched as he looked at her concerned. She gestured to her side and then he pointed at it and she turned to where the pitch couldn't see her right side, and she lifted her shirt. Riley's face turned angry and then she pulled her shirt down and then grabbed Riley's arm and said something to him. Terra stood from her spot and disappeared off towards the school.
He then got back onto his broom and flew back into the pitch, where he started playing far more aggressively then before. I bite my lip and continued to block the Gryffindor goals. The Gryffindor team won the match 320 to 290 and we celebrated our small victory, that was until Riley grinned then went over to the Ravenclaw Captain, Brendon Fletcher. He said something to him and then pointed to the Quidditch pitch entrance.
I turned around and looked to see Terra walking in with a blue shirt and jeans, she was holding a brand new broom, and had her hair up in a pony-tail. She looked really to go to war with anyone who opposed her. She mounted her broom with a bored expression and then kicked off of the ground. She shot up from the ground at an incredible speed and then was sitting lazily on her broom beside Brendon Fletcher, who looked skeptical at first, then nodded to Terra and said something to her.
She shrugged her shoulders and then told Brendon something and he raised his eyebrows and then pointed up higher into the sky. I didn't caught anything other then the word 'Seeker'. He was going to make a girl, that's probably never played Quidditch in her life, the Seeker for a small practice match?
Padfoot flew up beside me and nudged me. "Looks like your girl plays Quidditch," I turned my head towards him and glared, he only laughed and then flew back beside Prongs who was looking back at me and wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and then watched Terra dart up and face our Seeker, Frank Longbottom.
"She's going to be obliterated," the Beater in front of me, said to the other Beater. I glared at him and the "friendly" match began. A Ravenclaw Chaser threw the Quaffle at our goal and I quickly, and almost unsuccessfully, stopped it and threw it to one of the Gryffindor chasers. I looked up quickly to see Terra looking around for the Golden Snitch along with Frank.
I looked back and saw a Buldger coming straight for me, until one of the Beaters hit it with a Beater's Bat and sent it off towards the other team. Prongs had nabbed the Quaffle and was taking it towards the Ravenclaw goal, where he threw it and scored.
A blue streak almost knocked Prongs off his broom followed closely by Frank, who was trying to catch up with the blue streak, and get away from the Bludger chasing after him. I let out a laugh then snapped my mouth closed when I saw Padfoot look back at me and made a heart with his hands and then pointed to Terra, who had stopped chasing the Golden Snitch and was sitting like a statue on her broom.
"Sod off, Padfoot" I snapped at him, he turned around letting out his barking laugh. A Bludger hit his broom, almost successfully knocking him off, causing me to smirk at him as he clambered up onto his broom with a panicked expression. He saw me smirking, and flipped me off while scowling.
I blocked some of the Ravenclaw's attempts to score any points, but some got past me earning them ten points each score. The score was 70 to 90, in favor of Gryffindor, making Brendon, who was the Captain and one of the Beaters, frustrated looking. Prongs threw another Quaffle at the Ravenclaw goal and scored taking our score up to 100.
I saw a golden glint go past the ever so statue-like Terra and then she and Frank were at it again, neck-in-neck, trying to get the Snitch. Terra took a sharp dive, following the Snitch, and pulled up at the last second and then reached out into the air and jumped off her broom. She hit the ground and rolled a few times on the ground, before she stopped and was laying on her back.
It seemed like the entire pitch sucked in a breathe and was holding it in. She laid on her back with her eyes closed and her broom laying beside her, before she raised her hand and opened it and a golden glint was laying in the palm of her hand. She drew her hand back and then the pitch seemed to let out a breathe. The Ravenclaw team exploded into celebration and then flew down to where Terra was still laying down on the ground.
