Chapter Fifteen

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        The morning of the Full Moon was like the usual mornings. Riley was having troubles on calming me down and I was having trouble refraining from flipping desks and beating the absolute bloody hell out of the Hufflepuff named Amos Diggory.
I stood in the Herbology Garden with Riley and Mordecai on either side of me and Remus and Sirius across the room. I felt someone glaring at me and turned to see Amos Diggory was smirking and threw a rock at the plant beside me.
The rock hit a Mimbulus Mimbletonia causing the boils on it to explode, splattering Mordecai, Riley and I in Stinksap. Red hot anger rose from within me and I strained against Riley and Mordecai's strength. The smell of the Stinksap was rancid and filled the Herbology Garden with a terrible stench, stopping Professor Sprout from teaching.
"What is going on back there?" Professor Sprout demanded, parting the other students and walking through to see us covered in Stinksap. "What happened?"
"Oh, I'll tell you what-" Riley cut me off.
"I bumped into the Mimbulus Mimbletonia; it splattered us with the sap," Riley lied quickly.
"Well, dearies, you three should go take showers. Go on," Professor Sprout said and hurried us out of the building. I stomped away from the building with Mordecai and Riley behind me.
After many showers, I exited the girls dorms and went to the Great Hall, where Andrea, Mordecai, Howie and I all sat; Howie and I facing the Slytherin table, while Mordecai and Andrea faced Gryffindor. I glared at the wall behind the Slytherin table and slowly ate the food on my plate, while listening to the conversation that was being spoken about.
"I was wondering if you guys would like to go to Hogsmeade this weekend with Warren and I?" Andrea fiddled with her fingers. I thought and nodded to her, not trusting myself to talk. I finished my food and stood up from the table, excusing myself and going over to the Gryffindor table. Riley was talking to Frank Longbottom and Alice Fortescue.
"Hey, Frank. Hey, Alice. How are you two doing?" I struggled to be calm.
"I am quite alright today, Terra. And you?" Alice answered politely.
"Been an iffy day." I admitted to Alice and then turned towards Riley. "I'm about to toss Amos Diggory into the hitting range of the Whomping Willow if he doesn't stop making rude gestures to me and making the Mimbulus Mimbletonia throw Stinksap at me."
"Ah, Diggory being his usual arsehole self?" Frank said knowingly. I nodded and then tapped my neck where the moon tattoo was. Riley gave me a pointed look and then nodded, before excusing himself the table.
"How come it was me who got the calming genes, while you got the aggressive, violent, terrifying genes?" Riley laughed as we exited the Great Hall. I grinned and shrugged, before it went silence.
"He's ignoring me now," I muttered. Over the summer, I guess feelings for Remus bloomed and the crush I had developed even more.
"Maybe because you and Howie kissed? It's been spreading like wildfire and it doesn't help that they were present when it happen," Riley said stopping in front of the Great Hall door and pointing inside.
"We didn't kiss. I know, this was a terrible idea."
"Yes it was, but you can't just ditch it now."
"I know. I'm going to need a cover tonight and I can't use the library like usual and you can't just keep using the excuse that you're in the kitchen every time."
"Yes, new excuses are needed and all. I'll meet you in the kitchen after everyone goes to bed. Now, come on, let's get to D.A.D.A.."
"Didn't I say no kitchen excuses?!" Riley grinned and ran off.

I sneaked out of the girls dorm and down the stairs, only to Andrea sitting on the couch. 'Wait, wasn't she asleep in her bed?'
"Where do you go every night?" Andrea asked turning around and looking at me. I looked out the window then back at her.
"I can't tell you, Andrea, but I need you to go back to the dorm and go to bed," I said trying to inch towards the door.
"No, I want to know. Do you go and see Howie and just talk and make-out? Or do you go see someone else?"
"What do this have to do with anything?"
"I want the truth, Terra, do you really love Howie!?"
"We're dating, aren't we? Now go back to bed."
"I want to know where you go!"
"Ducklifor!" I shouted and pointed my wand at her, turning her into a small green-ish, brown duck. I turned around and dashed out of the common room, leaving Andrea behind.
I ran and smashed into something, propelling me backwards. I looked up and saw nothing around. I stood up, looked around and then ran off towards the kitchen again. When I entered the kitchen I saw Riley talking to a house elf. The house elf looked around and I saw it was Dietz, who he was talking to.
"Andrea is getting snoopy, Riley, I had to turn her into a duck," I panted to him and them turned to Dietz, "How are you doing, Dietz?" I asked her. She smiled at me and bowed.
"Dietz is good, Mistress Terra," She hobbled up and hugged my leg, so I patted her back.
"Listen, Dietz, I need you to do something uber important for me," she nodded and listen. "I need you to go tell Professor Dumbledore that a student in the Ravenclaw common room has been turned into a duck by me, because she was trying to stop me from getting out of the castle." She nodded again and snapped her fingers; with a loud pop she disappeared from the kitchen.
"We need to get out of here now. The moon is to be coming out with in five minutes." Riley stated and we hurried out of the kitchen and into the Entrance Hall. We quickly exited the castle and disappeared into the shadows of the night. I hid my wand on the ground in the shadows of the school, as did Riley and we escaped into the Forbidden Forest.
