Chapter Eighteen

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        I walked with Riley and Mordecai down Diagon Alley going to Ollivanders. Apparently after Transfiguration Friday evening, my wand cracked straight down the middle causing my magic to backfire and almost take out my eye when I was about to do a spell. After the incident, Dumbledore suggested that I go to Diagon Alley and get the wand fixed, while everyone was at Hogsmeade as we usually did on weekends.
"How is it possible that you managed to almost destroy your wand?" Riley asked as we walked past Magical Menagerie. I shrugged and we walked right into Ollivander's store. The bell on the door rang thoroughly throughout the store. We waited for a second before seeing the familiar white haired, pale blue eyed man hobble up to the counter.
"Ah, what can I do for you three today?" He squinted at us and leaned closer. I smiled and pulled my wand out to show him.
"Well Mr. Ollivander, sir, my wand, uh, cracked down the middle," I said placing the wand in his open hands. He gently felt the wand and hmmed.
"Yes, pear wood, unicorn hair core, ten and a half inches in length, slightly springy flexibility. It appears, Miss Lancaster, that someone else tried to use your wand, almost destroying this wand in the process." I looked wide-eyed and opened mouth at Ollivander, before closing my mouth and nodding.
"Is there anythings you could possibly do to, maybe, fix my wand?" I asked.
"I'm afraid there is nothing I can do to fix the wand, but I can get you a new one, that is if one finds you," Ollivander winked and hobbled to the back of the store, climbed onto a ladder and began ruffling around for wands.
"So someone tried to use your wand and it made itself try to destroy itself to make sure they couldn't use it. That doesn't seem right, I mean, someone trying to use your wand to do something," Mordecai said. Ollivander came back with three rectangular boxes in his arms. He opened one box and held the wand out to me. I plucked it out of his hand and tried to produce the Lumos charm. Instead of making light, the tip of the wand exploded into flames and almost caught the desk in front of me on fire. Ollivander grabbed the wand out of my hands and muttered, "oh, no, no. Not this one." He put the wand back in it's box and then opened another box and handed me the wand.
I tried to use a non-verbal and make the lamp on the desk in front of me, shrink, but once again instead of shrinking it, the lamp exploded and threw shards of glass everywhere. Ollivander quickly snatched the wand out of my hands and pulled his wand out to repair the lamp.
After four more wand failures, Ollivander pulled a box closest to the desk down and handed the wand to me again. I took a deep, staggering breathe and then pointed it at the floor. I murmured a spell and waited for the terrible outcome, but when I opened my eyes a beautiful orchid had grown out of the wooden floor. Ollivander looked smug and nodded.
"Very odd," Ollivander picked the wand from my hands and gently prodded it with nimble thin fingers. "Acacia wood, unicorn hair core, ten and three quarter inches in length, unyielding flexibility. Very odd, indeed. I haven't been able to sell this particular wand for ages, but it seems it was just waiting. That'll be seven Galleons." I pulled a handful of Galleons out of my pocket and counted them. After I counted the money, I placed them on the desk and picked up the wand.
"Thank you, Mr. Ollivander," I smiled and was about to turn and leave with Riley and Mordecai, but stop when Ollivander says something.
"I remember when I sold you your first wand, Miss Lancaster. If was like yesterday when you were in here with your mother, father, and elder brother. When you had picked up the first wand you almost blew up the store," Olliander chuckled softly and then turned around and disappeared deeper into his store. I smiled and put my wand in my sleeve, before turning towards the giant fireplace beside the door.
"Now, lets get back to Hogsmeade," I took a handful of the floo powder and stepped inside the fireplace. I threw the powder down and shouted, "Zonko's Joke Shop!" Green fire erupted around me and then suddenly I was standing in a fireplace with many joke objects surrounding me. I stepped out of the fireplace quickly and watched it erupt in green flames again, spitting out Mordecai, then Riley.
"I still can't stand flooing," Mordecai groaned and held his hand over his mouth. I laughed and watched as he rushed towards the back bathroom of the store and, most likely, vomited. Riley grinned and then we waited for Mordecai to come back from the bathroom, whilst Mordecai was doing that, I looked around for somethings.