We all flew down to congratulate the other team that was gathered around Terra. I dismounted my broom and walked over to where she was lying on the ground, with grass in her hair and her shirt rode up slightly to expose her hips and stomach. I saw the scar from this morning and saw four ragged lines running from beneath her shirt and then the scars ran beneath her jeans. Riley ran up to her and helped her up.
"Fix your shirt, Terra," He chuckled, with panic in his eyes.
"Don't tell me how to live my life, Ri-Ri!" She fake protested before fixing her shirt and tightening her ponytail. She handed the Golden Snitch to Prongs who looked at it sadly and tried giving it back to her. She shook her head. "I haven't played Quidditch in almost three years and I'm not starting it again, you can keep the Snitch or you can give it to Brendon, I don't care," Then she turned around and picked up her broom, before leaving the pitch without another word.

At lunch Wormtail, Prongs, Padfoot and I, went to Hogsmeade to Honeydukes where we ran into Riley and Terra, who was buying an arm full of candy. She handed Ambrosius Flume's wife, the co-owner of Honeydukes, ten Galleon and then bid her a good day and left with Riley trying to steal a Chocolate Skeleton out of Terra's arms. She snapped at him with her teeth and threatened to bite him.
"Oh, sod off, it's not like your bite could do anything to me anymore," He said snatching a Chocolate Skeleton out of her arms. Terra frowned and then looked at him with a glare, before her eyes flickered over to us and then she widened her eyes and quickly exited Honeydukes.
"Why does she keep avoid us?" Wormtail asked confused while I set three boxes of chocolate onto the counter and then paid Mrs. Flume.
"Have a good day, boys," She smiled and then went into the back were she probably was getting some more candy to put on the shelves. We exited Honeydukes and walked aimlessly around Hogsmeade.
"Dunno, but if she's avoiding us, we'd better leave her alone," I said munching on a piece of dark chocolate.
"Oh, come on, Mooney, you know that's not how we roll. We live to find out things!" Padfoot laughed and then he walked into an alley where he transformed into his animagus form. He waited at the beginning of the alley and looked back at us.
"Prongs, do you have the Invisibility Cloak?" Wormtail asked mischievously. Prongs pulled his bag off his shoulders and opened the zipper. He reached in and pulled out the cloak, with a grin on his face. Wormtail grinned, too, and the three of them huddled together and waited for me.
"Do I really have a choice to do this?" I asked hopefully. Wormtail laughed then shook his head and answered, "No," I sighed and huddled under the cloak and Prongs draped it over us.
Padfoot padded in front of us, sniffing the ground every once in a while, before her stopped in front of The Three Broomsticks. The snow was a disadvantage to being invisible, because your foot prints would always show in the snow. We looked around The Three Broomsticks and quickly entered the inn/pub when a old man opened the door to enter. Padfoot quickly hid under a table then darted under the Invisibility Cloak.
We looked around trying to find Riley and Terra, but didn't see them until Wormtail pointed into a dark corner of the pub and we shuffled quietly towards them. Riley was eating a piece of pie, while Terra was drinking a cup of Firewhiskey.
"So what happened this morning? You seem to be avoiding the Marauders this morning," Riley asked, pulling the fork he was using out of his mouth. Terra swallowed the gulp of Firewhiskey she was drinking and then responded to him.
"Peter, Sirius and James locked me in their dorm, while Remus was showering and they stole all of his clothes and he came out of the bathroom with only a towel on, it almost destroyed my virgin eyes," Terra explained and I turned my head to glare at the three of them.
"Oh, whatever, like your eyes were ever virgin," Riley laughed and then handed Terra a fork. She reached over and stole a piece of his pie and shoved it in her mouth and swallowed it.
"We promised never to mention that incident," Terra scolded him, wadding up a napkin and throwing it at him.
"That was not an incident. It was a dare, and it was you who dared all the boys in Thunderbird House to strip and run into the Dinning Hall naked during dinner in our first year!" Riley said pointing his fork at her and accusing her.
