The Game {NEW}

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Madely and I sit on the couch watching Mean Girls in our apartment. Our parents had a "date," to go on, so we decided to have a girls night while we babysat our little sister, Bristol. Bristol is 4, with beautiful blonde hair, that curls perfectly. Her eyes are a beautiful brown color. Just like Madely and I. We are twins, identicle at that. I pop another piece of the buttery popcorn into my mouth as I watch the movie.

"This is by far, my fave movie." Madely says with a mouthful of popcorn.

"Same." I blurt out, taking a sip of my pop.

We focus back on the movie, laughing and commenting every so often. Moments like these with my sister are probably my favorite. I enjoy staying in with her, mostly because I don't have alot of friends at school. But I'm okay with that, because I don't really like that many people here. However, Madely is very popular and well liked.

"Sissy, someones at the door." Bristol says tugging at my sleeve.

"Mom and Dad are probably home." Madely says, waiting for me to get the door.

"Is this the Ross household?" The tall man says in a deep voice.

He is dressed in a uniform, and I see flashing lights behind him. What is going on? This has never happened before, and no one here has ever committed a crime.

"What's going on?" I say nodding my head.

"There has been an accident." He says.

I look to Madely worried. She gets off of the couch and walks to the doorway, Bristol following.

"What are you talking about?" Madely says coming forward to stand at the same spot of the doorway as I, Bristol behind us.

"Your mother and father were in a car accident. I'm so sorry girls. You'll need to come with us to get this all worked out." He says turning away, expecting us to follow. He walks through the dark yard, being lit up by flashing blue and red lights.

I turn to Madely, shocked. "Do you think its that bad?" I ask.

She doesn't respond, turning to grab Bristol. I look and see the social services car sitting behind the cop car. I shake my head, following the officer to the car. I can't believe this. We all three follow the police man to the car, and see a lady with short curly hair.

"Girls, I'm so sorry to tell you this. But both of your parents are gone. I'm so sorry." She says shaking her head.

I look to Madely in disbelief, and a tear rolls down my cheek. She collapses to the ground and cries, very loudly. I watch her numbly.

"There has to be some sort of mistake." I say, grabbing Bristol to sheild her from Madely.

The lady shakes her head, and I see that this hasn't been a mistake. I sit down on the ground beside Madely, and lay my head on her. I cry. I cry so hard that I don't remember getting into that car that night. I don't remember spending the night in the police office. But I do remember everything in that moment of knowing that, my parents, the people who raised me, taught me everything, are gone.

The Game. {IN EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now