Riley tripped and landed into a patch of moon light and I had already stepped into one. After both of our transformations, I walked around with him in search of humans and food. I leaned my head back and howled, Riley joined in a second later and then our howls faded.
I had blue-ish grey skin that stretched over my small-ish body. Black claws donned my paws and left indents in the dirt as I walked on by. A "R" was scarred onto my paw and was a reminder that Remus was once so close to finding out who I was. I had long slender arms and long slender legs, with narrow hips. My body was long and narrow, build for speed and agility. A snout protruded from my face with a mouthful of long, sharp fangs. My eyes were the same brown eyes, but were darkened by my pupils being wide. Four long scars started from under my shoulder and ended just below my hip.
I sighed and decided to stick with Riley for a while, until a howl replied a few minutes later. I looked around and saw Riley leaving and finally disappearing deep into the trees around. I looked around and trotted towards the direction that the howl came from.
I took my time to go towards the werewolf, who I knew was Remus. The moon was patching through the leaves of the surrounding trees and making pools of light dance on the forest floor. Mice, foxes, unicorns, and many other creature, scurried away trying to avoid getting eaten.
I put one blue-ish grey paw in front on the other and watched the scenery around me. Trees rose around me and leaves swayed in the mild wind; bushes ruffled and grass swayed along with the leaves of the tree. I entered a small clearing and sniffed around, until a twig snapped and entering the clearing was Sirius as a giant black dog. I turned from the dog, already knowing he was leading James, Peter and Remus to me.
Sirius trotted through the trees, sat in front of me and watched me, as I did the same as him. He turned his head towards the trees behind him and watched a deer proudly strut forwards, with a rat on its' antler. A second later a werewolf, whose identity was in fact Remus Lupin, stumbled into the clearing and landed sprawled out on the ground.
He had scratches, gouges, and blood coating his grey body. Small splashes of blood fell to the dirt ground below him and left dark print in the dirt. I sniffed around him and then nudged his face with my nose; his head lolled and he huffed.
My head snaps up and I look at Peter, Sirius and James and tilted my head to the side. I sniffed Remus once more, trying to pick up a scent as to who did this and caught a smell. I huffed then followed the scents all the way to Sirius, James, and Peter.
I growled and watched them as Sirius crouched and growled, preparing to lunge at me. I brought my nose up at Sirius' face and huffed in his face, before turning around and shuffling over to Remus and licked the wounds on his face.
Before Remus awoke some minutes later and looked around confused. He struggled to stand up and then looked up at Sirius, James, Peter and I. His head perked up when he saw me and bounced over to me; he nudged my scarred side and leaned into me. I grunted and gave a bark like laughter as I fell on my side, bringing Remus down with me. He stood up and shook his head in confusion, before laying over me, almost crushing me due to his weight.
After sometime later, whilst the stars moved and the moon moved to leave the sky, Remus fell into a deep slumber and I sat watching him. Sirius, James, and Peter settled down and began keeping an eye out for any movement or sign that I would attack them. Stepping away from Remus, I settle beside them the three Animagi's.
I curled my paw into a fist and poked out my pointer claw, before struggling to carve into the dirt. The three boys watched my paw, trying to see what I was writing.
'S...O..R...RY' Was written messily into the dirt, but I wasn't done. 'W..H...AT I...VE... D..O....N..E' Then I stood up and disappeared into the woods away from three shock faced animals. They were shocked not only for the writing but because I knew they knew when someone turns into a werewolf they have no self control and I had control.
While walking away from them, I found Riley some hundred yards away attacking a large spider. I jumped back when the spider tried to attack me then spun around and lunged at Riley. I looked up at Riley growled at him, before coming to his rescue. I threw myself at the spider trying to distract it, only to find out I was not as strong as I believe I was. The spider threw me off and tried to bite me, but was pulled off -with great struggle- by Riley.
I scrambled to get up off my back and quickly, without much thought, threw my head back and sent out a S.O.S howl. Riley snapped his head towards me, leaned his head back and howled, while I distracted and slashed at the spider. A few seconds later another howl sounded and then Remus, James, Sirius and Peter, crashed through the trees and upon the scene. After the initial shock wore off, Sirius leapt into action and tried to take on the angry spider; following after James, Remus and Peter joined in on the assault.
I tackled Riley and pushed him towards the castle, in hopes that he'd get out of here. We could no longer try to attack the spider in our animal forms, although Remus, Riley and I, had no choice but to stay in our forms. James, instead of staying in his stag form shifted back. Sirius looked at James and shifted back, both pulled their wands out and pointing them at the spider; lastly following was Peter, who quickly whipped his wand out and all at once they cast a spell.
"Confringo!" Three balls of flames shot from their wands and hit the spider at once. A huge explosion shook the entire forest and blew everyone backwards into the trees. I hit a tree and slid down it, getting splinters up and down my spine. Fire burned brightly on the trees and began a minor forest fire; still the spider was not dead, but it was very angry. I stood up from the tree, scrambled to get to to Remus, who was dazed and trying to attack Sirius, James and Peter. I slid in front of them and pushed Remus towards the castle and then turned towards the three unregistered animagi's.