"I didn't think they would do it! I didn't think you would do it, either!" Terra laughed and then hit his fork with hers.
"Well, I don't back down from a dare, you should have known that. And even before that you were never innocent. You're the one who sucked-"
Riley was cut off by Terra who slapped her hand over his mouth and glared at him. "I specifically asked you to never bring that back. It wasn't my fault that Darren Jones dared me to do it during the second week of church camp," She removed her hands from his mouth. Prongs, Padfoot, and Wormtail turned to look at me and they silently chuckled.
"Looks like your girl will take care of you," Prongs mouthed to me and then laughed silently. I rolled my eyes and blushed at what he said, luckily it was sorta dark where Terra and Riley were sitting.
"You did it while the entire sanctuary was praying!" Riley gave her a look.
"Well, I don't back down from a dare," Terra mocked him and then the table fell silent. "You really need to be careful of what you say in public, Ri-Ri." She softly said while taking a drink.
"I know, it just slipped out, Terri," Terra set her cup down and then sighed.
"They heard you, you know."
"I didn't think they'd be there. And they already know."
"I know they do, remember you told me this already. But the next time you say something stupid like that, I'm going to punch you in the face, then tie you to a broom and charm it to fly by itself."
"Damn. Why so harsh?"
"Because, if those four find out about me knowing about you then shit will be coming at you faster then Timmy Winters during sex."
"Oh my Merlin's! Terra!" Terra laughed at how horrified Riley was.
"Hey, just saying," The laughter died down and then Riley broke the ice again.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry. Everybody makes mistakes, and that's fine. I've made mistakes, too."
"But not like mine, Terri."
"How do you know I haven't, huh?"
"Because you're you, and Terra Lancaster never messes up," at this Terra laughed loudly for a while, before wiping tears from her eyes.
"Right, Ri-Ri. Fine, if that's what you think, lets get out of here, before I get too drunk," Terra said while standing up. We quickly and quietly sneaked away from them, so they wouldn't find us. We followed them outside and as they walked down the street towards the carriages to go back to the school. We stopped following them and watched as they rode away in the carriages that pulled themselves.
We got into a carriage and Prongs pulled off the cloak, while we started moving. He put it in his bag and then looked at us.
"So, Terra knows that Riley is a werewolf and she doesn't hate him. She's trying to protect him, see, Moony, she doesn't hate werewolves," Padfoot started slowly. "We also know that she's sucked somebody off before, but that's not important."
"Padfoot!" Prongs hissed at him. "Not the time, we're trying to help Moony ask her out, not get her to suck him off."
"Guys, just stop. You're not making this any better," I sighed, face-palming.
"She's not scared of werewolves, Moony, so there's nothing to be afraid of," Wormtail said looking at me and saying reassuringly.
"But, there is something to be scared of. I could hurt her if she tried to help me, like I hurt you guys when you try to help me," I angrily snapped.
"She's not going to be helping you, okay? And besides the last two transformation of yours' you've been really improving. That little werewolf is helping you, and speaking of which. What are you going to do? You like Terra and you like the little werewolf," Prongs inquired.
"I don't know. I want to find out who Little Wolf is, but at the same time I don't want to. Because if I, I'm just hypothesizing, date Terra and then find out who Little Wolf is, I don't want to lead Terra on." I groaned and rubbed my head. "This is hard."
"Take my advice and if Terra agrees to date you, then date her. If you find out who Little Wolf is then get to know Little Wolf and find out if the two of you would work out and if you don't continue to go out with Terra," Padfoot advised me. I looked at him and Prongs voiced my thoughts.
"Padfoot, that is a bloody terrible idea," Prongs summed up.
"It would be really convenient if Terra was the Little Wolf, but she's always in the library studying on Full Moons," Wormtail asserted.
"That would be perfect, but it's not likely," I groaned from the oncoming headache. When we arrived back at Hogwarts, we went straight to our dorm and played a game of wizard chess.

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