"Oh, Riley can we buy this?" I asked. I was standing beside a shelf full of Frog Spawn Soap. Riley came around the corner and looked at me holding a small box of soap.
"Sure, I don't care, but it's you who is paying for it, not me," Riley shrugged his shoulders. Mordecai limped from the bathroom and over to us.
"I'm never flooing again," Mordecai coughed lightly.
"Then you shouldn't sign up for Apparition class. Although, it is quite fun," I said paying for three boxes of Frog Spawn Soap.
"Wait, you're in Apparition class?" Riley asked.
"Well, yeah. I thought that you would have noticed by now," I turned and we began to walk out of Zonko's. We were walking out of the shop when Riley leaned over and whispered in my ear, "we've got some shadows." I turned around and saw the usual four boys behind us.
"I, honestly, don't want to talk to them," I murmured to Riley as we entered The Three Broomsticks.
"What happened?" Mordecai asked confused. I shook my head and then sat down at a table in the back.
"It's nothing."
"I'll be back, I've got to go to the bathroom," Mordecai stood up and disappeared to the bathroom.
"What happened, for real, though?" Riley asked leaning forwards. A waitress came over and took our orders. She got Riley and I butterbeers and we ordered Mordecai a butterbeer, too.
"Last night when they took me to the Whomping Willow, it turns out there is a passage way under the tree and it leads to the Shrieking Shack. Well, when we were there they -Sirius, James, and Peter- tried to trap me in there and find out my identity, but I escaped. If it weren't for Remus's unconscious help they would know who the female werewolf was and I'd be really embarrassed."
"They tried to trap you? That's what took you so long to get back?"
"Yeah, that's why it took so long. I got out of there as fast as I could, though."
"It's fine, but don't ignore them completely right now, they'll get suspicious and try to figure out if it is you. Besides lighten up, your birthday is eight days away." Mordecai walked back to table and sat down, before sipping his butterbeer.
"Did I hear about someone's birthday is eight days away? Who's?" Mordecai asked.
"Her's. Although she doesn't really like celebrating her birthdays. Says birthdays are too morbid," Riley rolled his eyes. "I say it's a load of bullshit."
"They are just the number of years counting down until you die," I mumbled bitterly and took a sip of my butterbeer.
"That is a bit morbid, Terra," Mordecai chuckled. We ended up talking loads more about ourselves and random things until we finally had to leave the village.

I was sitting in the library two days later studying for my D.A.D.A. test, when I felt someone's presence beside me. I didn't bother looking at them and just continued to write down my notes. A book was set down then and some parchment along with a pot of ink. It was quiet until I let out a sigh and looked up and over at the person.
"What do you- oh, hey, Remus," I smiled.
"Hello, Terra, how are you doing?" Remus asked, dipping his quill in his ink pot.
"I'm well. And you?"
"Alright, I guess," silence surrounded us as I dotted an 'i'. "Can I ask you a question?" Remus asked setting his quill down and turning towards me.
"Yeah, sure. What is it?"
"That night -the full moon, ya know- did you really go help Riley with his 'furry little problem'?"
"What? Of course not. I may be slightly stupid but I'm smart enough to know that even I could't take on a fully grown werewolf by myself. As much as I would love to help him I can't unless I become an animagus -which I don't know how-. Of course, if I had the power to I would help the both of you."
"But, if you didn't help him, then what were you doing?"
"Well, okay, maybe I did help him, but only getting some clothes for him for after he was finished. But, before that I was actually going to the kitchen for my main routine."
"Oh, that would make a bit more sense."
"How is it that you are so confident about being a werewolf? I mean, talking about it?"
"I'm, not. I just feel like I can talk to you more since you're already friends with another. I can just kinda tell you know more about," he gestured to himself and then continued to whisper, "this then my friends do."
"That was really cliche," We both began to laugh.
"Anyways, I swear no more clicheness, but would you like to hang out Saturday?"
"Sure, but how about after I get out of Apparition class?"
