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It's Sunday morning, the sun shine bright, accompanied by the melody of the birds chirping. It's the second day of October, yet the chills of the November can already been felt within the wind. Yet, a scowling, brooding Potion Master can be seen seated between the (twinkling) Headmaster and a (brightly smiling) Professor Lupin. A black owl can be seen perching on the dark clad Professor right shoulder; preening the man's hair.

"Stop glaring at the package, Severus. You might set it on fire. Just open it, I can't wait to see what is it this time." The Headmaster looks like a child that high on sugar. It make Severus leveled his sneer to old man this time.

Remus chuckle, this is the sixth gifts that Severus got. He did not know what gifts that Severus got other than Midnight and the expensive potion kit, but he does know Shadow's struggles every time that man try to think on what he wanted to give to Severus. Then, watching the Potion Master reactions every time either the packages or the letters come are quite comforting. It reminds him that Severus is a human and capable of emotions. It's kind of cute and endearing to tease him or his pseudo godson till they are red like a ripe tomato.

"Don't looks like that Severus, you can't deny that the gifts that the person sent are unexpected and quite exciting. Can't blame the Headmaster if he is excited." Remus's grin was answered with an annoyed 'huff'. That just make him grin more.

"Go and play blocks with your Potter brat, Wolf!" he snarled.

"Hmm... Can't Severus, he's still resting in the hospital wing. Perhaps you should give him more of your hug therapy." His brown eyes twinkle madly. He tried to hide his grin behind his goblet.

"I DID NOT HUG HIM!!" Severus snarls. Remus chuckles while raising his hands in defeating manner. Albus was trying to hide his laugh between his cough.

Severus glares at Remus darkly. Then, he turn to look at his package for a long time before he let out a small sigh.

"I don't understand, Remus..." He murmured. His hand lingered on the still perfectly wrapped packaged. He feel... confused! And he hate that!

"What is it that you don't understand?" Remus asked calmly. His focused are still on his breakfast. However, Severus knows that man interests are on their conversation.

"Why me?" He hates this! How he sound so confused! He sounds so naïve, like a child who can't understand the world... He hates how he sounds so...human...

"I honestly can't answer that, Severus. Because Shadow is not me... Have you tried to ask him?"

"Ask him?"

"Yeah, have you?" this time Remus turn to peered at Severus.

"How the f*ck am I supposed to do that?" He scowled. He can hear Minerva scolding him for swearing from the background.

Remus eyebrows went up in surprised. He stares at the Potion Master without discreet.

"What?!" Severus hissed.

"You do know you have an owl who was in fact, know who shadow is right? Besides, I don't think that Shadow would mind if you send him letters to voice your curiosity. In fact; I think he would be happy if you do that."

Severus face went blank. Why the f*cking hell haven't he thought that?! He feel like banging his head on the table.

"Severus." Remus lips are twitching.

"What?!" Severus snarl, he glare darkly at the werewolf.

"He's right you know." Remus grin.

"Huh?" He couldn't cover the confusion on his face.

"You're cute." The Headmaster laughs outwardly at Remus's statement while Severus sputters.


The clock chime three times, alerting Severus that it's already past midnight. His gaze lost in the blazing flame in the fireplace. He cradles a mug of hot cocoa in between his hands. His mind flew somewhere else, trying to remember any hint from his conversation and the werewolf this morning.


"Who are you talking about, Wolf?!" He growls. That man's chuckles only infuriating him more.

"Well, of course about..." He was cut with the Headmaster cough. He smile sheepishly.

"It is not your place, Remus. Remember that." For once, the Headmaster sound serious.

"Of course Headmaster, my apologize Severus. I shouldn't say more. I forgot myself while enjoying in teasing you." Remus sound apologetic.

Severus scowls at him. He ignores both of them with a conflict feeling and pays his attention to his package. There's another black rose. This is the fifth black roses that he got. The roses were rarely come with his gifts... in fact; this is only the second time. He usually found the roses on his table in his office. But, somehow that did not make him feel unguarded at all. He can't understand how 'Shadow' make him feel save even when he literally trespassing the Potion Master region.

Severus mouth was pressed into a thin line. He gathered the packaged and excused himself to his class. His mind wandered off all the way to the dungeons... with a black owl nestles on his shoulder.


A heavy sigh fell from his mouth. He bow his head and press the warm mug to his forehead. He let the dark and rich cocoa aroma to calm his nerves.

"What should I do?" His whispered were engulfed by the crackling sound of the burning woods in the fireplace.  


yessss!!! 'what should I do?!'

I have 2 assignment that should be due in 2 weeks, yet, none in progress!! (TT_TT)

sorry that it took me along time to update, I caught a bad summer flu due to dehydration.

see you soon;


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