chapter 3: the first day

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~monday morning~

j pov//

everything was laid out the night before. my hair was straight, i was all dressed in my black jeans and white long sleeved crop top with my adidas. i was ready for the day.

i would be walking to school since its so close. that's pretty new. i've always drove to school so this will be weird.

i slipped on my glasses. my vision was pretty blurry without them. i hated to wear them but i needed to.

throughout the walk i took notice of the new town.  it was small but i liked it. i think i'm gonna have a good time here.

i looked forward and i could see the school now. i was so nervous. i was gonna be that girl that had no idea where she was going.

i walked into the building and it was pretty big but not lot of people. im so nervous. i saw mac and tinus and went up to them.

j-"hey guys!"

marcus-"hey j. i almost didnt recognize you with you glasses on."

tinus-"they look cute."

wow i was blushing now.


i looked around. i felt so lost and confused. it was all so new. i could feel my stomach in knots form all the nerves.

martinus-"it's okay don't be nervous. we will be right by your side."

i smiled again at him and he did too. his smile made me feel so much better, much safer too. i looked over at marcus and he was smiling too.

marcus-"can we see your schedule?"

i nodded my head and handed it to them. they scanned it quicky and both smiled. please be in my classes.

martinus-"looks like we have most classes all together. there are a couple where it's just or just marcus but you won't be alone."

marcus-"you have english with both of us first so we can take you there."


i followed the two of them to the classroom. i looked the room and everyone was looking at me. it was pretty clear i was new and i expected this.

i've never been the new girl so i don't know what to expect. i'm hoping this will all go okay, but i'm not sure. you never know what will happen. 

everyone settled in and the bell rung. the teacher came in and she looked friendly. she came over to me and greeted me.

teacher-"okay everyone class has started. we have a new student. j why don't you stand up and tell us something about yourself."

j-"um okay."

i stood up and faced the class. i could feel the blood rushing to my face. let's hope i don't stutter or anything.

j-"i'm j and i came from new york. i like to play soccer and listen to music and yea."

i sat down. martinus smiled again at me. my face still rosy pink. i tried to focus as best as i could on the teacher. it was english so this can't be that bad. can it?

the new girl in town\martinus g.\Where stories live. Discover now