chapter 21:family

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~next day~

j pov//

everything was going great! the boys and i were having an amazing time. marcus was playing xbox downstairs and still obsessing over all the games and stuff and martinus-

actually where is martinus? i walked downstairs and saw martinus in the living room looking at my photos. i snuck up behind him.


i yelled as i bear hugged him from behind. i kissed him on the cheek. he was looking at my photo albums.

tinus-"you are absolutely the cutest little baby ever! you were so tiny and so cute i cant get over it!"

j-"aw stop it i love you!"

tinus-"i love you more."

i sat down next to him and started to point out some of the pictures. he was looking at one of me laying down on the big pink bear stuffed animal.

j-"that was my favorite stuffed animal."

tinus-"you are so little and cute. but way cuter now."

he smirked. we were about to come close to each other and kiss. i missed his lips.

right as we were about to kiss the doorbell rang. ugh way to ruin a moment. i got up from where i was sitting.

martinus and marcus got up as well to see who was there. i opened the door and my big brother charlie was standing there.

j-"charlie! what are you doing here."

i gave him a huge hug. he came inside and shut the door behind him. i was so happy to see him. seeing marcus and martinus made me miss my own siblings.

charlie-"i cant come visit my baby sister! when i heard you were back in town and with two guys i had to come over! who are these two guys that have stole my sister's heart!"

j-"charlie meet marcus and martinus."

i looked at martinus. he looked a little nervous with my brother being here. he shouldn't be, he is so sweet. as long as he doesn't mess with him.

charlie-"wow twins! who's who?"

i looked to marcus first.

j-"this is marcus!"

mac-"well its nice to meet you! your game collection is something else."

he shook his hand when saying that. so formal.

charlie-"your an xbox person i see. well i guess your on! fifa it is. i know you are a soccer person lets see it then."

marcus-"your on!"

well it looks like they hit it off. hopefully he will like martinus. he turned to look at him next.

charlie-"you must be martinus then. you're the one who is making my sis so happy. nice to meet you."

they shook hands. martinus gave him a weary smile and didn't look him right in the eye.

tinus-"nice to meet you too."

charlie-"well i dont want to invade your space but i had to come buy and meet everyone. j i will see you soon. marcus and martinus it was nice meeting you guys. marcus? save me a game of fifa! martinus. treat my sister right and we have no problem."

j-"oh charlie hes perfect."

i kissed him on the cheek. he chuckled at that.

charlie-"well thats my cue to go. see you guys later."

i waved bye to him and shut the door. i was so happy that he stopped by.

marcus-"he is so nice!"

j-"i hope he didn't scare you guys too much."

tinus-"no of course not."

he said that nervously. it's cute when he is nervous.


we got back from dinner. all of us were so full we could hardly walk back home!

we all went back to my house and decided to watch a movie. i put on grown ups. it was one of my favorite movies.

marcus-"that was such a funny movie. im still laughing!"

tinus-"seriously how have we never seen this movie its too funny."

i yawned. i was so worn out from the day and still a little jet lagged from the flight. i wanted to stay up and call lena. she said she was going to come by tomorrow.

i turned to martinus who didn't look as tired.

j-"i'm gonna go upstairs. i'm really tired."

tinus-"okay babe i'll meet you up there."

j-"okay goodnight marcus."


i went upstairs to my room and got ready for bed. hopefully martinus would come up eventually. i got under the covers and my eyes started to close. 

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