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Emerald eyes watching the elegant fingers that stains with potions holding the fork and knives. The eyes then moves towards the thin lips, the high cheeckbones and lastly to the endless dark tunnels that always seem to hypnotized him (fortunately not directed towards him right now).

His gazing was cut short when someone jab his sides. The red head besides him raise his eyebrows, when the raven head boy shakes his head with a sad smile Ron let out a small sigh. Hermoine that seat in front of Harry could only rolled her eyes on their antics.

Honestly, the whole school knows about Harry's crush towards the Hogwarts Potion Master (except the person of course). She feels pity for him when he needs to face his snarls and hatred for almost everyday when theres only loves for that man in Harry's heart. Ron feels the same for Harry.

When Ron first found out about Harry's crushes, his first thought was that his best friend had gone mad. But then when he saw the loves and longing in Harry's eyes whenever the dark figure are around, he understood immediately that it really is loves because he see the same thing shone in his eyes in the mirror whenever he have a date with Hermione.

The Houses did'nt say anything to the rumor about Potter's crush towards one of their Proffessor(and the headmaster, if anything, he only encourage it). However, if someone look closely, they can see the girls giggles and cooed when they saw Harry's look towards the Potion Master while the boys can be seen wiggling their eyebrow. Some of them obviously showing their pity, expecially the slytherin because they know how thick and hard their head of house can be.

Sometimes in the beginning on the sixth year, the Slytherins, lead by Draco Malfoy enter the hall in group that consist the fourth year up to the seventh year, walk and stand in front of Harry that at that time still eating his breakfast in half asleep. Sensing that something important going to happened, he stand and face  them calmly. If Harry was shocked when they gave him an oath to stand with the light side and to his side, he didnt show it at all when he recieved their oath formally.

Since then, there are still rilvalry between the two houses but not as tense as before. Even Professor Snape have been mellowed a bit, he still took points from students, only this time including his own house. Harry still been treated the same as always by the Professor. Even after he save Snape's life.

Before the summer holiday after the Department of Mysteries's fiasco, Snape's secret as a spy had been revealed by a spy that the Dark Lord plant in the Order. When Harry got the visions of Snape being tortured, he immidiately summoned his firebolt and flew from the hall during the fiest.

He broke the wards that surround the Riddle's manor without a thought and release a raw magic that knock all the Death Eaters on the ground. When he saw a bloodied Snape in the middle of the room, his eyes glazed with rage that make the colour shone like a killing cursed green. Every step that he took towards his love, vibrate with his magic that makes everyone even Voldemort stunned. Wrapping his arm delicately around Snape while murmuring some spell that make the Potion Master eyes dropped shut. He gave his last glare to Voldemort before apparated away.

Arriving at Hogwart's gates, he wandlessly summoned his patronus to alert the Headmaster and Madam Pomfrey to be at the infirmary. Nobody  saw Harry Potter for two week because he won't leave the Potion Master's sides in the private wards; unless to go to the bathroom.

Harry loves him. He loves 'him' so hard that it hurt his heart. Because he can only loves him from the shadow...


First of all, this is my first time publishing a story..
Secondly, english is not my native language, so i'm sorry for my mistakes in writing..
I hope, i really hope that you guys like it..
Sorry, i dont really have any self confidence..
Till next time;

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