"You take Apparition classes?"
"Well, duh, why else would I say to wait until I got out of Apparition class?"
"Right, sorry. Well, I've got to go my free period is almost up. I'll see you here Saturday at, uh, is eleven o' clock okay?"
"Sure, see you, Remus." Then he stood up from the table, gathered his things and left the library. I finished up my notes and shoved all of my things into my bag, before scooting my stool under the table and leaving the library. I slowly trudged towards the Transfiguration classroom.
After class I stayed in the classroom with Professor Mcgonagall. She turned around and nearly jumped out of her robes at the sight of me.
"What is it you'd like, Miss Lancaster?" She walked back around her desk and sat down, whilst shuffling papers on her desk.
"Professor I was just wandering if there was a way you could tutor me even more in transfiguration?"
"I suppose, I could. But, I'm afraid I do not have enough time today to tutor you, perhaps you could come during your free period tomorrow?"
"I'm fine with that, Professor Mcgonagall." I turned to leave then stopped. "Professor?"
"Yes, Miss Lancaster?"
"Is considered being a werewolf terrible?"
"No, dear. People only think that because of the bad reputation You-Know-Who has given them. You are a strong young witch that just happened to be put in the spotlight by being bitten and turned, but that does not make you a monster, Terra, it just makes you stronger. Now, if you ever feel the need to discuss this to anyone, Dumbledore, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout and I are always open to talk, so don't be afraid to speak," she stated placing her hands on her desk and standing up. She walked around her desk and pulled me into a hug; I was shocked to say the least. She then pulled away, straightened out her robes and then went back to her desk. "Now, you do have a class to attend and I have a class to teach." I nodded with a slight grin then sprinted out of the class room and in the direction of the entrance hall.

The days came and passed when finally Saturday arrived in a hurry. I groaned and laid in a mess on my bed. I rolled out of bed and yawned before getting dressed and walking downstairs to the common room, half asleep. I stumbled down the last two steps and stretched.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I let out a horrified scream and stumbled backwards back up the stairs. A colourful banner was branded with sparkles, colour changing paint, and stickers. It was hanging from the doorway above the boys dorm stairway.
Almost every boy and girl from the Ravenclaw dorm was smiling and holding some sort of present. Riley laughed and helped me up from laying on the stairs. I stood up held my hand to my heart and let out a breathe. Riley smiled and the sound of chirping sounded above me, causing me to look up.
A flock of canary's were fluttering over my head whistling the tune of happy birthday. I groaned, swatted at them and then gave up. I smiled weakly and then punched Riley in the shoulder, before I bustled out of the common room towards the Great Hall. The birds were still singing and flying around my head when I entered the Great Hall. I walked lazily over to the Ravenclaw Table where no one else was sitting and began eating. Hoots and the sound of flapping wings from owls sounded throughout the Great Hall, causing me to look up.
Eden was followed closely by a pair of barn owls. Eden landed beside my plate and stuck out her leg, before the two barn owls landed on the table with a small package. I plucked the letter off of Eden's scaly leg and unrolled it to read. I read the note smiled and then went to open the package.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TERRA, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" An entire parade of kids led by Lily, Mordecai, Howie, Andrea, and Riley flooded the room while singing. I groaned and put my head on the table in embarrassment. I peered over my arms and looked at the Gryffindor table to see Sirius and James laughing; Remus was smiling at the parade then look at me; Peter was smiling and trying to eat.
I put my head back down and reached around blindly for the package. Once I successfully pulled it under the table, I continued to open it. Inside was a book about werewolves (courtesy of Easten), a black sweater from the Irish Quidditch Team (Dad), a few other books about spells, and a few bars of chocolate (Dad and Easten). I looked up over the table and was glad to see the parade had disbanded and gone their separate ways. I quickly ate, looked at the time then left the Great Hall to go put my things away and get to Apparition in enough time.
I managed the Apparate from one end of the classroom to the other without splinching. After class let out, I rushed to the Ravenclaw common room to change into something more fitting. Checking the clock, I made sure I had plenty of time to get from the Ravenclaw tower to the library so I could meet up with Remus.
