chapter 27: laugh

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j pov//

i woke up to martinus right by my side. we both fell asleep next to each other.

i was so happy to be with him. i mean for a second i thought i lost martinus forever. i didnt know if i could be able to forgive him.

thats all in the past though isn't it? i know he won't do that again.

martinus-"sleep well?"

i turned to martinus. he must have just woken up. i smiled towards him and nodded my head.


j-"hey is lena still here?"

martinus-"lets go check. she doesnt have anywhere else to go!"

thats right. does that mean she will be staying here for break? we have holidays right now.

we both got out of bed and crept down the hallway. martinus opened marcus door and we both sneaked inside.

lena and marcus were both sound asleep. we went closer to them.

j-"okay how are we gonna wake them?"

i whispered so the two of them wouldnt wake up. i know both are very heavy sleepers, so we need to think of a way to get them up.

martinus-"okay on the count of three we jump on the bed."


martinus-"three, two, one!"

we both started to jump on the bed. soon enough the two of them sprung up and were awake.

both martinus and i stared to laugh like crazy. the two of them both took their pillows and started to hit us with them.

marcus-"you guys are the worst!"

j-"only cause we love you!"

lena-"j you suck."

martinus-"come on lets go eat. im hungry!"

we all got up and went downstairs. mr. gunnarsen was there and he brought bagels for all of us! he is the nicest.

we all sat down at the table and got the bagels out and were just laughing and talking.

marcus-"so what should we do today guys?"

lena-"well i dont know anything around here. i just got here."

martinus-"good idea!"


j-"yeah what?"

martinus-"lets show you around lena."

lena-"oh that sounds fun!"

j-"come on lets go get ready!"

i took lena upstairs and pulled her into martinus room. thats where my stuff was anyways.

we got changed real quick so the boys could get ready as well.

we got downstairs and sat on the couch.

j-"so what happened last night?"

lena started to blush.

lena-"nothing really we just cuddled and he held me before going to sleep. it was honestly so sweet. he is such a great guy j."

j-"aw lena im so glad you are happy with him."

lena-"j i dont want to get my hopes up. you know if things dont work out."

j-"lena, be confident. he likes you a lot. i can tell."

lena-"you really think so?"

j-"i know so."

she smiled. she gave me a hug. i really did miss my best friend.

i looked past her and i could see marcus and martinus both peering in and listening to our conversations.

j-"boys are spying. follow my lead."

she nodded her head. i cleared my throat.

j-"i thought of the perfect prank for the boys!"

lena-"oo tell me!"

j-"we are gonna fill their hair products with dye!"

lena-"and we can make it hot pink!"

j-"we are gonna get them so bad!"

lena-"i always wondered what marcus would look like with pink hair!"


the two of them cane running out. both lena and i were laughing like crazy. they actually fell for it!

lena-"got you!"

marcus-"oh thank god."

martinus-"i would not want pink her."

j-"you would look cute with it!"

we all started to think of the twins with pink her and were laughing. i hope we never stop laughing.


why do people copy my exact titles, covers and storylines! :(

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