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He let his focus back to the Headmaster. He drop his mask before massaging his temple. Suddenly, he doesn't look like a 16 year old teenager anymore. He look like a weary war veteran. His green eyes represent his sorrow, but only for a glimpse before it was masked again with the weariness.

He shouldn't feel sad. They only want him live so that he can kill 'him'. So there's no need to feel remorsed. He had accepted his destiny a long time ago. Either to be murdered or a murderer....

"I don't think it's important, sir."

"Are you an idiot, Potter?! You..."

"Severus!" Dumbledore admonished making the Potion Master grit his teeth.

"Harry, child.. please, tell us the truth." McGonagall speak softly. He never heard his Head of House spoke like that.

What to tell? He's just a pawn. A weapon. Does he even have reason to tell. He already swore to embrace death after he killed Voldie. To accept his true freedom. Even if it will be death. So what a little pain can do to him?

"Look, there's nothing to tell. I'm alive aren't I? I'll make sure to survive.. at least till I kill him I guess..." He tried to grin, but it only come out as a grimace.

"Harry, have I known, my boy.." Dumbledore lowered his head.

"It's all my fault! If I had listened to Minerva, you wont be suffering. I should have done better, my boy." Harry let out a small sigh.

He look straight into Dumbledore's dull blue eyes. It's slightly watery.

"I have already forgave you, Headmaster. In fact, I have forgave you a long time ago. I have already accept the reason for me to be alive.. I don't see what a little pain can do to me.."

"Harry.." Professor Flitwick sound broken. Professor Sprout and McGonagall were crying.

Seriously, he don't understand. Why are they hurt?

"May I take my leave, Headmaster?" At Dumbledore little nod, he stand to leave. Before he could step outside, he heard Dumbledore asked him a very obvious queation.

"May I asked you, my boy? What do you mean by 'your reason to live?"

"To kill Voldemort, Sir. What else? That is the only reason why I live. After that, I welcome Death with open arm."

Behind the closed door, he heard Severus intake of breath. Maybe from hearing Voldie's name. But why was Professor Sprout sobbing? And why are Professor McGonagall and Flitwick shouting at Dumbledore?

He just shrug it off and went to the Gryffindor Common Room.


Harry let out a big sigh. He rub his eyes, they've became much more tired than usual. He leaned back to the armchair, the fire crackling and makes him warm; despite wearing a sweater, he still feel the chill in the common room trough his bones. Maybe he should follow Hermione advices to eat more. Does he really need more flesh to beat Voldie? He scoff.

"Do i want to know what in your mind?" Hermione perch on his right side of his armchair. Ron dropped down in front of him and proceed to lean on Harry's feet making himself comfortable.

Hermione began to petting Harry's hair, making him leaned into her warmth side. She smirk, her little brother (in all but blood) are so cat-like! Sometimes she wonder, is that what makes Crookshanks like Harry? Harry noticed her grinning and scowl, but still did not budge from her petting.

"A Sickle for your tought?" Hermione continue to ask when he keep silent.

"Maybe it's about his Dark Prince." Ron snickers, making Harry kicked his shoulder.

"If only..." He grumble.

This time, it was Hermione who sigh.

"Have you told him?"


"Just tell him mate! Summon your Gryffindor bravery, and do it!"

"Yeah Harry! You need to make a move!"

"GINNY!" Three of them chorused together, shocked by Ginny who suddenly perched on Harry's left side.

"You shocked us!"

"Sorry 'Mione." Her grin does not look apologetic at all.

Ron rolled his eye. He turned back to gazed the fireplace letting his sister put her foot on his left shoulder. The warmth in the common room making him sleepy.

"So..... what is your plan?" She asked when she is done making herself comfortable. Ron have started doving off.

"What plan?" Hermione ask while Harry raised his right eyebrow at Ginny.

"Why, to confess of course!" Ron was startled when Ginny clapped her hand.

"Who wanted to confess?" His eyes snapped open.

"It's Harry!"

"Really mate?! Oh, finally!" Hermione giggled.

"I am not!" His face are burning, why is it suddenly hot in here?!

"You ARE going to, Harry."

"Yep, he IS going to! Aren't you, Harry?" Ginny was grinning like a cheshire cat.

Harry groaned and hide his face in his hand. He leaned his elbow to his knee. His face is so hot right now. Hermione patted his back in sympathetic way, but her eyes shone with mirth. He can hear Ginny's giggling.

"Why wont wou wourt whim?" Ron ask while yawning. He stretch his back.

"....what?" Harry and Ginny ask simulatiously.

"Of course! Why haven't I think about it! You're a genius Ron!"

"Wha........?" Harry and Ginny face gone blank.


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