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His head feels heavy, there is a distinct pain on the back of his head. He opened his eyes only to closed them back when he was assault with a bright light. He tried to move his right hand to cover his face, but the small movement makes his shoulder and ribs hurt badly. A small groan slip from his mouth.

There's a rustling sound, then someone pulled the curtain to cover around his bed(thanks merlin!). The stiffness of his body are making him uncomfortable, and the dizziness are making him feel nausea.

"Stop moving!" Someone chided him softly. His voice somehow manage to calm Harry. A warm hand touched his forehead, caresing a bit, moving his hair.

"How are you feeling?" The voice are silky and deep.

"Don't feel good." He manage to slurred. His throat feels raw. The nausea begin to increased.

He heard a soft sigh, then the hand on his forehead was gone, he whimpered. Then, a hand snake around his shoulder and lifting him gingerly. A body slowly sliding behind him, and he just realised how cold he is when the warmth begin to spread from his human warmer.

Harry's head lolled on the man's shoulder. Some strand of silky hair tickling his cheek. He can smell a scent of something smokey, lavender, sandalwood, and a distinct scent of coffee, making his nausea faded. A small smile form on his lips, he snuggled deeper.

There's a grunt, and a hand begin to massage his bare chest slowly, spreading some kind of ointment on him. He shuddered. Another hand snaked around his waist to hold him. The pain on his ribs and shoulder are fading.

"Go back to sleep."

"Can't. Head's hurt." He murmured. He scrunched his face, trying to open his eyes again.

"Don't. Just close your eyes and relax."

'How can I relax when you are so close to me?! Try to reduce your sexiness, then maybe I can!' Harry rant in his head. The dizziness and the throbbing head begin to annoyed him.

The arm around his waist tighten a bit and he heard someone humming. He snuggled deeper to the man's chest. It vibrate distinctly and the body behind him begin to rocking back an forth slowly.

"How is he Severus?" He heard Madam Pomfrey hushing voice.

"Just his head and a nausea, Poppy." Severus' chest vibrate when he spoke. He listen to the calm heartbeat that lulling him into the darkness (yesssss... the only good 'dark side')

"I can't give him another pain-releaver. We've just gave him one in a big dose  and a dozen of potions an hour ago."

"Calm down, woman. There's no need to fret." Severus rolled his eyes. Poppy huffed.

Small snores cut their bicker. Both of their attention snapped to the ruelly haired boy who are sleeping contently in severus' arms. Severus' face morphed into annoyance while Poppy cooed.

'Blasted boy! What in the name of Merlin was he thinking?! Why does Griffyndor have to be foolish and brash? Can't he just be  anormal brat like the other! No! Of course not! He is Harry-Bloody-Potter! Does he have to..'

"Now, now Severus, you are thinking too loud. You might awake Harry." Dumbledore cut his ranting(in his head). His twinkling blue eyes soften when he see Harry in Severus' arms.

Behind the Headmaster, the Weasley boy is smirking at him. Severus can practically hear Minerva, Poppy and the Know-It-All giggling at the background. He grit his teeth.

"How is he?" Ron ask the Potion Master.

"Still alive." Severus sneer.

"Severus! Be serious!" Dumbledor chided.

"No." Severus deadpanned. There's a bark of laughter and some snickers.


I do want to write longer, I really do!
But I can't decide either to make Sirius alive or not...
I just.. can't decide...

Can any of you make a suggestion? I'll pick the first suggestion..
either "ALIVE"  OR  "DEAD".

Thank you for reading 😀😀


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