Chapter Five {NEW}

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Madely's POV:

2nd period finally ended and now I'm on my way to 3rd. I don't have this class with Saige so we bid a goodluck and part our ways.

I walk in and everyone stares at me. I sit down in the only empty seat. The boy next to me smirked as I sat. It was indeed coffee clutz.

"Hey" he said.

"Hey," I reply politely.

"Last time I saw you was when you had coco all over you."

"From you," I giggle.

"I guess I should watch where I'm going then."
I smile then turn my attention to the teacher.

"So welcome, Madely, to our country," she announces.

I awkwardly smile looking around the room at all the glaring faces. I put my head down, biting my lip.

"So you're from America?" Harry asked.

I nodded.

"Well I guess that explains the accent," he smirked.

"I didn't notice I had an accent," I say sarcastically, mocking his stupidity.

He smirked and looked back to the teacher. I listened for atleast 10 minutes until I was interrupted, once again.

"So you have a twin?" Harry asks.


"She's cute, my friend seems to like her." he grins, talking about Louis.

He just said my twin was cute. Does that mean he thinks I'm cute? This is awkward.

"I think she's sweet, she isn't as shy as you are," he implied.

I raised my eye brows. I know she isn't, that's why she already has a guy after her, well two from what it sounds like. I wish I could easily get along with people like her. Saige has always been better than me at socializing.

"I like shy girls, though," he looked at me. "They're more adventurous."

I kept my head down. I don't know how to reply to that.

The bell rang, I was thankful to get out of this awkward moment.

I wonder how Saige is doing?

I gathered my things and began to walk out. I noticed that Harry was following me.

"What class do you go to next?" Harry asked, walking uncomfortably close to me.

"Um, Mrs. Smith." I say softly. I feel awkward in this position, I'm not sure what to think of Harry.

"Me too! Let's walk together," he suggested and put his arm around my shoulder. I began to get really uncomfortable. My palms started to sweat. I escaped from his arm and walked up to a pretty girl.

"Hey, I love your bow!" I tell her.

"Thanks I got it at Burks Outlet-"

"Did you now" I rudely cut her off. I really didn't care where she got it, I used to have one like it. Giving me a surprised look, the girl walked away.

"That's the loudest I've ever heard you talk." Harry smirked.

I grinned, raising my eye brows.

He started to step closer. He put his arm around me again. He slowly lowered his hand. His hand went over my bum and I jumped away quickly.

"Oh look! We're here!" I say walking to a door.

"No love, our rooms over there." he pionted diagnolly across the hall.

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