chapter 15: Cuz' I'm lookin' like class and he's lookin' like trash.

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I went through my mental checklist one last time. I looked at my bags and gave myself a mental high five. 

“Ready?” Russell asked as he grabbed one of my bags. 

“Yep,” I replied as I grabbed another and we made our way over to his car. Ginger sat on the front seat. She lowered her window and waved at me.

“I’d so be helping you guys out but obviously I’m pregnant and that’s not safe for the baby,” Ginger said. I rolled my eyes. 

“Of course,” I replied. 

“Once you’re pregnant you’ll understand the worry,” Ginger said. I laughed and lifted my bag into the trunk. The trunk was already stuffed with junk. 

“How much junk are you guys taking?” I asked. 

“I’m pregnant!” Ginger yelled over.

“All Ginger’s stuff, this duffle bag is mine,” Russell said. I laughed and we both managed to shut the trunk. 

“This is going to be fun,” I said. My mind unwillingly went to James. I knew he was going to be there. I sighed and climbed into the back. Ginger turned over and gave me a sad smile. 

“How are you doing Mili dear?” She said. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. 

“I’m doing good Ginger,” I replied. 

“When did you last talk to James?” 

“ almost a month ago.” Ginger frowned. 

“Don’t worry love, I made a CD mix to distract you,” Ginger said. She pushed the CD in and No Scrubs by TLC began to play. I started laughing. 

“Thanks Ginger,” I replied. 

I sat on the plane. I told myself not to look, but I slowly looked over to my left shoulder. James sat on the seat across the row I was on. I got the window seat because my mom didn’t want it. James sat in the isle seat and his mom had the window seat. James was talking with my mom. I looked over and his blue eyes locked with mine. I froze and felt my breath get stuck. 

“Mili,” I heard someone say. My head snapped in their direction. It was Leo.

“Yeah?” I asked. 

“I asked how you were doing?” Leo asked. He was sitting in front of me. 

“Oh, I’m doing good. You?” I replied.

“Great,” he said. Then Ella popped her head. 

“We’re considering this our second honeymoon,” Ella said. I smiled. 

“Sickos,” I replied. They laughed and turned back around. I glanced back over to James and he was no longer talking to my mom. He was talking to his. I starred at the back of his head, I let out a sigh. My mother heard. 

“Oh Mili,” she said. 

“Hmmm?” I replied as I forced myself to look out the window. 

“If you love someone, you keep fighting for them,” she whispered over to me. 

“He wants space mom,” I whispered back. 

“Is that what you want?”


“Then fight Mili. I raised a fighter, not a wimp.” I smiled. 

“Thanks mom.”

“I love you Mili.”

“Love you too mom.”

“You deserve a guy like James, and he deserves a girl like you.” I leaned my head on her shoulder. Sometimes all you need is your mom. 

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