I pushed the library door open and calmly made my way to where Remus said to meet up; when I arrived at my spot it was empty. I furrowed my eyebrows, let out a sigh and turned around to leave when I was tripped by a wire of some sorts.
"Oh s-" I scrambled to grab onto something but failed and collapsed on the carpeted floor. A second later confetti burst out of no where and landed all around me. I thumped my head onto the ground and groaned loudly. A laugh came out from behind me and I immediately saw Remus.
"Who ever did that was bloody brilliant!" Remus smiled and helped me up.
"Oh, yeah, real smart to mess with a-" I cut myself off. "-teenage girl."
"I'm serious it wasn't me. I swear," Remus held his hand up like a boy scout and tried to keep a straight face.
"Do you solemnly swear?" I chuckled; Remus went pale.
"Nothing, never you mind. Come on." We left the library and went to the carriages pulled by the thestrals.
"How come Thing One, Thing Two and Thing Three aren't coming along?" I asked.
"They don't know where I went," Remus chuckle.

I smiled and checked the watch on my wrist. It was almost eight o'clock in the evening when we came back to the school. At first we both went to The Three Broomsticks, had a few cups of butterbeers and ate, before we went on a walk through the woods around the the Shrieking Shack.
I looked up and dropped my smile when I saw the moon coming up through the trees of the Forbidden Forest. I turned towards the grand doors and then looked at Remus. I was about to open my mouth when the grand doors opened and Riley darted out. He paused and then let out a innocent smile.
"Oh, hey, you two love-birds, how's it going?" Riley exclaimed happily.
"What's up?" Remus asked.
"I'm gunna need to borrow your girlfriend for a few," Riley replied quickly, grabbing my hand and pulling me behind him.
"What?" Remus furrowed his eyebrows and then grabbed onto Riley's arm. "Why?"
"I need to speak with her alone," Riley gritted his teeth. I quickly pulled my wrist from Riley's grip as his grip was getting tighter and his claws were starting to push through.
"Riley," nothing. "Riley!" I said sternly. "Ow," I brought my wrist up to show that his claws had broke my skin. He stopped and looked at his hands, which had begun to change.
"Shit!" Riley grabbed my wrist again and dragged me behind him and he ran towards the Forbidden Forest.
"Are you crazy, Riley, he is going to think you've dragged me off to kill me or something!" I shouted as we tripped through the forest.
"I'm sorry, you two were taking too long and for some reason I couldn't suppress the wolf within for any longer," Riley let out a breathe as he halted. I doubled over and panted as he released my arm. After thirty minutes of arguing and watching the four boys hobble across the yard, the moon reached it's highest point and that's when the transformation started. Riley groaned and closed his eyes, before a pained yell escaped his lips. He tried to grip onto something close and instead of grabbing he pushed. I tumbled down the large hill towards the clearing where the four boys were currently having problems with Remus.
"You arsehole!" I managed to shouted out before I screamed out a shrill sound. When I hit the ground I landed in a heap of embarrassment and pain. The transform completed faster then it should have for me leaving me whimpering as I pulled thorns out of my side. Blood slowly leaked out of the wounds as I lifted myself up.
"It was her the whole time," a shocked Sirius said releasing Remus, who had finished his transformation and was watching me curiously. A howl sounded from above the ridge that Riley had pushed her down. I growled at him then sat on my hunches.
A whimper sounded causing me to turn around and look at Remus. I let out a wolfish sigh and then lifted a paw towards the Whomping Willow. We entered the tunnel and into the Shrieking Shack. Remus sat beside me while the other three boys waited across the room.
When morning arrived I shifted back first and while everyone else shifted back, I covered myself with my legs, hands and arms. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. When everyone had changed back, a cleared throat sounded then a shirt was tossed at me. The boys turned around and I put it on. They turned back around and stared at me.
"I guess I have a lot of explaining to do," I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. They didn't find it as funny.
"Start explaining," demanded James.
"Well, it all started when..."

To be continued...

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