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Hermione snatch his still full plate of breakfast just in time when Harry let his head fall on the table with a loud 'thunk'. Ron let out a 'huff' and proceed to gobbled I mean eat his breakfast. Hermione rolled her eyes on their antics.

"Eat your breakfast, Harry. Ron! Eat slowly!"

"Yes mother.." You can practically heard the eyerolled in their voice.

"So.... how is it?" Ginny asked in excited hushing voice from beside Hermione. Her eyes twinkle with excitement. Lavender and Parvati shove a bit by Hermione's other side, smiling like a cheshire cat. Luna was sitting by Harry's other side, eating her breakfast calmly with a knowing smile on her fae.

"Ugh... Please don't asked me." Harry let out a groan.

"You just have to wait. Be a little more optimist." Hermione said in her 'a-matter-of-fact' tone. She began butterin her toast.

"Yeah.. look at the bright side! At least, if he kill me, I've already done my will." Harry deadpanned.

"That's good mate! Who will get your Firebolt?" The big smile on Ron's face could have fooled everyone if they did'nt see the teasing glint on his eyes. Ginny giggled.

"Oh, ha ha.. very optimistic, boys.." Really, Hermione's eyeroll can challenge the infamous Snape's Eyebrow! But never his scowl! Never!

Harry's eyes wondered on the High Table, watching the teachers having their breakfast. Today is Saturday, so no classes. But the Great Hall is still full with students with the ghosts roaming in between them. The students began to take the breakfast very seriously after Hermione gave the a lecture about eating a healthy and balance diet during their first day of Special Defence Club (SDC).

He watched like a hawk (descreetly..maybe) when he noted a man claded with a black duel robes walk in the Hall towards the High Table. Majority of the student are wearing the same fitting robes with different colors and different design. Harry's robes are in dark forest green while Ron's in dark red. The Twins make it their responsibilities to buy their younger siblings school things to reduce their parents burdents.

A month ago, during the welcoming feast, the Headmaster announced that there will be a new club; Special Defence Club, that will be lead by Professor Snape, Flitwick and Harry. Harry; at that time, who doesnt know anything about the new club, have gone fully blank. Ron swore that Harry's face would look like a good 'dumb-man' sculpture, while Hermione thought that she saw the twinkle in the Headmaster eyes became merrier.

Today will be their second day for their club activities (their first are only for the introduction and etc..). The SDC are limited only for fifth year and above. Ron noted that the lower years are looking at the upper year with envy in their eyes.

'Well you wont, if you know how slave-driving can Harry be. He can be worst than Sn-... Professor Snape.. Trust me.' Ron smiled wryly.

He glance at the raven hair boy who looks like he was undressing the Potion Master in his mind. He look at his girlfriend, only to noted that she and the girls are giggling at Harry's antic. He snorted.

"If you're done oggling at his ass, you could see that the mails are coming." Ron murmured.

It was fascinating to watch Harry's face turning beet red then to blue and lastly white-ish pale when he noted the owls that begin to fill the air, looking for their mails reciever. Luna pat his hand for consolation but it did'nt have any effect on Harry's nerve. Ron pat Harry's shoulder once than proceed to eat while making sure that he got a full view of Professor Snape without no one noticing.

Suddenly his focus of view was blocked by a blond head. He scowl.

"Damn it Malfoy! You are blockig the view! Move your big head a bit!" Ron hissed.

Draco raised his eyebrow, but still moving his head like Ron's asked.

"Is something going to happened?" He asked his girlfriend in a hush tone when he noticed Harry's soul are practically leaving his body trough his mouth. He found it really amusing.

"Oh yes~ Something veeerryy interesting are going to happened. Just wait and see." She purred making a shiver come up on Draco's spine.

He glared at her oh-not-so-innocent face before following Ron's view, looking at his brooding godfather. He raised his eyebrow when he notice a beautiful owl with jet black night color feather land in front of his godfather. Smirking, he turned to Harry.

"Finally, grew a back bones are'nt you Potter?"

"If only.." Ron snort.

"Oi!" Harry scowl.


Sverus scowl at the elegant creature when it landed in front of him, disturbing his conversation with Minerva.

He raised his (infamous) eyebrow at the creature.

"Hoot." (Guess who 😂)

"I think you have a wrong person." Severus sneer.

"Hoot, hoot!" *scowl* (note: the owl, not Severus)

"Me?" His eyebrow went higher, there was confusion written on his face.

"Hoot, hoot."

"Are you sure?" He was a little bit sceptical.

"Hoot!" The owl bobbed it head up and down. It raised one of it leg so Severus can untie the parcel.

Severus scowl at the Deputy Headmistress when he heard she laughing.

"I never knew that you know owls language Severus!" She laugh merrier when she note the pink tinge on the dour man cheek.

"Shut up, you tabby cat!"

I wanted to continue, but it is 11.50 pm right now, and my eyes are soo heavy..

I had a loooong day today, so I think, I'll be a good girl and have an early night...

Btw, can you guys guess who is Draco's girlfriend? 😏😏😏


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