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"No way!" Harry squeak. He tried to released his arm from Hermione's grip (note:tried). His face was flaming red.

Ginny was still looking at Hermione with bemuse expression. Ever since that clever witch officially became her brothers' girlfriend, she can understand all Ron's words no matter how he spoke. Even their mom can't understand Ron when he speak with his mouth full with food!

"Why not?" Ron asked. He's still blushing a bit because Hermione rarely compliment him, but when she did, it makes his heart fluttered.

"Are you blind?! He hates me!" Harry hissed.

"So you're not going to try?" Seamus and Dean cut in before Hermione could open her mouth.

"You're going to let him go without even trying?" Lavender scoff. Parvati frowned at him dissapprovingly.

"You can face Voldemort, but not the person you love?" Neville frown while he look at him in calm demeanuor.

"So, basically, you are a coward" The Twin stand side by side, smirking while watching Harry's face became redder. His green eyes were blazing.

Their mother forced them to repeat their Last Year at Hogwarts. Mr. Weasley agree. He reasoned that he wanted all his children to finish their school no matter how bad their final result or how successfull they are in their bussiness. The Twins just shrugged. They would do it, only if there is no more Umbitch at Hogwarts. Otherwise, they will declare a prank war.

Hermione have already let Harry's arm go when their friends in the Common Room begun to step in their conversation. Ron are smirking and looking at Harry. His eyes are practically challenging him to deny The Twins statement. Ginny was literally radiating with mischieves.

"Which part don't you understand when i said that HE HATE ME!?" His hands flew upwards. He did'nt realise he was standing. He just shrugged it off.

He dropped back on the sofa like a sack of potato. His shoulder drop, and he burried his face in his hands. He looked lifeless.

"You won't know 'till you try Harry. Besides, Ginny's right ya know. You should use your Gryffindor bravery. No more denying" Neville state calmly.

He has change since the Department of Mystery fiasco. He's much more calmer and muscular (due to the training that Harry gives). He even had his own fan club (whithout him knowing of course) even though his relationship with Luna is not a secret.

A heavy sigh came out from Harry's mouth. He leaned heavily to the couch and proceed to close his eyes. For a moment, there was a comfortable silence between them all. The lower year student looked between them, wondering who will speak first. Some of the seventh year that were busy with their study choose to ignore the drama, while some of them look with curiosity to the plot of the drama.

"I want him to know that someone does loves him... but I don't want him to know that the person is me... I can't court him.. I don't want to tied his hope, when I can't even comfirm if there will be one or not..." Harry said in a slow voice, but it rang clear for them all.

"Then, you should do what you want, do what you can do. Follow what your heart say, for what you know.... It have never betray you." Ron smile softly. He rested his hand on Harry's head.

The moment were ruined when The Twins engulfed Ron in a group hug.

"Bloody hell! Let go of me!" He shrieked.

"Oh, our little brother have already grown up." They faked sobbing.

"We are so proud! " They both proceed to peck Rons' cheeks, making the younger red head flaming red.

Ginny and Hermione giggle at their antics. Harry chuckled. His humor was cut when Hermione spek to him in a slow tone.

"You do know that we will stand by your side no matter what decision you make right?"

"I know, but you won't approved all of my decision if you know the truth..." Harry smiled sadly.

"How thick do you think we are, Harry?" Neville asked calmly. His eyes still trailing the three red heads that are wrestling each other on the floor.

"What are you talking about?" Harry confused.

"We know, ya know..." Ginny said. Her smiled did not reach her eyes.

Hermione laid her hand on top of Harry's head. She pet him gently. The sadness in her heart makes her stomach knotted.

"About your final decision..." Harry's head snapped towards the clever witch.

"We will still stand by your side, baby brother."
Her voice are thick and her eyes were glassy. She glance towards her still oblivious laughing boyfriend. Harry follow her eyes.

"We know, and we won't left you alone..."


Oh, FINALLY!! After wringing my brain for ideas... just kidding..
Actually I found soooooo many interesting fanfic and novels that I just HAVE to read. Tomorrow will be the last day for me to be lazying around.. then the classes of hell will begin.. again..
I would love to know what you think about this fanfic, so don't be shy to leave any comments 😁😁


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