Chapter Eleven

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        Howie carried me to the kitchen and then set me down on the floor. I yawned and watched as Dietz ran up to us and asked us what we would like to have.
"Can you make me a batch of cookies, please?" I asked politely, not wanting to be rude like some people were to the house-elves. Dietz smile and nodded, before turning around and scurrying to the back. Andrea patted my shoulder and guided us to one of the random long tables. All four of us collapsed on the table, Andrea sat beside me, so I could rest my head in her lap; Mordecai and Howie on the other side of the table.
"What's wrong, Terra?" Mordecai asked, though I couldn't see his face to see what he was doing. I closed my eyes and shook my head.
"I don't wanna talk about it," I mumbled underneath the table and then looked at the leg of the table. Andrea stroked my hair and looked at me, sorrowfully.
"Something happened last night, Ter. Was it the letter you got yesterday?" Andrea prodded. I shook my head and sighed sadly.
"No, it wasn't the letter," I whispered, before sitting up and putting my hands on the table. I heard little pattering footsteps coming towards the table a few minutes later. Dietz was carrying a plate of cookies with a smile on her face.
"Dietz is back with warm cookies," She announced, happily. I gave her a quick upturn of the corners of my mouth and watched her set the cookies on the table.
"You're a life saver, Dietz," I said to her and picked a cookie from the plate and offered her it. She looked surprised and refused the cookie.
"Dietz doesn't eat cookies, Mistress Terra," Dietz said cautiously, probably afraid I would do something cruel. I shrugged my shoulders.
"Okay, that's fine," I smiled at her and took a bite of the cookie. She grinned then turned around and walked off, disappearing behind a giant shelf, full of spices. We ate all the cookies on the plate and not but a few minutes later did the bell ring. I sighed and told them to meet me in the common room after dinner and watched them leave. I took a drink of the glass of milk in front of me and saw Dietz wave at me while I exited the kitchen. While walking up from the dungeon, I brought my hand up and felt my neck, where my moon tattoo was; it was just barely beginning to wane from a Full Moon.
I looked around from the top of the stairs and then began my long walk back to the Ravenclaw common room, but I took a detour and ended up looking out over the school grounds from the top of the Astronomy tower. I sighed in the fresh air and watched some threstals fly above the Forbidden Forest. I closed my eyes and just stood there, listening, feeling, breathing in the freshness of the wind blowing around me.
I opened my eyes and turned around, before leaving the Astronomy tower and actually going back to the Ravenclaw tower. I entered the common room and walked up the girls stairs and opened my dorm room. The room was the exact same as it usually was before; the four desks around the room were scattered with other kids homework, in Lisa's old chest there was a small fortune of money, in Carrie's old chest there was a small stash of food for us to eat when we were hungry and didn't want to leave the dorm, in the back of the room, hidden by the sheets and blankets from Lisa and Carrie's old beds, was the Ship Game sign up sheet about James and Lily.
I walked over to one of the desks and moved some of the homework out of the way, so I could write a letter back to my Dad and Easten. I pulled a quill out and a pot of ink and began to write.
Dear Dad and Easty,
I am doing well at Hogwarts and yes, Riley and I have became friends again. I have made many more friends and many, many enemies due to me making friends. My grades aren't a T level, but they're not O level, probably at A level.
What book are you reading now? Is it educational or fun and exciting? When did Easten get into the M.o.M, anyways? He doesn't seem like the one to follow the rules, you know, since he almost blew up the house when he was fourteen. Didn't he get suspended from Hogwarts, but Dumbledore gave him another chance.
Yes, Riley was registered into Hogwarts and him and I are on really good terms right now. I've forgiven him and he's being the old Riley. We talked and caught up a while back. I've tried to help him with his Predator problem but I'm sorta always busy with my own.
And about skipping Transfiguration class, it was because I was invited to go to Hogsmeade and you know how I have a reputation to uphold. Just kidding. Well, I went with James, Sirius, Peter, and Remus. They are ONLY friends, okay? So don't go thinking I'm dating anyone, because I'm not.
My Predator problem is going fine, I guess. I've found out that there is another one, beside's Riley and I, here. I found out who it is and figured out who his friends are. The thing is he's trying to find out who I am. And I think he's getting close. But other then that, I'm doing fine with the problem, since he's helping me through the night (not like that

) and I'm helping him. One night, though, the first time I met him actually, he was trying to get me away from his friends and he scratched me, by accident and now I have some scars on my side, but they don't hurt anymore, I promise. Other then that, It's been going fine.
No, I have not pulled any pranks with them, though it sounds fun, I don't plan on getting in trouble so soon. I'll see you soon and hopefully have good news that the other Predator has not figure out who I am.

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