chapter 5: smiles

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marcus pov//

i was watching martinus. he was nervously looking at the clock and i could tell he was worried about j. i was too. where did she go?

marcus-"i'm sure she is fine. maybe she just went home. elena did hurt her hand. when school is over we can go by her house and check."

martinus-"yea you are right."

the rest of the day went by pretty fast for me. i could tell martinus is stressing out. i think that's a sign of him liking her, he really cares about her and to see him so worried it means something. 

we were by our lockers. he was throwing books in his bag and random other things. he needs to slow down.

marcus-"so when are you asking j out?"

he stopped what he was doing. froze in motion. he turned to me and looked at me like i was crazy.

martinus-"she doesn't think of me like that marcus."

marcus-"oh really? i happen to think otherwise."

martinus-"you think she likes me?"

marcus-"i can't say for certain but i have a lot of faith. i say you go for it. you will regret it if you don't."

he looked at me and looked back down at his bag that he was picking up. he started to walk so i did too.

martinus-"i don't know marcus. isn't it too soon? it's been what three days or so?"

marcus-"who cares. time doesn't matter. your feelings do."

martinus-"yea you are right."

i could tell he was thinking about it. i want him to be happy and i can tell she likes him and i am certain he likes her. he's my brother, i know when he is crushing on a girl.

we walked to her house. surprisingly when we knocked on the door her mom answered.

j's mom-"hello boys! how are you?"

i was shocked to see her home.

martinus-"is j here?"

j's mom-"yes she's up in her room. i'm a little worried about her between you and me. the nurse called me and explained what happened. this move has been hard on her."

marcus-"yea we have noticed. we just wanted to make sure she is okay."

j's mom-"come on in she is upstairs in her room."

martinus-"thank you."

we both walked up the stairs and martinus looked nervous again. we knocked on the door but we didn't hear an answer.

we both opened the door and we saw j on her bed. she was lying down but she wasn't moving! oh god oh god.

martinus-"marcus marcus!"

martinus ran over and started to touch her and shake her. suddenly her eyes stood wide opened and has jumped up in fear as well as we did.

j-"what the hell are you doing martinus!"

martinus-"omg i'm sorry i thought you were passed it."

j-"didn't you hear me breathing?"

marcus-"i'm sorry we acted fast."

j-"man you guys really scared me."

martinus-"we are sorry."

she was breathing really hard and i could tell she was  very scared. martinus sat down next to her and put his hand on her back.

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