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It has been three days, and Harry is bored out of his mind. He looks at the beautiful weather trough the Hospital Wing's windows mournfully. His ribs still hurt, and sometimes he was having trouble breathing. His friend visited him yesterday. He managed to ask Hermione to send another gifts to Severus this morning. It was a rare ancient Potion Journal. It was written by Salazar Slytherin himself in parseltounge. It took him a week to translate the first volume. He found the book in the Chamber of Secrets last year, during his venture down there. He's still in his progress on translating the second volume right now. His head snapped to Madam Pomfrey office when he heard the door opening.

"Professor Snape!" Speak of the devil, and he shall appear. In this case, a very sexy one... Harry's eyes widened when he saw the Professor step out from Madam Pomfrey's office. He was only wearing his white shirt and a black trousers without his usually buttoned up robes.

"Potter." He sneered. He looks around the Hospital Wing. But there's only the brat. He turns his eyes to the boy. There's an opened book on the boy's lap with a messy written leather notebook and a quill. He raised his eyebrow.

"Where's Madam Pomfrey?" He asked reluctantly, eyeing the hand that lay on top of the book.

"She said that she have a matter to attended to at the St. Mungo." Harry eyes trails to the kissable thin lips, then down to the bobbing pale throat. Then to the board chest. Fuck! The white shirt clung onto the slim body deliciously. He wondered what color of the nipples behind that shirt. He licks his lips, his groin twitched.

"Potter!" Harry startled. "Your nose is bleeding!" Harry touched his upper lips, and it's wet. He look at his finger, his nose is bleeding! Damn it!

"Idiot child!" Harry looked at Snape who is coming closer. He watched as the trousers clung to the lean leg when they're moving. Merlin! He can feel the blood rushing faster and to the south!!

"Damn it, Potter!" Long elegant finger pushed his chin upward. Another hand rest on the side of his head, a thumb pushing slightly on his eyelids. Black eyes peering onto his, looking a bit worried. "What were you reading?! Porn?!" Harry blushed. An elegant eyebrow raised when he noted the changed color on the green-eyes brat. He smirk.

"Care to share, Potter?" he conjured an ice-pack and carefully putting in on the brat's nose.

"It's not porn!" Harry scowls. His clean hand move automatically to hold the pack from Sev- Snape's hand.

"Hmmm..." His smirk widened. His hand moved from the pack after making sure Potter hold it right to his wand, he scourgify the blood from the nose and on Potter other hand. Severus right hand still tilting Harry's chin.

"What book are you reading, then?" His voice still held a little teasing note.

He peered on the book, he can't understand what languages it is in. then he look in the other book, his eyes widened when he saw what was written in the leathered notebook before Harry snapped the book shut.

Snape grabbed the notebook before Harry can hide it. He moved it from the boy's reached while skimming the content. His face grew redder. He snapped the book shut.

"What is the meaning of this, Potter?!" Severus snarled he throws the book on Harry's bed.

Harry flinched. He can't remember when he threw the ice-pack, but both of his hands now clutching his bed sheet. He looks at Severus, and his heart clenched.

"Do you think that this is fun, Potter?!" He spat. "To make fun of me in front of the entire school?!" Harry opened his mouth, but his voice won't come out, his heart beating faster and it was painful.

"Soo.. You want to continue your father legacy in ruining my life, aren't you?" He sneers poisonously.

"No, Severus! I didn't mean it like that! I'm doing this because I love you! Yes! I admit, I am Shadow! I did this because I can't..." Harry gasp. He grab his chest. Fuck! Not right now, notrighnow! I need to tell him this. Please...

"You expect me to believe that crap, Potter?! I know you want to torture my life, just like your father!! And that's why you didn't let me die before, aren't you?! Well, guess what Potter? You've done a great job!" Snape spun on his heels and marched to the Matron's office.

"Professor, wait!" Harry tried to move out of the bed, but he fell of the bed, crashing onto the wooden chair. It collides with his still-healing cracked ribs. His breathing became harder and his chest hurt. He can taste a tangy, coppery liquid inside his mouth. His vision began to blurry. He heard footsteps. Someone's calling his name but he's not sure; it's hard to listen with the buzzing. He saw a panicked paled face of the Potion Master.

" you...s'rry Sv'rus..." Then it was black.


yes, yes.. the lemon is coming... patience.. 

the next chapter have already done.. 

it just need to be edited a little bit..


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