All three transformed back into their animal forms and took off after Remus, who was running towards the castle. The spider was no longer being gently but was rampaging towards me; I turned around and ran off towards the castle while the spider chased after us. I dodged many trees and tripped many times before stumbling out of the Forbidden Forest and saw Remus, Riley -Riley keeping Remus from attacking his friends- and James, Sirius, and Peter, in human form.
The sun was slowly coming up, while the spider was crashing through the forest after us. Having no choice but to transform back, I dove into the shadows of the school and transformed back; pulling my wand from it's hiding spot, I pointed it at the forest.
"Arania Exumai!" I shouted the incantation and watched as I bright blue light shot out of the end of my wand and saw it hit the spider that was coming out of the forest. I let out a breathe and watched the spider be propelled back into the forest and slumped in relief. I looked back up to see that the sun was just barely peaking over the horizon and quickly slipped back into the castle before Remus or anyone saw me.
Quickly, quietly, I slipped up the stairs and into the Ravenclaw tower, where I saw Andrea had been transformed back and was no longer in the room. I crept the girls dorm stairs and entered my dorm, where I saw Andrea was sleeping on her bed, for real this time. I grabbed my robes, underclothes and bag and quickly exited the dorm and went down the hall where the bathrooms were.
I left the bathroom and entered the dorm room where I saw Andrea getting dressed. She looked up and stared at me with and angry expression.
"Why did you turn me into a bloody duck over me worrying about my friend?!" Andrea yelled and angrily yanked up her bag.
"I'm sorry, Andrea. I didn't mean to turn you into a duck, but I was trying to get out of here for some air. I was having a tough time breathing last night," I said smoothly. Andrea didn't look convinced at all.
"I don't believe you, Terra. You turned me into a duck because you need air and I was worried about you. That doesn't add up, Terra. You know what I was told when a house elf went and got Dumbledore? I was told it was none of my business where you where going and that he had called you to his office to discuss something with you." Andrea crossed her arms and leaned on the poster of her bed.
"Can't you just accept my apologize for once and understand that I lied to you for a reason?" I breathed out of my nose angrily. Andrea looked taken aback.
"I just-"
"Can we not talk about this anymore? I'm sorry I did what I did, so can we just forgive and forget?" I cut her off and sat on my bed. She nodded and walked over to me, holding out her hand. I took her hand and stood up, before throwing my arm over her shoulder and laughing while we walked out of the dorm and down to the common room, where Howie and Mordecai were playing Exploding Snap.
"Oi! That's not fair! You cheated!" Howie pointed at the tiny explosion that came from Mordecai's sleeves. I laughed and rolled my eyes whist sitting down beside Mordecai. We all got up and stood up and linked arms, before leaving the common room to go to breakfast.
I looked at the Gryffindor table to see Riley standing up from his spot and making his way over to us. He stopped and sat down in front of me, beside Andrea and Howie, and beckoned me to follow him. I excused myself, stood up and followed Riley out of the Great Hall.
Before he did anything he hugged me tightly and the pulled away. "I'm a complete asshole for that last night. I did not know what I was doing and I am so sorry for making you, Remus, Sirius, Peter, and James have to deal with that whole ordeal."
"It's fine, it was kind of funny though," I said grinning at him. He had sunken eyes, a pale complexion and was chewing on his fingernails. I pulled his hand away from his mouth and punched his arm softly.
"But it's not okay. I almost exposed you and we could have died, if that spider had bite any one of us," Riley hissed at me and grabbed my shoulders.
"Listen Riley, it's fine, if I'd been exposed, it would have been okay. I know their secret and it would only be fair if they knew mine, but since they don't know now, I won't be giving it up to them," I said trying to ease his worry. I pulled him behind me into the Great Hall and set him down beside Alice, Frank and two twins named Gideon and Fabian Prewett.
"Have a good day, Riles and be nice," I sang and walked back to my table with Andrea, Mordecai and Howie. I seat myself down beside Howie and waited for the food to appear on the plates in front of us. After a good six minutes of waiting, all of the students had entered and seated themselves in their appropriate spots; Dumbledore stood up and tapped his spoon on his goblet.
"I'd like to make an announcement. Last night, in the Forbidden Forest, a minor forest fire occurred and a small colony of Acromantula was sent stampeding through the forest and tried to get to the castle. I would like to know who was in the forest last night and who sent the Acromantula on towards the school. If you would after breakfast please visit me in my office," Dumbledore began, "Now, breakfast will begin." He sat down and the breakfast plates filled up with food. A few seconds into breakfast and a large whoosh sounded over the Great Hall, causing me to look up in hopes of seeing Eden delivering something for me.
I pin pointed Eden flying towards me with a letter attached to her scaly foot; she landed beside my plate and stuck out her leg for me to get the letter. I pulled the letter off her foot and unrolled it, gave her a piece of toast and placed her on my shoulder. Then looked up and saw three owls carrying a box towards the table. They set it down gently and then flew off, leaving Eden on my shoulder.

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