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"Lemon drop"

When the gargoyle step aside, Harry climbed the spirrall staircase. He raised his hand to knock the door.

"Come in Harry." Harry rolled his eyes, that man always know everything.

When he step inside, he was met with all four head of houses. Harry stilled his track. He smiled politely to greet the Professors. His eyes lingered a bit at the scowling man that was leaning on the wall besides the Deputy Headmistress. Snape didn't look at him at all. In fact, he was scowling fiercely at the wall behind the Headmaster, making the persons in the potraits cowered into each other potrait.

Harry avert his eyes toward the Headmaster while putting his blank mask.

"You were calling for me headmaster?"

"I did, Harry. Have a seat my boy" Professor Dumbledore gesture towards the chair on Professor Flitwick's right.

Harry flash a small grin to his Charm Professor before taking a seat. On the left side of Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout smiled warmly at him, he smiled back politely.

"Tea, Harry?" Dumbledore offered, in which Harry declined politely.

"How was your day, my boy?"

"Why don't you just straight to the point, Headmaster? Why do you want to see me?" Harry smiled serenely.

"Whatch it potter! You're talking to the Headmaster!" Snape snarled at him.

"I know Professor." Harry retord while grinnig cheekily at Snape, making the dour man scolws fiercer at him. Harry though that it was cute.

Professor Mcgonagall and Sprout hide their smile while Flitwick and the Headmastr chuckled, though Dumbledore chuckled much merrier with his annoying twinkling blue eyes.

"Now, now my boys. Please don't flirt in this room. The love petals will make me dizzy." Dumbledore teased them before he winked at Harry.

McGonagall and Sprout giggled while Flitwick and Harry laugh when they saw the Potion Master blushed. If look can kill, Snape would make the Headmaster choke on his lemon drop. Or maybe he would be creatif by strangling the old man with his own beard! He glared at the wall while fumed silently, avoiding eye contact with the peoples inside the room.

"Now Harry, i called you today to ask you something about...." His talk was cut short when the floo flare into green and Madam Pomfref step out from it.

"I apologies because i'm late, there's a student who cought a flu."

"I'ts okay Poppy, we were just beginning... As I were saying, I called you here to ask you about your relatives, Harry." Dumbledore peered down from his glasses to look at Harry's face that have morphed into a stony blank mask.

"What's with them?" Harry's asked calmly.

"Two weeks ago, after you fell from your broom, Madam Pomfrey attend you at the hospital wing. She found a rather... unexpected.. things... would you care to enlighten us as from where you got all that scars?" The twinkles in Dumbledore eyes were gone. The sky soft blue colour now morphed indo hard storm blue.

"What makes you think that the scars are relate to the Dursley?" Harry's green eyes were blazing but his face were still blank.

"Harry.."Mcgonagall began. Snape cut her off.

"We're not stupid Potter! Why do you want to defend those muggles?!" He spat the word.

Harry look at Snape. His eyes blaze with anger that makes Severus shiver. But then, the green eyes notice how delicious his Potion Master flush that makes him smirk internally.


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