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"Lupin, the f*ck are, you doing here?" Severus snarled. He's in a really bad mood right now. Being caught with the Potter brat in his arm. But not once did he push Harry aside.

Remus chuckles. The Potion Master looks like a pissed cat right now, with the snarls and growls. He fingered the camera in his pocket. He's lucky that he managed to snap a couple of picture of Severus cuddling Harry. He can't wait to show it to Harry and tease him till he looks like a ripe tomato!

"I come to see how Harry's doing. You know, Harry Potter... In Gryffindor.. The boy, with green eyes, a scar on his forehead... That one in your arm..." Ron snorted, while the women giggle on his teasing. The Headmaster covered his laugh with cough, his eyes twinkled merrily.

Severus pale face becomes interesting shade of pink. It was so interesting and quite endearing at the same time (the women are gushing on him).

"****** it you ******* wolf!" He snarled.

"Severus! Languages!" Dumbledore chided.

"**** of!"

"Severus Tobias Snape! Mind your manners, young man!" Minerva scolded him.

Severus scowled. Unconsciously, his arm tightened around Harry, and he buried his face in Harry's hair, grumbling under his breath. They still can see his eyes, hidden a little by the unruly hair. Is he... pouting? Remus blinks. No... Of course not.......... no way, he really is pouting!

The women coos, making Severus glare viciously at them. Now is the time! Remus snapped a couple of picture so fast, and then banished the camera to his home. He looks so innocent when Severus glares at him suspiciously.

"How is he doing Poppy?" Albus's voice thick with concern.

"The shield that he conjured managed to deplete his magic. Well, that should be obvious, as the shield did manage to cover everyone from that basted curse..."

"Except that he forgot to protect himself. Of course, always the stupid, foolish, brave Gryffindor." Severus cut with full of chastising.

"Yes, thank you Severus. Like the Professor said, he forgot to cover himself within the shield, thus he was caught in the blast. The impacts when he collides with the wall manage to give him a concussion and two cracked ribs. We managed to past trough the critical part. Now, we just have to deal with his depleted magic and wait for his ribs and concussion to fully heal."

Several people let out their relieved sigh. Even the Headmaster seems to be relaxed a bit. They were startled when Harry snuggle deeper to the Potion Master's chest and let out a big dreamy sigh. Ron covers his chocked laughter with a cough while Remus sniggers behind his hand.

Severus's face grew even redder. He mumbles something incoherently and hide his face in Harry's ruelly hair.


This chapter is kind of short, sorry it took me a long time to update (=..=)

the internet line here are suck! it's as if I'm living in a forest or a cave. and plus the fact that I'm trying to grasp what I'm learning this semester.. trust me, It's already week 10 for my semester, and I still don't know what I'm supposed to understand from the topic that I'm learning... damn...

Drama Queen;


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