chapter 2: the dinner

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marcus pov//

ive never seen martinus get so worked up over a girl before. she must be really cool or something to get him to indecisive about cologne! he has been standing here spraying himself for five minutes now.

marcus-"jeez do you have enough axe on?"

i coughed at the cloud of axe forming in the room. he looked so nervous and he was already sweating. man i've never seen him like this.

martinus- "i need tonight to go well."

i was watching the clock carefully. it's almost seven so she will be here soon. i was standing by the window outside.

i never noticed that balcony on the neighbor's house. martinus had a pretty clear view of the neighbors next door. i'm assuming that's this new girl martinus is talking about.

marcus-"ive never noticed that balcony on the house next door."

he stopped what he was doing and stood next to me. he was looking at it as well. suddenly a girl walked out on the balcony.

i saw martinus' eye pop out. he smiled cheek to cheek. i'm assuming that's the new girl.

martinus-"thats her!"

i had a feeling it was her. he was looking at her for a quite a while. i was looking at her too. martinus was right she was cute.

she suddenly looked over at us. her eyes became wide and she seemed nervous. she went back into her room. maybe we scared her off?

it is kind of creepy because we were watching her. i would be freaked out too. we both went back to getting ready.

i still had to get dressed myself. i went off into my room and did my hair and put on some fresh clothes.
i tried not to make myself match too much with martinus.

i could hear the doorbell ring, soon after i could hear martinus running down the stairs to go answer. i guess she is here. this is going to be one interesting dinner isn't.

j pov//

my hair was finally straight and i brushed it though one last time. i layed out my outfit jeans and my favorite sweater with my adidas sneakers.

tonight has to be perfect. im not a huge makeup person but i put some on. i wanted to look pretty for the boys. especially martinus.

i need some air. i noticed i had a balcony. i always wanted that in my room. most of my room was in boxes, and it all felt so stuffy.

i went outside and looked around. the nature is absolutely breathtaking. the views i had were stunning.

i looked over and i could see them. marcus and martinus. there they were right across from me. it most be marcus' or martinus' room. i was looking right at them.

they were staring at me and i was looking at them. i felt so weird here. i quickly went back inside to get ready.

my heart was pounding. i felt so nervous all the sudden. i don't want to make a fool of myself at this dinner. i can't have my idols think i'm weird or something.

i was doing final touches with my looks. i sent out a few snapchats for my friends. i missed them so much. man i wish i was back home.

my thoughts were interrupted when my mom called me that it was time to go. well at least we aren't far from each other. just a walk next door.

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